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Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game

05-29-2011 , 08:30 PM
My move is d4.

I decided to switch to d4 because I realized it was harder for me to play against d4 than e4 as black . In this game Im hoping Kyle goes for a queen gambit declined which is the position Im more used to.

Black to move.
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
05-29-2011 , 08:35 PM
On the off chance that anyone around here remembers any of the hundreds of posts I've spammed, I started off as a d4 player pretty much because I picked an opening at random out of a book and the Queen's Gambit seemed interesting. I played that for months, then switched to e4 recently and realized how much I'd been wasting my time. Long story short: I hate d4 games now with a passion. I usually try way too hard to bust open lines and turn the game tactical, and it fails utterly. That said, I'm not entirely unfamiliar with the types of games d4 turns into, so let's do this.


I'mma try to keep this to one move per day so I don't spam through a Malcovich game in a few hours.
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
05-29-2011 , 08:53 PM
Just making the standard move. Nf3 is too boring. Go white!

Im supposed to be studying for a history test but I should have enough time to make a move per day.
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
05-29-2011 , 09:00 PM
I'm excited about this game. Seems like most of the Malkovich games around here (with the exception of the smilingbill-Anonymous IM game) are e4 e5 games, which I'm barely familiar with. As a d4 player, I'm interested to see how this one goes.
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
05-30-2011 , 11:47 AM
I really want to play QGA just because so many people don't know how to handle that because (paradoxically) nobody ever plays it. But I think we said that opening books are okay for this game, so no need to play like that.

Keep It Simple, Stupid. As black I usually just end up playing a super-safe, simple Slav

1. d4 d5
2. c4 c6

I think we all know what this looks like, I'll save the diagram
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
05-30-2011 , 05:10 PM
ok, so he played slav defence which is not what I wanted but given that we agree to use databases is hardly something to worry about. The database gives me Nf3 and Nc3 as my best options. I dont have a clue as to the pros and cons of either option. So im just going to play chesstempo porcentages

If I play Nf3 black best reply according to the numbers is dxc4 while If I play Nc3 black best reply is e6 with slightly better results for white than the reply to Nf3 so thats why Im going with Nf3.

Go White!


Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
05-30-2011 , 05:13 PM
I think its more apropiate that we dont edit the posts . ( Its part of my POG ethos with regards to internet games)
Anyway I forgot to flip the board but given that is only the third move I will just leave it like that.
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
05-31-2011 , 02:15 PM
SLAVY SLAVY SLAVY SLAVY SLAVY I hate d4 games. Boring boring boring.

1. d4 d5
2. c4 c6
3. Nf3 Nf6
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
05-31-2011 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by KyleJRM82
SLAVY SLAVY SLAVY SLAVY SLAVY I hate d4 games. Boring boring boring.
One thing I started playing recently that isn't so boring is the Noteboom (or Abrams, I believe?) variation, basically: 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 e6 4. Nc3 dxc4. Not everyone allows it, and I have seen 4. e3 more than I'd like, but it seems fine to go into the Semi-Slav anyway. Even though the Semi-Slav can still end up 'boring,' having the opportunity to go into the not-boring Noteboom seems worthwhile to me.
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
05-31-2011 , 10:22 PM
my instinct tells me Nc3 but I will check with the database. The database says its either Nc3 or e3.
To Nc3 it answers e6 and to e3 it can answer Bf5 with slightly better results than the reply to Nc3 so Im sticking with my instinct.

1. d4 d5
2. c4 c6
3. Nf3 Nf6
4. Nc3

Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
05-31-2011 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by KyleJRM82
SLAVY SLAVY SLAVY SLAVY SLAVY I hate d4 games. Boring boring boring.
And people wonder why I like the BDG ...
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
06-01-2011 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by HipHopRTR

And people wonder why I like the BDG ...
It's because you hate winning.
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
06-01-2011 , 07:37 AM
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
06-01-2011 , 09:14 AM
Okay, I'm done crying about how this is a d4 game. They aren't really that bad. But e4 is my new bicycle the last month or two, shiny and fun.

e6 always looked a little weird to me here. I hate when my knight is pinned to my queen like that. But this setup always seems to work. After his move, probably e3, I like to play a quick Be7 and just get my castling in. I don't think that's considered the optimal move order, but castling quickly as black always feels like a good plan. It'll all transpose anyway. Nbd7, 0-0, dxc4 as soon as he moves his light bishop, then b5 to boot the bishop when he recaptures and expand on the queenside, Bb7, etc. etc. etc.

I always kind of hope he plays Bg5 in response to e6, just because a lot of players at this level will leave that bishop there, and there's room for tactics. Either a discovered attack on the bishop, or they later play Qd7 and sometimes there's a chance to do one of those fun suicide knight tours like Nxe4 (assuming he's left something of value on e4 Bxe7 Nxd7 Bxd8 Nxb2 and when the smoke clears you are up a pawn.

Good lord, not looking at other people's posts is *really* hard for a forum whore.

1. d4 d5
2. c4 c6
3. Nf3 Nf6
4. Nc3 e6

Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
06-01-2011 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by YouKnowWho
That's a Semi-Slav. That's where all the fun's at.
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
06-01-2011 , 11:05 AM
Its either e3 or Bg5 according to the database and I feel more confortable playing Bg5 here. If I do e3 then I wont know what to do with my queen bishop . I always struggle when I do e3 and my bishop isnt developed so I rather avoid that.
Also I think from black perspective Bg5 looks much more annoying if you havent really studied the opening. Having a knight pinned is always tilting if you arent an expert.
Go white!

1. d4 d5
2. c4 c6
3. Nf3 Nf6
4. Nc3 e6
5. Bg5

Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
06-01-2011 , 11:17 AM
I'm going to break my self-imposed one move per day rule because

this is going to be one of those games that takes 15 moves to get a capture in anyway

1. d4 d5
2. c4 c6
3. Nf3 Nf6
4. Nc3 e6
5. Bg5 Be7

Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
06-01-2011 , 11:32 AM
I didnt expect Kyle to do that. Anyway at this point its preety much e3 and I actually like the position I got. Im not going to be checking with the chesstempo database anymore because I actually want to play and the database could go on for many moves.
Expect move 7 to be absolutely horrible, throwing away the advantage I have .

Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
06-01-2011 , 11:36 AM
Move list:

1. d4 d5
2. c4 c6
3. Nf3 Nf6
4. Nc3 e6
5. Bg5 Be7
6. e3

I probably wont be able to move tommorrow because I have a lot of stuff to do at school.
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
06-01-2011 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by KyleJRM82
this is going to be one of those games that takes 15 moves to get a capture in anyway
dxc4 & the fun of the Botvinnik Semi-Slav was waiting to be played ... its a capture & its exciting! What more could you want??
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
06-01-2011 , 11:55 AM
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
06-01-2011 , 11:55 AM
No botvinnik. =(

Sounds like black is more comfortable with the resultant positions than white is. Not that something like Qe2-Rd1-e4 is a hard plan to find, but the sudden dxc4-b5-b4 (and c5) can be unnerving if you're not familiar with it.
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
06-01-2011 , 12:53 PM
I like the bigger board.
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
06-01-2011 , 05:04 PM
This game is exposing one of the biggest holes in the Great Ship Swiss Cheese that is my chess skill set. My opening knowledge is uneven at best, even in openings I should know more about like QGD. As black especially, I like to fall back into a simple, safe set-up (then moan about how boring the game is). White's probably a bit better in this position and I've made no real attempt to fight for equality or even interesting imbalances.

I've won some games with Qa5 here and putting pressure on the knight over the next few moves, but that's not really sound.

1. d4 d5
2. c4 c6
3. Nf3 Nf6
4. Nc3 e6
5. Bg5 Be7
6. e3 0-0
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
06-01-2011 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by HipHopRTR

dxc4 & the fun of the Botvinnik Semi-Slav was waiting to be played ... its a capture & its exciting! What more could you want??
They're using databases. I don't think them reciting database moves until move 38 would have been particularly exciting for anybody!
Valenzuela vs KyleJRM82 malkovich game Quote
