Hello all. It looks like my home game is breaking and I'm going to have to go back to online play, so I went ahead and fired up GTO+ again. Regardless, even if my live game comes back, I've been advised that looking at solvers will be helpful.
I ran four sims of this hand - one vs loose rec using 1/3 c bet sizing, one vs loose rec using 2/3 c bet sizing, one vs tight rec using 1/3 c bet sizing, one vs tight rec using 2/3 c bet sizing. I neglected to run a sim versus the good, TAG pro, because these players are more rare on Pokerbros.
NOTE: Every hand has a pot of $31, effective stack of $100, and rake of 5% up to $4. Remember, each board = Q
LOOSE REC's RANGE: 22-TT, JJ (75%), QQ (50%), all suited connectors 54s and up, all suited broadways except AKs, AKs (50%), A2s-AQs, K9s, Q9s, J9s, ATo-AQo, AKo (50%), KJo (75%), KQo
TIGHT REC'S RANGE: 66-JJ, QQ (50%), all suited broadways except AKs, AKs (50%), AQo, AKo (50%), A2s-AQs
HERO'S RANGE: 88+, all suited broadways, AJo+, KQo, all suited wheel A's
Scenario one: vs loose rec using 1/3 c bet sizing
Hero bets 93.7% (I just treat this like 100%),
Scenario two: vs loose rec using 2/3 c bet sizing
Hero bets 80.7%, [B]EV=16.96[B]
Favorite hands to check are 88 without heart, A5s and A4s with no BDFD; it is also checking more than it's betting JJ without a heart, and AJo without a heart.
Scenario three: vs tight rec using 1/3 c bet sizing
Hero bets 65.2%,
Favorite hands to check are suited wheel A's with no BDFD (pure check), it checks JJ/TT about 50-50, and it's more inclined to check non paired broadways with no BDFD.
Scenario four: vs tight rec using 2/3 c bet sizing
Hero bets 45.3%,
Favorite hands to check are 88, TT, JJ, QQ, A




, QTs, and JTs.
1. In regards to scenario two - why does the solver like checking JJ without a heart so much? I get that JJ with a heart is better, because we have more equity, but doesn't JJ without a heart need more protection than the JJ's with a heart, and also AA/KK? JJ is way more vulnerable than AA/KK, so I would have thought we're more inclined to bet it. Also, in regards to without a heart, I would have thought that it's better to check JJ with a heart, because we can continue on way more turns when we do have the heart?
2. Also in regards to scenario two - why does it like checking A5s/A4s with no BDFD so much, but then it really likes betting A3s/A2s with no BDFD a lot? This does not make logical sense to me. They seem like more or less the same hand to me.
3. In regards to scenario four - why does it like checking our A




, and JTs so much? I know we're going to be more polarized with a larger sizing, so wouldn't these be good draws to bet? I see that it likes betting A





a lot, which it makes sense, that these hands have less show down value than the A




hands...I just don't get why we aren't betting those, too. I also just don't get why we aren't betting our open ender.
4. I see versus both types of opponents it likes using the 2/3 sizing more (I learned if the EV difference is over 1% it matters) - do you know why it likes the 2/3 sizing over 1/3?
I look forward to the discussion. Thank you!