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04-05-2012 , 04:40 AM
Im not a huge angle shooter my self ,but I do find the angle shoots that I run into and see very interesting when I see them..especially new one !

How about you guys post some of the sickest ones you've ever seen lol...Id'e love to hear about them all....Lmao

Seriously thinking of writing an Angle shoot book called 100 ways to angle shoot HAHAHHAH! I know I would be hated in poker community for this ,but I know I would be profitable lol...Like I said I don't Angle ,but I just think all the different ways people shoot angles are entertaining and funny sometimes !

Yes I have been a victim as well but owell lol

Last edited by Acesflow11; 04-05-2012 at 04:54 AM.
04-05-2012 , 04:43 AM
seems legit
04-05-2012 , 05:00 AM
heres my fav: I call it"angling the angler"

wait till u get dealt the nuts, say u got the nutflush on the turn and actions on u, and ur facing a $100 bet. agonize over it for awhile and be like"ok" then count out your chips 5 rows of 6 chips in each(instead of 5 which is standard) and put in $150 by"accident" after you put it in, be like"awww man i obv meant to call, can I take back $50, i only wanted to call. Obviously the person who bet the 100 bucks "thinks" you were having a tough time to call and decides"hey this guy bet $50 over my bet so thats techincally forced to be a minraise now" and he calls floor over and forces you to minraise it to $200.

So there you go the guys taking advantage of your"mistake" and forces you to bet $200 when he thinks he can get off your hand, so now action is back on him and he for sure thinks youll fold if he puts in a raise at this point, but only 1 thing! you got the nuts!!!! mwhahahah.............

another angle is, shuffle green red and white chips and when action is on you throw out a green and a white while you got AA pre. and then try to take it back- table will most likely try to make it stand and then hopefully decides to be a hero and u get an action raise!
04-05-2012 , 05:06 AM
sickest one Ive seen too date.. playing in a mega deep stack at majestic casino in Gary,IN we all start with like 14k, blinds are like 45 mins long blah blah blah...

so we are in first few hand of freaking 25-25 first blind level lol...A guy throws out 2 thousand and a 25 denomination chips to make a raise too 2025.... the dealer announces raise to this amount, and the guy freaks out and says ''No I ment to make it 225 not 2025 give me a break''! dealer says Ive announced it theres nothing I can do or something like that..little foggy on that ,but of course the guys angling here with AK and just want some one to ship it on him because hes showed false weakness...

the rest is so sick...comes all way around to me 1 away from the cut off and I fold cause I know wtf is going on lol...the guy next to me min raises ! every one folds back to original raiser(angler) ...Angler ships it with Adks ...guy snaps calls with AsAh or whatever....

board runs out as so........

flop: 3dAc7d
river is 8d...Four flushed the aces top of craziest hands of poker if not the craziest Ive ever seen....If this happens to me I wouldnt have been resposnsible for my own actions lmao! as you could prolly understand,but guy just walks off lol
04-05-2012 , 05:15 AM
Originally Posted by Mark275
heres my fav: I call it"angling the angler"

wait till u get dealt the nuts, say u got the nutflush on the turn and actions on u, and ur facing a $100 bet. agonize over it for awhile and be like"ok" then count out your chips 5 rows of 6 chips in each(instead of 5 which is standard) and put in $150 by"accident" after you put it in, be like"awww man i obv meant to call, can I take back $50, i only wanted to call. Obviously the person who bet the 100 bucks "thinks" you were having a tough time to call and decides"hey this guy bet $50 over my bet so thats techincally forced to be a minraise now" and he calls floor over and forces you to minraise it to $200.

So there you go the guys taking advantage of your"mistake" and forces you to bet $200 when he thinks he can get off your hand, so now action is back on him and he for sure thinks youll fold if he puts in a raise at this point, but only 1 thing! you got the nuts!!!! mwhahahah.............

another angle is, shuffle green red and white chips and when action is on you throw out a green and a white while you got AA pre. and then try to take it back- table will most likely try to make it stand and then hopefully decides to be a hero and u get an action raise!
Fing love the first one dude! muahahaha ! thats a really sick good one I dont reccommend at a home game lmao! I say Im not an angler ,but man if Im at the casino and I reckonise the perfect situation for this Idk if I can stop my self lol!

2nd one is legit too ,but def like complexity more of first one better...

def would make money writing this book ,but would feel to evil for it you know lol!
04-05-2012 , 05:24 AM

heres a good example of a dirt bag and what I like to call the '' no speaka english angle''!

lol smdh
04-05-2012 , 01:10 PM
[ ] poker theory
[x] 3/4 of posts in thread are by OP
[ ] the "angle-shooting" described is more profitable than just playing like you're not a douche
[ ] at least it's entertaining
04-05-2012 , 03:19 PM
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