Originally Posted by Water Man
If you put a bad player against a good player the bad player may win short term. Over thousands of hands however the good player will ALWAYS win.
We're not talking about good and bad here though. Thread is about feel vs math, and while the 'math guy' might theoretically better, there are obviously many 'feel guys' that are insanely good so it isn't necessarily obvious that one type is good and the other bad.
I asked 'WHY?' because he said the feel player WILL win short term, and the MATH player will win long term.
Why will the feel player win short term? Can't the math player come out on top in a single session?
And why does the math player have to win long term? Again, I don't think one style or approach to the game is necessarily better than the other.
Personally I think that I am something in between the two. I play a lot of tables and use a lot of stats on my HUD. This would be the math part in me. When I'm ranging villains or estimating my equity in a given spot I'm never really using complicated math because there isn't anytime for it. Rather, I make plays because they are 'standard' or they are just spots where I get into often enough that my 'feel' serves me well enough to make the correct decision most of the time anyway so wasting all those precious seconds on math would have dminishing returns while 24 tabling.