Originally Posted by DaJony
Thanks guys, I'm still a little confuse.
Supose an extreme case and we always 3b and fold to 4b. At the end we are losing 700bb/100. But if we 5b with -3.5bb ev we end up with -350bb/100???
What is wrong with this?
Your -3.5bb is calculated at the time of your decision, i.e. right before your call. In my contrived example, your EV for calling is -1bb. Surely you can see that folding is better than calling, though, even though by your metric, folding is -99bb and calling is -1bb?
The deal is, if you called, you are losing 7bb + 3.5bb not 3.5bb.
The problem here is that you can calculate EV relative to any point in the hand you want. But if you want to compare actions to see which has the higher EV, you have to pick THE SAME SPOT.
For your -3.5bb EV, i.e. calling, you're calculating EV from the time of your decision. But when you call folding "-7bb" you're calculating it from the start of the hand. If you use the same point as the calling decision, then the EV of folding is 0.
If you fold, you will lose 0 more bb. If you call, you will lose 3.5 more bb.