Hey Guys,
I feel like this is a pretty basic question, so as a small-stakes-player I'm a bit embarassed to post it, but I cant answer it myself:
I'm reviewing my preflop-ranges from all positions and it was always a uncontested rule for me, that the suited aces with the wheel draw are "better" than the ones A-6s to A-9s. But is it really that simple? The additional wheel draw may make A-5s better than A-6s but what about hands with a huge kicker difference like A-9s compared to A-2s? And would you say, that this is positional dependend (e.g. when I open from MP and BB calls the wheel draw has more value, because the ranges are more narrow but BTN vs BB the value of a higher kicker increases due to wider ranges)?
I hope my question became somewhat clear