How do you mathematically define "polarization"?
Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 2,148
Polarization is a concept in poker meaning one player's range is way ahead or way behind the opposing range(s). That's fine and easy to understand, but in practice range polarity exists on a spectrum.
Let's say you had a raw equity distribution of every hand in every range. How would you mathematically measure the "polarity" of a range?
Let's say you knew the showdown equity of one particular hand against a fixed range. By the river, sometimes it will have 30%, sometimes 80%, etc. Graph this distribution of all possible equities by the river. You get the same type of graph as in the above question. How would you measure the polarity of this individual hand?
Last edited by tombos21; 04-09-2021 at 08:26 PM.
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 466
Standard deviation of your equity distribution. The higher it is the more polarized you are.
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 3,801
Originally Posted by Gcm1998
Standard deviation of your equity distribution. The higher it is the more polarized you are.
Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 2,148
Standard deviation is a great suggestion! It's specifically designed to measure the spread of the data. I can't believe I hadn't thought of that myself.