I have a post in the "beats " thread that I titled " I need to rant . " and I posted my bad beat that happened to me yesterday , and now everyone in the thread is calling me a fish.... Can someone tell me how bad I really
Played this hand ???

Villain- J4 off


The villain is a complete FISH! I check to him and slow play the entire hand .... He was betting, and I just wanted to call, I felt hitting him with a re-raise would scare him off the pot which I didn't want to happen... I wanted value He ends up hitting a full house runner , runner and I lose all of my money $200
Am I really an idiot for slow playing this hand and waiting for someone else to make a mistake ??? Or are the other people in the other thread just being negative ??? Some people were saying shove on the flop!!! There was 6 dollars in the pot, where is there value in shoving there when there is a fish behind me ??? I'll take any feedback guys , what would you REALLY have done there ?