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Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro
View Poll Results: See OP
Chess Grand Master
75 9.10%
648 78.64%
not enough info
101 12.26%

03-15-2010 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
I believe your replies are copy/paste (this doesn't surprise me because every post I've seen you repeat yourself, and you pretty much ignore everything any one says).
Saying something over and over again doesn't make it a fact.
Mirror time.
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-15-2010 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by BartJ385
Mirror time.
So I take it you plan to just ignore this?

I believe your interpretation of the results is flawed. [...] The results, especially in light of comments in this thread, indicate that being smart isn't *enough* to be the best.
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-15-2010 , 04:25 PM
OP, to show everybody that you actually know something about chess, can i ask for your USCF rating?
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-15-2010 , 04:42 PM
This debate is pointless. Like it has been said before, chess is mostly memorization. Poker is mostly logic and math, 2 completely different skill sets.

Also I watched this show where this psychologist or someone trained his daughter to become a chess master, and they tested her and stuff, and they found that the part of her brain that is used to recognize various faces, spacial recognition was being trained to memorize all of the chess moves and boards. This is only something that can be done if you're taught very young. The consensus was anyone who put in a **** ton of work as a kid that wasn't mentally challenged could become a grand master. And it's generally the same with poker too, anyone who works hard enough and has good emotional control can become a very good player. As long as they don't go broke before then =p.
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-15-2010 , 05:09 PM
This may have been said already, but psychologists have done studies showing that if the pieces are placed randomly on the board, chess masters will only be able to memorize their positions about as well or marginally better than the average person.

It's only when the pieces are arranged on the board in positions that resemble those that come up during actual play that chess masters are able to memorize the board much better than the average person.

The reason has to do with how they are able to memorize the positions. Because of the vast amount of study they have put in, they are able to chunk the information into meaningful pieces.
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-15-2010 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Discipline
Even this is a dubious assertion at best. There was a study done which compared the memories of GMs, masters, and club-level chess players. The GMs were able to reconstruct chess positions taken from games with virtually 100% accuracy after being shown them for only a few seconds. The masters did very well, but not as well as the GMs. The club-level players did poorly.

Then they re-tested the players, but instead of using positions taken from games, they showed them boards with random configurations of chess pieces. In reconstructing these positions the GMs demonstrated virtually no advantage over the club-level players. This very clearly shows that GMs do not necessarily have outstanding memories, but rather that their outstanding ability to understand chess positions and recognize chess patterns allows them to encode chess positions in their long-term memories quickly and accurately. So it's absolutely not a given that a GM would be able to remember poker hands as well as he remembers chess positions, because the types of patterns present in poker hands are different from the types of patterns present in chess positions.
and I see someone beat me to it. This is what I was referring to.
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-15-2010 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by globetrotter
and I see someone beat me to it. This is what I was referring to.
Yeah people heavily overestimate "talent". It's very rare to have someone like Stu Ungar who has photographic memory, so rare I can't even think of anyone in poker or chess who has that. Which also proves it's mostly about how much hard work you put in. Obviously the higher your intelligence is makes it easier to get better faster. But someone less intelligent could surpass the player with higher intelligence with more work.
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-15-2010 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by BartJ385
You are welcome.

So, according to our poll, 2p2 members do not think that being very good at games is the decisive factor in being a good poker player, nor being highly intelligent. Given the fact that among the top pros there are ex-models and ex-cons, I tend to agree.

The fact remains that only a tiny percentage of people play poker at all, and that lack of competition is therefore a likely reason for today's top pros to be at the top.
Who is the ex-model and who is the ex-con? You don't mean Matusow, do you?
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-15-2010 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by rigwarl
Imagine Durr would take a year off to play chess 24/7 to learn the game.

After this year, who would be the highest rated chess player, Durr or Carlsen?

(Haters, replace Carlsen with Kramnik or any other grandmaster that you do not hate)
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-15-2010 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by FabledHero
chess is mostly memorization

Here's an interesting question for the forum: let's say that the 13th best golf player in the world practiced basketball for six months and nine days. If he and Lebron James then competed head-to-head in a game of blindfolded darts with the dartboards placed behind each player, respectively, who would lose the most blood?
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-16-2010 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by Discipline

Here's an interesting question for the forum: let's say that the 13th best golf player in the world practiced basketball for six months and nine days. If he and Lebron James then competed head-to-head in a game of blindfolded darts with the dartboards placed behind each player, respectively, who would lose the most blood?
I'd say Lebron James. I think he would be bigger and therefore would have more surface to hit and therefore would get hit by more darts and therefore would bleed more.
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-16-2010 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by Lego05
I'd say Lebron James. I think he would be bigger and therefore would have more surface to hit and therefore would get hit by more darts and therefore would bleed more.

Lebron James has ice water flowing through his veins. Classic sucker's choice picking him.
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-16-2010 , 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by Lego05
I'd say Lebron James. I think he would be bigger and therefore would have more surface to hit and therefore would get hit by more darts and therefore would bleed more.
Ah, but Lebron would probably throw harder, leading to deeper puncture wounds.
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-17-2010 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by Discipline

Here's an interesting question for the forum: let's say that the 13th best golf player in the world practiced basketball for six months and nine days. If he and Lebron James then competed head-to-head in a game of blindfolded darts with the dartboards placed behind each player, respectively, who would lose the most blood?
What I meant is, chess is mostly converting as many chess situations as you can into long-term memory, knowing all of the possible outcomes.

Obviously that helps with everything, but in poker the variables change a lot more. There's many more situations that are much more flexible, aren't solved and set in stone. So you're using various skills to try to come to the correct conclusion. There's obviously a lot of stuff that is just automatic and you know it's good and anything else is bad, but a lot of stuff that isn't so as well.

Lebron James would obviously win because this guy would never ever be able to become as strong as him. If you equated this to intelligence it'd be like a genius (Lebron) facing someone with down syndrome in a competition of intellect. But neither could have played before, otherwise the down syndrome guy could be taught to say beat Einstein in a game of chess, if Einstein had never played before. A grandmaster could just teach the down syndrome guy an optimal strategy to try to get a quick win before his memory gave out heh.
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-17-2010 , 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by FabledHero
What I meant is, chess is mostly converting as many chess situations as you can into long-term memory, knowing all of the possible outcomes.
False. Really, do you know anything about chess, or are you just popping off?
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-17-2010 , 02:25 PM
[ ] thread is about chess or has anything to do with chess
[ ] many posters fail to understand that I used chess grand masters as an example for people who are highly intelligent and very good at a game
[x] many posters pretend to fail to understand that I used chess grand masters as an example for people who are highly intelligent and very good at a game
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-17-2010 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Lego05
Who is the ex-model and who is the ex-con? You don't mean Matusow, do you?

Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-17-2010 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by BartJ385
[ ] thread is about chess or has anything to do with chess
[ ] many posters fail to understand that I used chess grand masters as an example for people who are highly intelligent and very good at a game
[x] many posters pretend to fail to understand that I used chess grand masters as an example for people who are highly intelligent and very good at a game
You really need to stop making posts that aren't about what they say they're about.

[ ] This thread is about poker theory or anything that has to do with poker theory
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-17-2010 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by BartJ385
[ ] thread is about chess or has anything to do with chess
[ ] many posters fail to understand that I used chess grand masters as an example for people who are highly intelligent and very good at a game
[x] many posters pretend to fail to understand that I used chess grand masters as an example for people who are highly intelligent and very good at a game
[ ] You've demonstrated that all GMs are highly intelligent
[ ] You've demonstrated that GMs are, on average, more intelligent than high-stakes poker pros
[ ] Your threads are worth reading
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-19-2010 , 08:52 PM
I think learning poker is very hard because even when you get a decent explination about a concept, you might think that you understand it when in fact you really do not. Poker has a way of constantly tricking you.

Chess is not like that. It is very hard to be a GM, and I know that I will never be one. But when I studied chess, I felt like I was learning and was also sure about what I was learning. With poker, I know I am learning, but I am not always sure about it, and I mis-apply concepts so often that who knows, maybe I really do not understand them that well to begin with.

Chess is straightforward hard, but poker is confusing.
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-19-2010 , 09:11 PM
please do not close the thread just because a few haters stop in and post "this thread sucks" imo ban the haters.

i like poker and chess and there are a lot of really good posts itt.
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-20-2010 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by FabledHero
What I meant is, chess is mostly converting as many chess situations as you can into long-term memory, knowing all of the possible outcomes.
Originally Posted by Discipline
False. Really, do you know anything about chess, or are you just popping off?
False. Opening-game play is very reliant on memory. The openings are very well studied and documented and named.

But the real reason why I posted this is just so I could say "False!" Or at least "Partly false!"
Mostly True!
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-21-2010 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by BartJ385

I was actually curious. The ex-con I can make some guesses at, but I have no idea who the model is.

Also it woulda just been easier to say what you meant instead of using an example without telling anybody it was an example of a more inclusive group of people.

This thread went for 140 posts, often specifically discussing chess grandmasters and chess, before you reveal that you didn't actually want to discuss chess grandmasters but actually were thinking about people who are highly intelligent and very good at a game and were using chess grandmasters as an example. If that's what you actually meant you must have been able to discern a long time ago that nobody else knew that.
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-22-2010 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by Lego05
I was actually curious. The ex-con I can make some guesses at, but I have no idea who the model is.
Antonius, I guess.
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
03-22-2010 , 08:00 PM
sorry to sidebar but it seems like there are some chess players here.

quick question: have any of you ever actually beaten the Chess Game on a MacBook or MacBook Pro or any Apple? i'm a bad chess player (new) so i can understand not being able to beat it but a few decent players i know haven't even come close!
Chess Grand Master vs Online Poker Pro Quote
