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figuring pot odds on the fly? figuring pot odds on the fly?

03-13-2015 , 01:54 AM
This is my first post, so please be gentle....

My math is really bad. I'm working on it, but it still takes a lot of time.

I studied the hand below after my session and realized I should have called. Almost exactly equal pot odds vs outs. Where I got confused is twater bet allin for $8.03 and my call would have been $7.03.

But my mind thought I needed to call $8. Or maybe $7. Wait...the clock is ticking... TIME BANK! Ok, it's $7 to call. So it's $7 to win $13 (round numbers). 7/13=... ummmm... ummmmm..... I don't have my calculator open. dammit!!!!

Does anyone have a 'trick' or something to figure pot odds faster?


    Pacific, $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 5 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #35446561

    MP: $2.98 (29.8 bb)
    CO: $6.01 (60.1 bb)
    Hero (BTN): $16.35 (163.5 bb)
    SB: $8.23 (82.3 bb)
    BB: $7.02 (70.2 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BTN with 8 9 :: ::
    MP calls $0.10, CO calls $0.10, Hero calls $0.10, SB raises to $0.20, BB calls $0.10, MP calls $0.10, CO calls $0.10, Hero calls $0.10

    Flop: ($1.00) 2 T 6 (5 players)
    MP bets $1, CO folds, Hero calls $1, SB raises to $8.03, BB folds, MP calls $1.78 and is all-in, Hero folds

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
    figuring pot odds on the fly? Quote
    03-13-2015 , 07:52 AM
    Originally Posted by ImNotTiltling
    This is my first post, so please be gentle....

    My math is really bad. I'm working on it, but it still takes a lot of time.

    I studied the hand below after my session and realized I should have called. Almost exactly equal pot odds vs outs. Where I got confused is twater bet allin for $8.03 and my call would have been $7.03.

    But my mind thought I needed to call $8. Or maybe $7. Wait...the clock is ticking... TIME BANK! Ok, it's $7 to call. So it's $7 to win $13 (round numbers). 7/13=... ummmm... ummmmm..... I don't have my calculator open. dammit!!!!

    Does anyone have a 'trick' or something to figure pot odds faster?


      Pacific, $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 5 Players
      Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #35446561

      MP: $2.98 (29.8 bb)
      CO: $6.01 (60.1 bb)
      Hero (BTN): $16.35 (163.5 bb)
      SB: $8.23 (82.3 bb)
      BB: $7.02 (70.2 bb)

      Preflop: Hero is BTN with 8 9 :: ::
      MP calls $0.10, CO calls $0.10, Hero calls $0.10, SB raises to $0.20, BB calls $0.10, MP calls $0.10, CO calls $0.10, Hero calls $0.10

      Flop: ($1.00) 2 T 6 (5 players)
      MP bets $1, CO folds, Hero calls $1, SB raises to $8.03, BB folds, MP calls $1.78 and is all-in, Hero folds

      Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
      If a player bets B (i.e. you have to call B) and the pot is size P then the equity you need to call is B/(P+2B) and your odds are (P+B):B


      Opponent bets half pot:
      Equity: .5P/(P+2*.5P) = .5P/(2P) = 1/4 = .25
      Odds: (P+.5P):.5P = 1.5P:.5P = 3:1

      Opponent bets pot:
      Equity: P/(P+2P) = P/3P = .333 (repeating)
      Odds: (P+P):{P} = 2P:{P} = 2:1
      figuring pot odds on the fly? Quote
      03-13-2015 , 11:30 PM
      If its 7:13 its almost 7:14 and that is 1:2. So you can guesstimate its about 1:1.85.
      figuring pot odds on the fly? Quote
      03-14-2015 , 01:40 AM
      Preflop I thought this was Limit HE, on the Flop I was sure it's PLO. Didn't know some rooms are this soft.

      The flop fold was correct, since you didn't have enough equity vs their ranges. If you called, ~half of the pot would be HU, so your pot odds weren't even good.

      Would knowing you need 37% equity to profitably call make any difference here?
      Probably not, since I assume you didn't know how much equity you had vs them. (25%?, 45%?)
      You have to get a feeling for odds/equity, which you get with experience and calculating spots like these. (After you play them)

      The way I calculate odds is: "Call/ Everything"
      in this case we have to call ~7 to win a pot of ~19.
      7/19=37%. We need 37% equity.

      Last edited by ZKesic; 03-14-2015 at 01:46 AM.
      figuring pot odds on the fly? Quote
      03-14-2015 , 08:13 AM
      Originally Posted by ZKesic
      The flop fold was correct, since you didn't have enough equity vs their ranges. If you called, ~half of the pot would be HU, so your pot odds weren't even good.

      Would knowing you need 37% equity to profitably call make any difference here?
      If his range consists of overpairs, top pairs, sets and flushdraw overcards, you easily get over 40% equity vs him alone, so im disagreeing with the fold beeing correct.
      Gonna disregard MPs range, since he likely is clicking buttons and beeing superwide, realizing hes getting extremly good potodds. Also the money he put in will part of a way smaller sidepot, so the majority of the money is beeing played between hero and SB.

      Board: Th6s2s
      Equity Win Tie
      Hero 41.37% 41.37% 0.00% { 9s8s }
      SB 58.63% 58.63% 0.00% { TT+, 66, 22, ATs, KTs, QTs, JTs, AsKs, AsQs, KsQs, AsJs, KsJs, ATo, KTo, QTo, JTo }
      figuring pot odds on the fly? Quote
      03-14-2015 , 08:45 PM
      If we are playing with no reads, I'm pretty sure we should be folding the flop. Their ranges should mostly be sets and higher flush draws here.
      figuring pot odds on the fly? Quote
      03-15-2015 , 11:36 AM
      Don't think you can rule out TP/overpairs in such a spot. Maybe some unknowns are going to just call, but i think the majority of players would jam/raise their JJ+ and some TP hands, at least AT. If you would say 30% of unknowns are just calling here with these kinds of hands, ok.
      The thing is i doubt most players just call such strong hands getting these odds, beeing the preflop aggressor. And if they do i strongly doubt they are capable of jamming flushdraws.
      figuring pot odds on the fly? Quote
      03-15-2015 , 05:14 PM
      Some odds are good to learn by heart

      A flush draw is aprox 33% (or 2:1) at the flop and about half of that at the turn. You had 3 additional outs for the gutshot, so your odds are a bit better than that.

      Looking at the board and action SB has either an overpair or a set to which both your draws would beat.

      Pot odds are a bit less than 2:1, so without actually doing the exact numbers it seems it was a marginal call.

      Basically at the flop you can count the outs and multiply by 4 to make your hand at the river. Very useful for all-ins. When you have to take into account implied odds it's a lot blurrier.
      figuring pot odds on the fly? Quote
      03-15-2015 , 05:21 PM
      Originally Posted by ZKesic
      If we are playing with no reads, I'm pretty sure we should be folding the flop. Their ranges should mostly be sets and higher flush draws here.
      nobody would go all-in with a draw and several opponents to act after him. the folding equity to break even dimishes rapidly with the number of opponents.

      on the other hand, I've seen worse at these stakes...
      figuring pot odds on the fly? Quote
      04-05-2015 , 11:59 PM
      Thanks, guys!! I appreciate the feedback.
      figuring pot odds on the fly? Quote
