How to beat a super-high ante Omaha/Stud game?
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 9,208
Not sure if this is the right forum for this but I think so. Please move or post the correct forum if not.
Tonight I played a game with a very unique structure and I'm not sure if there is an edge to be had or if it is just roulette. The game is 2/4 limit omaha/stud/hold'em with a $1 ante from all players and no blinds. The dealer chooses the game but it is about 80% omaha (2/4 limit). There is no rake. The cast of characters makes it fun so I would like to keep playing occasionally if I can break even or make a small profit.
What is a good strategy for this game? Most of the players seem to never fold pre-flop which seems reasonable since they are usually getting about 10:1 when someone raises to $2 and 6-8 players have anted. It seems like no one raises beyond one bet pre-flop without AAxx or KKxx. Post flop they generally chase all draws and bet hard with the nuts or close to it and play passively with draws or non-nut hands including 2 pair other than top 2 and even small FHs on paired boards.
All thoughts appreciated.
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,121
Try the 08 forum.
I was just about to ask a similar question there: You're on the cutoff with something like 24JKs, and 5 people limp to you. Do you overlimp because of the big pot? Or do you figure you're going to need the absolute nuts and fold?
i.e., do you get looser because of the big pot, or tighter because of the number or opponents? I think conventional wisdom equates this to a "loose" game, which means tighten up. But I don't know.
Also, my guess is that stud would be played looser with drawing type hands.