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Low SnG PLO strategy Low SnG PLO strategy

11-28-2008 , 07:59 PM
I begin this thread by saying I've read the books and I've logged numerous hands, but I just can't seem to get past the variables in the low SnG PLO tables I've been playing, $.05-$.10 up to $.50-$1.00.

What I am finding is that most, if not all, tables have players playing LAG and becoming calling stations in order to hit their draws. Normally I would be fine with that because in the long run I would make more than I would lose, but I am finding there is never enough to bet to get the chasers off their draws and to make matters worse there is typically more than one chaser. I'm not going to give an example because I don't want anyone to say that its luck on the chasers part to hit their str8s, flushes, and fhs. I already know they are, but I would like to hear input on how to play against multiple chasers in a LAG game.

My question is what would be the most advantageous way to play against a table like this?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanx.

P.S. On a completely unrelated note.....Am I the only one who hates having to fold AAKKs when a flop like 457 two unrelated suits falls on the flop?
Low SnG PLO strategy Quote
11-28-2008 , 08:04 PM
I have to apologize. I mention SnG when it really isn't SnG I was talking about. What I meant to say was cash games. Sorry for the confusion.
Low SnG PLO strategy Quote
11-28-2008 , 08:10 PM
From what I have read on PLO and the only real book dedicated solely to it that I have read was Jeff Hwangs PLO, which is great btw, draws is what it is all about. You have the odds to draw out usually you just have to be the one on the draws. I won't go into a lot of strategy, because everything I would say is in Jeff's book. It is 15$ and I highly recommend it.
Low SnG PLO strategy Quote
11-28-2008 , 10:49 PM
Yeah, from my experience, draws are what it's all about in this game. Much more so in PLO than in holdem. Doesn't really matter what your made hand is on the flop or how hard you bet it, someone with a 16 card nut straight with backdoor flush, etc, is coming along for the turn whether you like it or not. Another vote for Hwang's book. It pays for itself really fast.
Low SnG PLO strategy Quote
12-01-2008 , 02:49 AM
Thanks for the advice on the book.

Also both of you are absolutely right on when it comes to draws.....Maybe it's frustration due to my hands not holding up.......If what they say is true about things evening out in the long run, I have to say I'm freakin due.

Thanx again.
Low SnG PLO strategy Quote
