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Constructing donking ranges flop and turn Constructing donking ranges flop and turn

07-06-2014 , 09:18 PM
Hey there guys!
I'd come to think of how "unethical" donking bets are, and how many people aren't really using them. At least they aren't at the lower stakes that I play. I also know how annoying it is when you are getting donked into and can't really tell what it means.

Therefore I'd love to widen my game and learn more about donking. How would you for example construct a donking range on flop and turn in a pot where you're not the PFR?

I can guess that we donk with some nut hands plus super draws, but wouldn't they be as good to c/r? Why should we donk, and what hands?

Let the discussion flow!

And lastly, is there any good video on this topic anywhere?
Constructing donking ranges flop and turn Quote
07-06-2014 , 10:40 PM
Uh, unethical? What?

There are lots of reasons to do it.

1. you think the hand might check through if you don't, and you want to get value from a hand you flopped

2. you think your opponent will give up if he's missed and the flop is likely to have missed him

3. you think your opponent will make a large bet if checked to but might just call a smaller bet (think of this as a "blocking" bet)

4. you think it'll set up a potential profitable situation in the future (in this hand or another)

There are probably more that I'm not thinking of.
Constructing donking ranges flop and turn Quote
07-06-2014 , 11:13 PM
Donking is pretty villain dependent play, there's a lot of levels to it.

I like to donk out flops that I missed but that I believe missed my opponent's PF raising range but that he can give me a lot of credit for hitting with my calling range.

Flops like 578r or 78Jr.

I also like to donk out against opponents who have a c-bet % that is near 100% or actually is 100% with all kinds of hands. The reason being that c-bet machines often get themselves into very familiar situations when they're allowed to keep control of aggression and can figure out optimal plays easily. Donking into them puts them in situations where they aren't sure what to do or have never been in before.

Donking can also get you into very profitable spots on boards where your opponents shove on the flop range is actually very wide and the range that beats your hand is very narrow, and he is likely to be able to put you on a draw instead of a strong made hand.

Something like an AsKs5d board where you have 5c5s and your opponent raised PF and is likely to have connected hard with the board. Donk, get raised, shove, get put on a flush draw and called by AcQs, gg WP.
Constructing donking ranges flop and turn Quote
07-07-2014 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by ProRailbird

Something like an AsKs5d board where you have 5c5s and your opponent raised PF and is likely to have connected hard with the board. Donk, get raised, shove, get put on a flush draw and called by AcQs, gg WP.
I'm not sure what stakes that works on but seems pretty bad to me... I think that's a situation where c/r is more beneficial rather than leading. I would feel lucky to have people who would raise AQ there on mid stakes+
Constructing donking ranges flop and turn Quote
07-07-2014 , 12:10 PM
Donking is kind of hard to balance, but it can be fun and profitable. It is way different HU vs. Multiway. Just doing it rarely for value and paying a lot of attention to how people react will give you a feeling for it. I like doing it vs unknown aggros on dry textures.
Constructing donking ranges flop and turn Quote
07-07-2014 , 01:25 PM
It seems to me that donking is better against weak-passives because that way you can be sure you don't lose value (and equity) from value hands. Also check-raise screams strength and could lose you money from value hands (while also giving you fold equity with semi-bluffs and other hands).
Constructing donking ranges flop and turn Quote
07-10-2014 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by boobsicles
I'm not sure what stakes that works on but seems pretty bad to me... I think that's a situation where c/r is more beneficial rather than leading. I would feel lucky to have people who would raise AQ there on mid stakes+
Full ring you're right.
Constructing donking ranges flop and turn Quote
