5k hands, frustrating results, anything wrong with these stats?
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 55
So I've been playing on Bovada for a while now, mostly super/hyper turbo STT SNG and some MTTs no-limit holdem, with very few (less than 100 hands) cash PLO. I believe I play a decent small ball strategy but the result don't seem to agree. I ran a 200 bankroll to 550 at one point, now I am on a huge downswing and the bankroll is at a dangerously low level.
I got these stats after 5k hands and they are pretty detailed. Can anybody tell any leaks or whatnot I might have with my game from them? Thanks
Pre Flop
VPIP 31.9
PFR 22.6
Stole 5
Squeeze 10
Re-steal 24.1
Fold to 3bet 48
F SB Steal 18.7
F BB Steal 8.8
Post Flop
Saw Flop 36.1
Aggro Factor 1st street 28
AF 2nd street 15.8
AF 3rd Street 14.4
Fold to Flop Cbet 56.3
Fold 2nd Cbet 38
Fold 3rd Cbet 24
CB 1ST 53
CB 2nd 40.5
CB 3rd 45.2
Fold Frequency 1st 68.1
Fold Frequency 2nd 35.8
Fold Frequency 3rd 42.5
Call PreFlop Raise 63
Aggression Frequency 20.7
WMSD 54.2
WMSF 52.3
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 80
5k hands is an extremely small sample in the larger scheme of things. Having such a large gap between your PFR and VPIP indicates that you are calling too often or limping preflop. I barely have any SNG experience, and essentially no turbo+ experience, but I know that in these games you are frequently shortstacked and you should be looking to open shove with 10 or less bb's and resteal over an open raise with 15-25bb stacks. Calling preflop when effective stacks are like 25 or less bb's doesn't make sense unless you are just flatting AA cause some aggro monkey is jamming 15bb's every single hand.
Also it sounds like you aren't using proper bankroll management. Super turbo SNG's and large field MTT's have EXTREMELY high variance (one of the multiple reasons I prefer cash games). If you are losing most of your bankroll over 5k hands then I'm almost certain you aren't using proper bankroll management.
As I said though, 5k hands is a really small sample. Chances are you are a losing player considering you don't seem to understand sample sizes/variance/how to analyze basic stats to find leaks/bankroll management.
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 24,647
This is not the place for stat checkups