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Discussing Solver Solutions (and some questions) SB (hero) v BTN 3 Bet Pot; Board = Qh 9s 7h Discussing Solver Solutions (and some questions) SB (hero) v BTN 3 Bet Pot; Board = Qh 9s 7h

08-09-2020 , 02:20 PM
Hello all. It looks like my home game is breaking and I'm going to have to go back to online play, so I went ahead and fired up GTO+ again. Regardless, even if my live game comes back, I've been advised that looking at solvers will be helpful.

I ran four sims of this hand - one vs loose rec using 1/3 c bet sizing, one vs loose rec using 2/3 c bet sizing, one vs tight rec using 1/3 c bet sizing, one vs tight rec using 2/3 c bet sizing. I neglected to run a sim versus the good, TAG pro, because these players are more rare on Pokerbros.

NOTE: Every hand has a pot of $31, effective stack of $100, and rake of 5% up to $4. Remember, each board = Q 9 7.

LOOSE REC's RANGE: 22-TT, JJ (75%), QQ (50%), all suited connectors 54s and up, all suited broadways except AKs, AKs (50%), A2s-AQs, K9s, Q9s, J9s, ATo-AQo, AKo (50%), KJo (75%), KQo

TIGHT REC'S RANGE: 66-JJ, QQ (50%), all suited broadways except AKs, AKs (50%), AQo, AKo (50%), A2s-AQs

HERO'S RANGE: 88+, all suited broadways, AJo+, KQo, all suited wheel A's

Scenario one: vs loose rec using 1/3 c bet sizing

Hero bets 93.7% (I just treat this like 100%), EV=16.56

Scenario two: vs loose rec using 2/3 c bet sizing

Hero bets 80.7%, [B]EV=16.96[B]

Favorite hands to check are 88 without heart, A5s and A4s with no BDFD; it is also checking more than it's betting JJ without a heart, and AJo without a heart.

Scenario three: vs tight rec using 1/3 c bet sizing

Hero bets 65.2%, EV=14.45

Favorite hands to check are suited wheel A's with no BDFD (pure check), it checks JJ/TT about 50-50, and it's more inclined to check non paired broadways with no BDFD.

Scenario four: vs tight rec using 2/3 c bet sizing

Hero bets 45.3%, EV=14.85

Favorite hands to check are 88, TT, JJ, QQ, A K/J/T, QTs, and JTs.


1. In regards to scenario two - why does the solver like checking JJ without a heart so much? I get that JJ with a heart is better, because we have more equity, but doesn't JJ without a heart need more protection than the JJ's with a heart, and also AA/KK? JJ is way more vulnerable than AA/KK, so I would have thought we're more inclined to bet it. Also, in regards to without a heart, I would have thought that it's better to check JJ with a heart, because we can continue on way more turns when we do have the heart?

2. Also in regards to scenario two - why does it like checking A5s/A4s with no BDFD so much, but then it really likes betting A3s/A2s with no BDFD a lot? This does not make logical sense to me. They seem like more or less the same hand to me.

3. In regards to scenario four - why does it like checking our A K/J/T, and JTs so much? I know we're going to be more polarized with a larger sizing, so wouldn't these be good draws to bet? I see that it likes betting A 5/4/3/2 a lot, which it makes sense, that these hands have less show down value than the A K/J/T hands...I just don't get why we aren't betting those, too. I also just don't get why we aren't betting our open ender.

4. I see versus both types of opponents it likes using the 2/3 sizing more (I learned if the EV difference is over 1% it matters) - do you know why it likes the 2/3 sizing over 1/3?

I look forward to the discussion. Thank you!
Discussing Solver Solutions (and some questions) SB (hero) v BTN 3 Bet Pot; Board = Qh 9s 7h Quote
08-10-2020 , 06:37 AM
Not sure specifics of the solve but I'll try to explain some things.

1. A few reasons:

- You are not betting for protection vs heart draws, because they continue anyway
- Having a heart increases your equity and it's easier to play vs aggression OTF and on later streets after you bet
- You face less aggression when you hold a heart
- probably some more reasons I forgot

2. I think this is because SB would like BTN to have 55/44/54s that folds the flop. A2s/A3s unblocks these while A5s/A4s blocks them.

3. Showdown value. We wan't to have some flushdraws in our x/r and x/call range, the ones with most showdown value fits well into that range.

4. A lot of hands in BTN range interact well with that board and we don't have too many hands in our SB range that want to bet for protection. We mostly wanna bet Qx+ and bluffs, so it makes sense to bet bigger.
Discussing Solver Solutions (and some questions) SB (hero) v BTN 3 Bet Pot; Board = Qh 9s 7h Quote
08-11-2020 , 12:20 AM
You check AK/AQ/AJ of hearts more often than the lower Axhh because by holding both the Ace and another high broadway card, you block Villain's most likely flush draws, which you are beating.
Discussing Solver Solutions (and some questions) SB (hero) v BTN 3 Bet Pot; Board = Qh 9s 7h Quote
08-16-2020 , 02:33 PM
Thank you very much
Discussing Solver Solutions (and some questions) SB (hero) v BTN 3 Bet Pot; Board = Qh 9s 7h Quote
