Need help from somone who good with working out EV problems.
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 24
Let's suppose my opponent raises with a known range preflop and I flop a flush draw. Is it possible to work out the EV of calling vs raising against this range for the whole hand? So for example we can assume our opponent will double barrel X, Y and Z turns but give up on A, B and C turns etc. I want to work out the EV of how the entire hand could play out not just the EV of the flop call or flop raise. Is this possible and how can it be done?
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 13,256
In theory, you could work out villain's calling, folding and raising frequencies on every possible runout... and you could sum/average the EV for each scenario, but it would take you forever. A 'solver' like PIO/GTORB/CREV would produce faster results.
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 12,070
It would take forever to do by hand. The more important thing to realize is where the ev is coming from when you play a hand. Sometimes you own (pot)^x where x is > 1. Those are the big money making spots. Most of the time, you own (pot)/x, which isn't so sweet, but still profitable nonetheless. Really junky hands even have showdown value if you think about it long enough. I once chopped a pot with the nut low. That's ev that cannot be denied as part of my winrate. In fact, every hand you play preflop, or make a play with postflop, should have a positive ev. If it doesn't then that means you missed a fold somewhere along the line.