Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
When you win, you'll win 80
When you lose, you'll lose 30
Let's call your win percentage W. So you lose 1-W.
EV = W*80 - (1-W)*30
agreed? You'll win 80 with probability W, you'll lose 30 with probability 1-W
To find the breakeven point, find W=0
0 = W*80 - (1-W)*30
80W - 30 + 30W = 0
110W - 30 = 0
110W = 30
W = 30/110
It might also help to think about the fact that you 80:30 odds is in "odds format" which has a specific conversion to a percentage. With X:Y odds, it's the same as Y/(X+Y). Why? Think about a drink recipe, like 2 parts OJ, 1 part vodka. The ratio of OJ:vodka is 2:1
There are 3 "parts" total, right? So 2 of the 3 parts are OJ, 1 is vodka, so 2/3 OJ
I’m Russian so your vodka analogy helped. I.e. 33% vodka 1/3. 30/80+30= 27.3% of the time I’d have to win to make the call. So if the pot is $50 on the flop, donkey bets $30, and I have an OESD, it’s a call because I make my hand 33%ish times and my pot odds are 27.3%?