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If Villain is +EV, Hero is  always -EV? If Villain is +EV, Hero is  always -EV?

04-12-2014 , 03:39 PM
Hero AA
Villain 56
Board: 34KQ
Pot: 10$
Stack left: 2$

Villain has 18% equity
0.18($12) + .88(-$2) = Villain's EV
$2.16 - $1.76 = $0.40

If Villain makes money on his call does it mean that we are losing money?
If we were 3handed (with other villain's money) we are still losing money?
If Villain is +EV, Hero is  always -EV? Quote
04-12-2014 , 03:53 PM
No, sometimes you are both +EV. This mostly happens when there is significant money already in the pot.

Hint: what is hero's EV here?
If Villain is +EV, Hero is  always -EV? Quote
04-12-2014 , 04:56 PM
If we are not betting Hero's EV should be 0,82*10= 8.2$
if Hero bets the EV should be
0,82*(12) - 0,18 (2) = 9,48$

So Qtip is def wrong, quoted from his book:
" Villain makes money with his call. That means we're losing money"
If Villain is +EV, Hero is  always -EV? Quote
04-12-2014 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by 4-Star General
" Villain makes money with his call. That means we're losing money"
We're losing money compared with how much we would win if he folded, or $10, but what are you going to do about him making that call? Nothing. So bet and say nice hand the times he draws out.
If Villain is +EV, Hero is  always -EV? Quote
04-13-2014 , 12:38 PM
Our EV is higher if we bet as opposed to checking, V's EV is higher if he calls as opposed to folding.
If Villain is +EV, Hero is  always -EV? Quote
04-14-2014 , 02:01 AM
EV will only be zero sum if the main pot is empty. Once there is money in there, both players can benefit from the chance at winning it, with zero negative impact to their EV on that particular street (money is already in the pot).
If Villain is +EV, Hero is  always -EV? Quote
04-14-2014 , 04:12 AM
Ty guys
If Villain is +EV, Hero is  always -EV? Quote
