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How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater?

07-14-2009 , 06:31 PM
I make a MP bluffing raise and get called by a button floater. What is the best action after the flop when we both miss and continue bluffing? Who is going to be the best bluffer? How do you control the pot size? Can you confuse the floater, how?
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-14-2009 , 08:14 PM
The best bluffer is the one who gets to shove all-in first.
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-14-2009 , 09:37 PM
Check/raise, overbet, bet/3bet... ?
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-14-2009 , 11:22 PM
Firstly, what is a floater?
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-15-2009 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by Knine
I make a MP bluffing raise and get called by a button floater. What is the best action after the flop when we both miss and continue bluffing? Who is going to be the best bluffer? How do you control the pot size? Can you confuse the floater, how?
he's on the button and you should respect position; he has the advantage. See what card comes off on the turn and decide if firing a second barrel will work. You might be able to bluff a scare card. But again, you don't know he's floating and his position gives him an advantage; your forced to either check to him thereby showing weakness or bluff again and build a big pot without a hand.

It's like shooting in the dark.
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-15-2009 , 01:32 AM
What you should do depends on board texture. Try posting some hands.
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-15-2009 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by x8xWIZARDx8x
Firstly, what is a floater?
IMO, someone who calls preflop raises fairly tight but doesn't give up when you cbet. Nits call preflop raises because they think they have implied odds and give up the pot unless they hit big, floaters know that preflop raisers don't always have a hand, so they float. So not just a calling station, against whom you mostly just valuebet postflop, but someone who understands how hard it is to hit a flop in hold'em and play accordingly.
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-15-2009 , 02:05 AM
Ah.... thankyou
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-15-2009 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by x8xWIZARDx8x
Firstly, what is a floater?
When you float someone, you call their bet with the intention of bluffing them out of the pot on later streets.
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-15-2009 , 02:09 PM
Secondly, what is a bluffing raise?
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-15-2009 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by SquirrelsUnite
Secondly, what is a bluffing raise?
A raise in order to..

You know what, just go away.
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-15-2009 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by AceCroupier
A raise in order to..

You know what, just go away.
I was actually trying to make a point. Your open raising range shouldn't be polarized. Since you don't limp, there are no hands in between. There's no such thing as a bluffing open raise if you're playing properly. If you open junk from MP of course you are going to have problems when decent players call behind you with decent hands.
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-15-2009 , 11:13 PM
First of all, raise when he's on the button less often and with a stronger range of hands. Raising preflop in this spot is way less profitable as you will be less likely to take down the blinds uncontested and you will be more likely to play a flop OOP, and you should adjust your range to account for that.

Secondly, your cbets are going to be a lot less effective so you will have to cbet less, sometimes just check/folding is fine if you're getting peeled 100% and can't continue on turns without having to double barrel heavily.

Lastly, if he's not adjusting and still floating you after this, then it depends a lot on how he plays turns and rivers. If he's calling just to see the turn and going to fire 100% in position and give up if you bet, check the turn a lot to him with the intention of check/calling or raising, depending on board texture and the strength/vulnerability of your hand. You have to adjust to the fact he is holding a wide range even after calling your flop bet.
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-16-2009 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by SquirrelsUnite
I was actually trying to make a point. Your open raising range shouldn't be polarized. Since you don't limp, there are no hands in between. There's no such thing as a bluffing open raise if you're playing properly. If you open junk from MP of course you are going to have problems when decent players call behind you with decent hands.
If you had specified bluffing preflop raise then there might have been some interesting conversation.
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-16-2009 , 10:02 AM
if you're raising junk preflop, a floater in position will hurt you bad. There is no magic check/raise the turn magic solution. You should just stop doing it.

If you're raising decent hands but are getting floated, C-bet less and sometimes check with TPTK type hands to balance your range. Check a lot of turns. Checking the turn keeps the pot small when you are OOP which is always good when you dont have a good hand.
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-16-2009 , 10:35 AM
The idea of a floater is to see if you bet again on the turn and take the hand away from you if you don't.

- Fire a 2nd barrel, especially if your hand has no showdown value
- c/r the turn to trap them if your hand is strong enough, and occasionally as a bluff
- c/c the turn with hands like TPGK to keep the pot small
- c/f on drawy boards that will be hard to play OOP

How to mix these two up (together with check-folding) will depend on a lot of facotrs, such as your hand and the board texture, and the history you already have with villain.
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-20-2009 , 10:07 AM
if its just the surprise factor you're after then check-raising usually works.
overbet jamming the flop does too!
might not be +EV given the situations but it sure will surprise Mr. Floater
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-22-2009 , 12:15 AM
I agree. Occasionally jamming the flop and typing "float that" in chat will get the message across.
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-22-2009 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
I agree. Occasionally jamming the flop and typing "float that" in chat will get the message across.
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-22-2009 , 08:08 PM
if they float u throw yur cards at them and then wait in the parking lot for them
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-22-2009 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by XAmsterdamX
The idea of a floater is to see if you bet again on the turn and take the hand away from you if you don't.

- Fire a 2nd barrel, especially if your hand has no showdown value
- c/r the turn to trap them if your hand is strong enough, and occasionally as a bluff
- c/c the turn with hands like TPGK to keep the pot small
- c/f on drawy boards that will be hard to play OOP

How to mix these two up (together with check-folding) will depend on a lot of facotrs, such as your hand and the board texture, and the history you already have with villain.
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
07-23-2009 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by XAmsterdamX
The idea of a floater is to see if you bet again on the turn and take the hand away from you if you don't.

- Fire a 2nd barrel, especially if your hand has no showdown value
- c/r the turn to trap them if your hand is strong enough, and occasionally as a bluff
- c/c the turn with hands like TPGK to keep the pot small
- c/f on drawy boards that will be hard to play OOP

How to mix these two up (together with check-folding) will depend on a lot of facotrs, such as your hand and the board texture, and the history you already have with villain.
Yes, this.

Although firing second barrels OOP with no showdown value expecting to get raised is not my favorite.
People that float a lot and bet when we check, but hardly ever raise as a bluff are perfect candidates to use this against though.

Overall I rather c/r a lot of turns with strong hands and air and c/c a bit lighter with medium made hands. Sometimes mixing it up obviously.
How to resolve the problem of the bluffing floater? Quote
