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Rebuy Tourns! Rebuy Tourns!

11-26-2008 , 01:15 AM
What is the optimal strategy in the rebuy period of of an unlimited rebuys tourny? I have read so much stuff that contradicts the other.

Any advice thx
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11-26-2008 , 03:11 PM
I play them and have FT'd a few and almost won a few. But i always get a huge stack by break.

The $3 R and $5R and $10 are pretty much full of trash players. I pretty much shove AKs, AQ, not really AJ, and pretty much i like to shove 77 and up.

Dont think of it as a mtt, just play for FLips in b4 break. Its more profitable, and alot of times with the medium pairs people will call ur shoves with lower pair or Ax, and usally the X is a card lower than ur pair. But way too many people stack off with Ax

You will notice who the donks are, just my showdown hands. But its pretty easy, just win flips b4 the break and ull be fine.
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11-26-2008 , 03:30 PM
I believe you can play it like a loose cash game since you can refill if you felt.
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