check raise second pair on the flop?
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 340
Recently I have been raising or checkraising the flop with second pair (either pocket pair, or otherwise). I play LHE from 1-2 to 4-8 both live and online. I am curious if this is a good practice. If not, what it is an effective method to discern whether or not the "villain" has top pair?
(I know I should not do it EVERY time as it will become a tell to more observant players.)
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 5,564
I haven't played or studied LHE for awhile but I'll take a shot at your question. It really depends on the texture of the flop. I think that check raising with middle pair may be a +EV bet if you think you have the best hand and you think that your opponent whiffed. If you think that your opponent whiffed and will still c-bet I think that it's alright to go ahead and c/r him.
Are you trying to turn your middle pair into a bluff, or are you doing this when you think you have the best hand?
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 340
I have not been doing it much. I guess I do it when I feel like my hand is good or someone is only representing top pair. So far it seems to have worked fairly well.
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 5,564
But are they going to fold TP?