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Taking advantage of every edge, or just your edge? Taking advantage of every edge, or just your edge?

02-03-2009 , 11:33 AM
There are many ways to win at this game, and whichever one works best for us we refer to as our "edge", that element that gives us an advantage at the table, whatever it is. There can be many edges, and to each their own. But there are also certain 'universal edges' that can exploited by just about anyone. However if you know you arent good at exploiting this edge, even though it's right there, are you better off not even trying, and just sticking to YOUR game no matter what?

For instance, I have a great deal of difficulty playing against maniac's. I tend to make the right reads, put them on the right ranges, but I just lack the tolerance for the variance when they suckout, or my marginal holding doesnt hold up against their marginal holding. I know there is an edge to be had there, and thats the fact maniac's are ultimately free money. But it's just not MY edge . And I can try and study and practice and whittle down a strategy to combat them, or I can just leave the table and go find another that more suits my playability, for instance a soft table full of weak tight's where I can stick and move and dodge the 5bet shoves and so forth.

Even if some guy is literally flipping for his stack every single hand, if his style of play disrupts mine, am I better off folding my tail between my legs and going elsewhere? Nobody minds running away from a table full of skilled opponents who can outplay you, because there is probably no edge to be had against them. The smart thing to do is leave. Can the same be said for ANY table in which you feel your strategy is no longer +EV?
Taking advantage of every edge, or just your edge? Quote
02-03-2009 , 02:59 PM
There isn't anything wrong with avoiding situations that make you uncomfortable, because it will negatively affect your play. However, you need to find some way to overcome your discomfort eventually because you are just giving up too much potential profit. In your case, try honing your anti-maniac skill set at lower stakes or at low buy-in SNG donk-fests.
Taking advantage of every edge, or just your edge? Quote
02-03-2009 , 04:47 PM
I have the same difficulty playing against maniacs for the same reason: they're there to flip stacks and get a dopamine high. A bad beat against a maniac could mean your stack, but against a weak-tight player it could just mean a small percentage of it.

If you play a straightforward game and use your natural edge with the quality of your cards, there's a chance that even a maniac might notice your nun style of play and be cautious.
Taking advantage of every edge, or just your edge? Quote
02-03-2009 , 05:06 PM
You need to ajust your bankroll / limits for wild games to handle the swings.
Taking advantage of every edge, or just your edge? Quote
02-03-2009 , 06:25 PM
there are many maniac in the game, and u can really outplay them if u know wut they are doing. I would not run away from them because I know I might face them in the future. But, poker is a situational game, u really have to handle every kind of situation well to become a good poker player.
Taking advantage of every edge, or just your edge? Quote
02-03-2009 , 08:07 PM
If you're serious about your poker, I think you should try to master every available edge. You wouldn't think much of a football team that only wanted to play teams with mediocre passing offences, or a baseball hitter who only liked high fastballs.

Learning to win with maniacs at the table will teach you valuable skills, skills that in more difficult games might mean the difference between winning and losing.

If you're not serious about your poker, then just have fun. When I hack around dribbling and shooting a basketball, the imaginary defender never does anything unexpected, and he goes for every fake. I like it that way. But I'm not serious about my basketball.
Taking advantage of every edge, or just your edge? Quote
02-04-2009 , 03:12 AM
Try this for starters: 1 in every 5 times you get a chance to play the way you know you should against a maniac, do just that. It's only 20% of the variance you would see doing that all the time, but you're still getting profit and slowly expanding your edge set.

Eventually, it'll be second-nature, you'll do it 5/5 times, and be richer for it all, despite the usual suckouts, etc.
Taking advantage of every edge, or just your edge? Quote
02-04-2009 , 01:54 PM
Recently a thread was started about position relating to a maniac. There was spirited discussion and I don't really want to rekindle that fire, but undoubtedly this post will. Sorry....

The maniac changes the dynamics at the table to the point that the hand hasn't "started" until the maniac has acted.

Relative position to the maniac is paramount. I have argued that sitting to the right of the maniac is the best position because you get to see how everyone else reacts b4 you have to. You have the opportunity to fold your medium strong hands when other players play back at the maniac and blast em when you are really strong. You can set mine with your small PP when the opportunity is right and get away when it's not.

See how you feel playing against the maniac from different positions. I think you'll find you have an easier time sitting to his immediate right.

Good Luck


PS-I know your seat is random.

Last edited by Lazurus Long; 02-04-2009 at 02:02 PM. Reason: PS
Taking advantage of every edge, or just your edge? Quote
02-04-2009 , 02:06 PM
Thanks all. My post wasnt meant to be specific to playing against a maniac, that was just my example of one area I lack an edge in. So I have just been avoiding it rather than stressing myself out. Wasnt sure how many of you pitch your table if it just isnt working out. Obviously table selection is a good thing, I just dont know where to draw the line between finding a good table for ME, and finding a good table for anyone that I just happen to suck at.
Taking advantage of every edge, or just your edge? Quote
02-04-2009 , 04:58 PM
Well, in general its easy to just switch tables if you feel you dont have an edge online. In lives games, you usually have to just deal with it the best you can so idk....i dont have much experience playing live, but i know online, if i dont like the table i just find another one. I do have a strategy for playing both maniacs and nits. Extracting money tends to be much easier from maniacs and is often like pulling teeth against nits..
Taking advantage of every edge, or just your edge? Quote
02-05-2009 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Vanity
I do have a strategy for playing both maniacs and nits.


You have to learn how to adjust your play to the table, not get away from them.

This is something I'm working on myself. For instance, the last two Saturdays I played in 1/2 casino games. They were as different as night and day. Both though took me out of my comfort zone. But I stayed with with them because each offered valuable lessons on how to play different in different (and sometimes difficult), situations.
Taking advantage of every edge, or just your edge? Quote
02-05-2009 , 11:11 AM
I love maniacs
Taking advantage of every edge, or just your edge? Quote
