In this ( explanation of why you should balance your range. Doug shows that betting 100% value and 0% bluffs produces the same result as betting a balanced range of 66% value and 33% bluffs (for a pot sized bet) - the result is that you win the pot. However, he argues that your should choose the balanced option as in this case you get to bet more frequently, so you win the pot more often. So if you have 2 value bets and 1 bluff on the river. You could only bet the value and win the pot twice, or you could bet all three, be balanced, and win the pot three times.
However, when you crunch the number they don't seem to add up:
If you bet 3 times on the river, 2 value bets and 1 bluff, assuming villain calls 50% of the time (to remain balanced himself), you would win $200 from value bets, $100 from folds and $0 from bluffs (half the times it’s called the other half he folds and you win). Total $300
However, if you only bet your value hands. You bet 2 times, 2 value bets 0 bluffs. Assuming villain calls 50% of the times (to remain balanced himself), you win $200 from value bets, $100 from fold and $0 from bluffs (as they’re checked back). Total $300.
So in both cases, you win the same amount. In the first, you bet twice and won $300, in the second you bet three times, a higher frequency as Doug says, but you didn't win more, you still only won $300.
Am I missing something?