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Ev question Ev question

03-23-2011 , 08:16 AM
Can someone please review this math and let me know if I'm correct with these results?

$1/$2 NL 6 MAX - (But 4 handed)
Hero $200
Villain $200
SB $1
BB $2
BTN (Villain)
CO (Hero)

CO (Hero) - Raises $20
BTN (Villain) - 3bets to $46
SB & BB fold
Hero Pushes $180

Hero Equity 52.31%
Villain 47%

Villain calls we win $115.08
Villain calls and we lose -$85.84
Villain folds we win $36.57
our EV if we push the $180 is $50.31
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03-23-2011 , 09:55 AM
First, your numbers are wrong for the situations.

If villain folds, you win 66
If villain calls, your EV is .5231*220-.47*180=30

2nd you have to scale these by how often each happens. if he never calls, then your EV is 66, if he never folds, it's 30. If he folds with probability X and calls with prob (1-X) then your EV is
X*66 - (1-X)*30
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03-23-2011 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
First, your numbers are wrong for the situations.

If villain folds, you win 66
If villain calls, your EV is .5231*220-.47*180=30

2nd you have to scale these by how often each happens. if he never calls, then your EV is 66, if he never folds, it's 30. If he folds with probability X and calls with prob (1-X) then your EV is
X*66 - (1-X)*30
I forgot to add Villains Call % and Fold %
Fold% 53%
Call% 47%

I was working out the "Folds we win" section like this.

Pot $20+$46+$1+$2 = $69

pot * Villains Fold % 53%

so our equity is $36.57 ?
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03-23-2011 , 01:37 PM
Yeah I left out the blinds so it's 69 not 66. I'm on a phone so not in a good spot to run the #s right now but plug them into the little formula I have and see if it agrees?
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03-23-2011 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
Yeah I left out the blinds so it's 69 not 66. I'm on a phone so not in a good spot to run the #s right now but plug them into the little formula I have and see if it agrees?
Can someone please review this math and let me know if I'm correct with these results?

$1/$2 NL 6 MAX - (But 4 handed)
Hero $200
Villain $200
SB $1
BB $2
BTN (Villain)
CO (Hero)

CO (Hero) - Raises $20
BTN (Villain) - 3bets to $46
SB & BB fold
Hero Pushes $180

Hero Equity 52.31%
Villain 47%

Villain Fold % 53%
Villain Call % 47%

our EV $29.56

is this correct?
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03-23-2011 , 02:27 PM
I think your initial post was about right. I get $49 but I probably left out the blinds or something again, doing this all in my head.

Anyway, the idea is you can use this formula
EV = F*pot + (1-F)(equity when called)
(I had a minus in my formula in my first response where it should be a plus.
Ev question Quote
03-23-2011 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
I think your initial post was about right. I get $49 but I probably left out the blinds or something again, doing this all in my head.

Anyway, the idea is you can use this formula
EV = F*pot + (1-F)(equity when called)
(I had a minus in my formula in my first response where it should be a plus.
Are you sure? I had this debate on another forum and everyone got different answers.

Answer 1 = $29.56
Answer 2 = $57.44
Answer 3 = $46.13
Answer 4 = $91.48
Answer 5 = $50.31

Seems the only thing we can agree on is everyone disagrees
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03-23-2011 , 07:08 PM
$1/$2 NL 6 MAX - (But 4 handed)
Hero $200
Villain $200
SB $1
BB $2
BTN (Villain)
CO (Hero)

CO (Hero) - Raises $20
BTN (Villain) - 3bets to $46
SB & BB fold
Hero Pushes $180

Hero Equity 52.31%
Villain 47%

Villain Fold % 53%
Villain Call % 47%

our EV $29.56

is this correct?
Villain folds = .53 x 69
= +36.57

Villain calls = .47(.5231x403) + .53(.47x-200)
=(.47x210.8) + (.53x-94)
= 99.07 + -49.82
= +49.25
EV = 36.57+49.25
= 85.82

There's another answer for you

Can anyone spot a hole in my math?
Ev question Quote
03-23-2011 , 08:06 PM
Villain folds = .53 x 69
= +36.57

Villain calls = .47(.5231x403) + .53(.47x-200)
=(.47x210.8) + (.53x-94)
= 99.07 + -49.82
= +49.25
EV = 36.57+49.25
= 85.82

There's another answer for you

Can anyone spot a hole in my math?
Hmm let me try that again

The EV of your shove can be calculated like:

Villain folds = .53 x 69
= +36.57

Villain calls = .47(.5231x223) + .53(.47x-180)
=(.47x116.6) + (.53x-84.6)
= 54.8 + -44.83
= +9.97
EV = 36.57+9.97
= +$46.54

So I guess I agree with answer 3 (allowing for rounding errors).
Ev question Quote
03-23-2011 , 10:34 PM
At the time hero pushed his remaining stack of 180

>If villain folds (Pf=0.53), hero wins 3+20+46 = 69

>If villain calls and hero wins (eq=0.5231)), hero wins 69+(180-26)=223

Note 223 equals villain’s stack (200 plus the blinds (3) plus the 20 hero invested earlier in the betting

>If villain calls and hero loses, hero loses his push of 180

EV=Pf*69 + (1-Pf)*(eq*223-(1-eq)*180)


One more answer that hopefully resolves the issue.
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03-23-2011 , 11:29 PM
plus the 20 hero invested earlier in the betting
Oh yup - of course, guess this is where I went wrong the second time
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03-24-2011 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by statmanhal
At the time hero pushed his remaining stack of 180

>If villain folds (Pf=0.53), hero wins 3+20+46 = 69

>If villain calls and hero wins (eq=0.5231)), hero wins 69+(180-26)=223

Note 223 equals villain’s stack (200 plus the blinds (3) plus the 20 hero invested earlier in the betting

>If villain calls and hero loses, hero loses his push of 180

EV=Pf*69 + (1-Pf)*(eq*223-(1-eq)*180)


One more answer that hopefully resolves the issue.
Stat is correct here, he seems to know EV calcs more indepth than most... Stat you should write a book on this or something
Ev question Quote
03-24-2011 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by TryingHard
Stat is correct here, he seems to know EV calcs more indepth than most... Stat you should write a book on this or something
Thanks. Can I hire you as my publicist?

Actually, I have drafted about 150 pages on hold'em mathematics, statistics and probability with the main theme being that if you make +EV plays you will, by definition, be a winning player. In addition, I have over several years developed a number of Excel based VBA programs that allow me to solve EV and poker probability related questions quickly. The problem is that as I keep on reading and contributing to these forums, more interesting stuff keeps coming up, so I never know when to get 'off the pot' so to speak.
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03-24-2011 , 01:46 PM
Interested in turning it into an app of sort?
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03-24-2011 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by statmanhal
Thanks. Can I hire you as my publicist?

Actually, I have drafted about 150 pages on hold'em mathematics, statistics and probability with the main theme being that if you make +EV plays you will, by definition, be a winning player. In addition, I have over several years developed a number of Excel based VBA programs that allow me to solve EV and poker probability related questions quickly. The problem is that as I keep on reading and contributing to these forums, more interesting stuff keeps coming up, so I never know when to get 'off the pot' so to speak.
Wow if you need anyone to proofread it let me know

You should try and sell the excel sheets or turn into an AP
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