that bothers me a lot less then attempting a win on disconnect - LOL
my scumbag story - I was on - a guy accepted my 15 minute challenge - he was low rated but had a GM title before his name, which leads me to believe he was just beginning cause he hardly had any games under his belt - (in fact, it may have been his intro rating) -
4th or 5th move he hangs his queen in a way that HAD to be a mouseslip - they don't allow takebacks to my knowledge on the playchess server, but he offered me a draw -
I declined and took his queen - and him being a grandmaster and me being a doghead, proceeded to get slowly beaten into a position where even without a queen he could beat me -
he then took a long time to think and on a whim I claimed the "win on disconnect" and it was accepted - - now THAT was scummy - but not as bad as the guy who tries it 40-50 times a game trying to either break your concentration or get lucky on a couple pings not getting thru the server.
then once in a while I'll get
*bless you in my chat window after a nice swindle back- and I know they're not telling me to go bless myself