UTG goes all-in blind, crazy russian shoves - decision with KTo?
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 783
Had a situation where I was playing 1/2 live 6 handed at 1 am and the poker room was about to close. The UTG was having a bad night so he just shoves 200 pre before the cards are even dealt. Crazy russian is UTG and he is super gambly, he has gotten super lucky and his stack is up to about 2k and he has won hand after hand with junk etc. He just shoves and I think he would do this with nearly any hand since the 200 is in blind. My stack is 500 so I have pretty much the equivalent of 2.5 big blinds, I figure that its a standard call. What would you do in this situation?
Since it is a theory question and the results wont cause any flaws in your logical responses, I'll say that I called and what happened:
Another guy calls behind me with QQ and the blind shover has 77 and the russian has JJ.
Flop A5Q
Turn J
River Q
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 2,342
This really isn't a theory question. You should post your hand in the live poker forum.
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In Soviet Russia, cards play you!