Originally Posted by jeccross
The fact that you cared enough to do this is probably holding up your development as a player.
you know, i agree that this isn't healthy. could you explain why you think this is holding up development?
and also semi-related, when i first got to this table (i think my first table broke around level 4), on my second or third hand, i shoved about 15bb in MP with AKo against the guy to my right. he was an older guy, who i profiled as pretty tight, but really didn't have any other info. i just "felt" that he would fold, he probably had around 20bb. he went in the tank for almost a minute before folding. we later talked and he said he mucked QQ.
i know i wasn't consciously thinking about this hand when the other AKo came up, it seemed like a totally different situation to me, but i wonder how often i let info like this affect my play.