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folding AA pre...semisarcastic folding AA pre...semisarcastic

01-25-2010 , 02:03 AM
Funny thought....assuming the value of position goes up as stack sizes get deeper is there a stack size at which you have to begin raising AA/premiums much higher than 4x+ to bring the SPR to a manageable #........along this line of reasoning isnt there a point depthwise playing Pot limit holdem where the value of AA is outweighed by being OOP and you would have to openfold AA OOP/and call any 2 OTB.
folding AA pre...semisarcastic Quote
01-25-2010 , 06:33 AM
No because there are too many invisible factors that are an advantage. In poker people raise with junk, overvalue JJ, see something that isnt there, attempt to squeeze, get dealt KK when you have AA. Too much going on you cant control to ever open fold AA.
If you are in such a deep game where raising isnt gaining you any information, there is the limp option. 2000bb's deep it's really pointless to be 3-4x'ing AA UTG if you know 7 people are snap calling. You're playing a different game where you are trying to cooler someone. Investing 1bb 100 times in a cooler attempt with 2000bb effective is the way to go rather then raise to 3-4-5x just because it's a habit for you.
folding AA pre...semisarcastic Quote
01-25-2010 , 05:54 PM
So, clearly never in NLHE. But what about something like 2x pot limit. with 500bb stacks? I still think not, but if the game was such that you couldn't profitably balance with stuff like sc UTG then your hand would be pretty face up and you'd be out of position and there'd be the potential for huge betting, and you couldn't just shove or something to fix your negative implied odds, then maybe? Of course only against very strong opponents.
folding AA pre...semisarcastic Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:28 AM
I can't imagine folding AA preflop would ever be correct in a cash game. The deeper the stacks the more hands you can profitably open with even UTG and hence disguise your hand and with shallow stacks AA has a huge advantage since the implied odds aren't there. I'd fold AA preflop in a satellite tourney if I was sitting on a huge stack and could fold into the money but in a cash game never.
folding AA pre...semisarcastic Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:16 PM
I never fold AA, even not on bubble, just play to win and for the first price, and not a stupid place ITM. If you lose AA on the bubble, that's just unlucky, but I think you win it like 8/10 times.
folding AA pre...semisarcastic Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:53 PM
I don't think positional advantage with deep stacks could ever overcome being an 80%+ favorite. Unless you know u really suck post flop and can't fold AA ever.

As for tournies, there are rare ICM spots that folding AA pre is mathematically correct. My favourite is those big satellite tournies. If top20 win the satellite entry and it's equal stacks with 21 remaining, then there is no hand you can call a shove with. Makes for an interesting dynamic. Vs ICM pros, first to open shove auto-wins the pot
folding AA pre...semisarcastic Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:57 PM
Why would you ever openfold AA in NL, shoving is a much better option.
folding AA pre...semisarcastic Quote
01-26-2010 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Alpha Fish
Why would you ever openfold AA in NL, shoving is a much better option.
Can't shove in pot limit?
folding AA pre...semisarcastic Quote
01-26-2010 , 03:55 PM
But if it's pot limit your opponent loses their ability to leverage your stack post flop so I don't see what the big deal is.
folding AA pre...semisarcastic Quote
03-02-2010 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Alpha Fish
Why would you ever openfold AA in NL, shoving is a much better option.
you can't open shove AA unless you are willing to open-shove other hands as well. with huge stacks this is an abomination.
folding AA pre...semisarcastic Quote
03-02-2010 , 09:07 PM
but obviously you would never openfold either.
folding AA pre...semisarcastic Quote
03-02-2010 , 09:25 PM
1. open limp
2. call any raise, setmining obv.
3. open shove any Axx rainbow flop without 3 to a straight on it
5. cash it out
4. rub it on your titttties
folding AA pre...semisarcastic Quote
