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Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Ivanchuk to quit professional chess?

11-27-2009 , 02:53 PM
Oh noes! I hope he doesn't do it. I bet that once he calms down he will retract his words just like Morozevich did a few back and continue playing. Ivanchuk is one of my all time favourite players.


Question: You previous visits to Khanty Mansiysk could not be called successful as well. They think that the main reason is that you play a lot during a year.

Ivanchuk: It has nothing to do with the number of games! My unlucky days started when I did not beat Vladimir Kramnik in the finals of the Tal Memorial. But I could. The real tragedy started then. I was so unlucky at the Moscow blitz, more than ever before in my life. I blundered all possible pieces: queen, rooks, and pawns. At that blitz tournament it was as if I was thrown out of a saddle. And plus, I was losing.

I don't think poker is an option for him considering his views on luck.
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-27-2009 , 03:57 PM
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-27-2009 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Dire

Didn't his whole drug suspension controversy stem from him being so emotional after losing that he left the playing hall, repeatedly kicked a wall, and stormed out before he could be tested?

He'll be back once he cools off. What else could he possibly have planned for life?
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-27-2009 , 06:00 PM
Have you ever seen him in an interview? Chucky is a true genius and also a borderline psycho. He is very far from what we could call a normal person. He is a very nice person and hopefully he will find something away from chess that he can enjoy.
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-27-2009 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Shandrax
Have you ever seen him in an interview? Chucky is a true genius and also a borderline psycho. He is very far from what we could call a normal person. He is a very nice person and hopefully he will find something away from chess that he can enjoy.


borderline? are u sure? borderline disorder? he doesnt fear loneliness neither cut himself.

but believe me he wont quit. morozevich also had this same crisis 2 years ago and still plays.

these 2 guys are just a little ILL.

i know a WGM from Lviv, Ukraine, his city. and she said me he cant even remember how to move inside the big chess club there. he always forget the right path to the rooms

cause he only thinks about chess

but he was ridiculous saying So played bad. ******. lost my respect. despite i like him very much...

his problem is he still wants to be world champion!! and he knows he cant. thats why he whines so much. but he wont quit.... unless he is really crazy.........
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-27-2009 , 08:33 PM
about the world cup:

i hope to see

Lagrave x Wang Yue next round. would be a true beautiful game. two very huge talents and both very solid

i hope my idol Wang Hao can surpass My other idol Mamedyarov but i dont think he will. Mamedyarov is amazing

what else? i hope so draws easily tomorrow. if Gata plays slav. exchange variation again
grunfeld is not so good if u need a win... white can set up a drawnish line also.. but gata dont play others far as i know

what else?.....


The young Wesley So from the Philippines is the only sensation producer of the World Cup 2009. He won Vassily Ivanchuk in Round 2 and defeated the last Cup winner of the Cup Gata Kamsky with black.

• Honestly I was lucky when playing against Ivanchuk, - starts So. – I admire this chess player and I know that he plays much far better than me. In first game he was in time trouble and maybe that is why I was lucky. The second game was a draw, but Vassily had a real chance to win at some point during the game.

• He mentioned in his interview that you were also playing not that well…

• I agree. But today I played very well against Gata Kamsky. I was preparing to the game. I caught him at the opening and he spent a lot of time. I just hope that tomorrow I will be also lucky.

• How can you cope with the magic of the big chess names?

• I realize that you should do your best in the classical games of each round. If you win one game, you are almost there. Besides, I spend a lot of time for preparations to every single opponent. I train chess for 5-6 hours per day watching the previous games of my opponents. I understand that they are people who can also make mistakes.

• Do you have a special strategy to play in the Cup?

• Generally speaking, I am ok if the classical games were drawn. Here the tie break goes. To my mind I play tie breaks better than classical games. But my opponents did not give me any chance to come to the tie breaks.

• Tell us about yourself? Your achievement in chess?

• I am 16 and the greatest achievement for me so far is the second place in one tournament with average rating about 2700. At the moment my rating is 2640. I dream that sooner or later I will come to the magical point 2700. I don't know how much time I will need for that.

• Are you planning to participate in the World Junior Chess Championship? Or you are not interested to play against the opponents of your age?

• It could be stupid of me to think that due to my performance here I became a big shot. In fact to win the World Junior U-20 Championship is my nearest aim in chess. It will be a tough competition. Some of the potential participants of the Championship are here: Negi Parimarjan, Hou Yifan, Sanan Syugirov. I am trying to follow their games here, their openings most of all.

• Ho w can you define your chess style?

• So far I play aggressively. I would like to play a solid game with a solid opening. This is what I want. I think my style is close to Vishy Anand. Of course we have different level.

• Do you have a personal coach?

• Unfortunately I don't. But I think that the moment is coming: I will need it soon. I would train chess with Sanan Syugirov with pleasure for instance. He is my age. The only problem he does not speak English. Anyway I feel like having an assistant now. Another problem is that chess in not that famous in the Philippines . We don't get any financial support from the Government. They don't give money for tournaments, coaches, nothing. Our National Federation pays our tickets. That's it. You realize at one moment that to reach some professional level you need private sponsors. I would be happy with some 20-30 thousand US dollars a year.

• This is your first visit to Russia . Aren't you afraid of cold weather?

opened Siberia for myself. It is very beautiful place with good people! Yes, it is cold here. But we come from the Philippines ; we like to visit countries where it is colder than in our country. Of course truly speaking minus 30 is too much. I like Siberia , but I prefer to stay in my room when it is so cold.
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-27-2009 , 08:36 PM
i will tell you something about WESLEY SO.

he's a monster.

he's not a ****ing pentala harirkishna or none of those fake idiots like Bu Xianzghi.
or Kuzubov


at first, 2 years ago, when i saw a news saying a boy had become GM i started insulting him (as i do with all GM under 16years old)

but after seeing some games.. i liked his style.

considering his achievsments, youngest ever to make 2610 (better than carlsen, karjakin, etc)

living extremely far
without coach
and STILL GOES TO SCHOOL. (different of carlsen and others etc)

now we can say he defeated 2 guys 2750: Kamsky WORLD CHAMPION and IVANCHUK. a monster

not a small deed for a 16 years old.
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-27-2009 , 08:39 PM
Unfortunately I don't. But I think that the moment is coming: I will need it soon. I would train chess with Sanan Syugirov with pleasure for instance. He is my age. The only problem he does not speak English. Anyway I feel like having an assistant now. Another problem is that chess in not that famous in the Philippines . We don't get any financial support from the Government. They don't give money for tournaments, coaches, nothing. Our National Federation pays our tickets. That's it. You realize at one moment that to reach some professional level you need private sponsors. I would be happy with some 20-30 thousand US dollars a year.

YOU WILL EARN MUCH MORE THAN IT MY SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-27-2009 , 08:41 PM
I am 16 and the greatest achievement for me so far is the second place in one tournament with average rating about 2700. At the moment my rating is 2640. I dream that sooner or later I will come to the magical point 2700. I don't know how much time I will need for that.

no much time!
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-27-2009 , 08:43 PM
Honestly I was lucky when playing against Ivanchuk, - starts So. – I admire this chess player and I know that he plays much far better than me. In first game he was in time trouble and maybe that is why I was lucky. The second game was a draw, but Vassily had a real chance to win at some point during the game.

so humble - a true WARRIOR!!!!!! he will go far.
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-27-2009 , 08:47 PM
stupid opening choice from Yu Yangyi

he is not a regular Sveshnikov player

and Lagrave is very strong against it... thats why he lost so bad...
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-27-2009 , 08:56 PM
I'm not trying to troll or anything, but what do they drug test for in chess? Is it normal or is it player dependent.
Originally Posted by PoseidonCubed

Didn't his whole drug suspension controversy stem from him being so emotional after losing that he left the playing hall, repeatedly kicked a wall, and stormed out before he could be tested?

He'll be back once he cools off. What else could he possibly have planned for life?
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-27-2009 , 09:03 PM

newest picture

he is already happy again

look at this pic from 3th round first day


we you ivan! dont leave us
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-27-2009 , 09:24 PM
Vassily Ivanchuk has always been considered somewhat unstable.
The world championship match he lost to Ruslan ponomariov for example was mostly because of bad nerves.
I dont think he will quit. This guy has been a top pro for over 20years now and its unclear what he will do if he quits chess.
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-28-2009 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by bradpittbr

borderline? are u sure? borderline disorder? he doesnt fear loneliness neither cut himself.


these 2 guys are just a little ILL.

i know a WGM from Lviv, Ukraine, his city. and she said me he cant even remember how to move inside the big chess club there. he always forget the right path to the rooms

cause he only thinks about chess

but he was ridiculous saying So played bad. ******. lost my respect. despite i like him very much...

his problem is he still wants to be world champion!! and he knows he cant. thats why he whines so much. but he wont quit.... unless he is really crazy.........

This is one of his better interviews. He is a very strange guy and it becomes more obvious when you see him in real life. Chucky is basically like a big child and he seems to be totally naive. Nevertheless a very nice person and a true genius. With genius I don't just mean highly intelligent, he is simply different. Can he become World Champion? He never had a chance and never will. He is the type of guy who stumbles on the goal line.
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-28-2009 , 03:38 PM
I saw Invanchuk in real life when I competed at the Aeroflot Open in 2005. You def. get the aura that he's in his own world. When he was walking past you and glanced your way you could tell that he wasn't looking at you at all but instead looking through you, probably with the chess board still in his mind. I actually talked a bit with the ex wife of Ivanchuk, Alisa Galliamova, while in Moscow. Friendly lady.
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-29-2009 , 03:36 AM
Ivanchuk will prolly untilt now that Kamsky lost to So.
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-30-2009 , 01:15 PM
This was posted today on a Russian chess site. For those who don't understand Russian, it it is a letter from Ivanchuk saying that he is not quitting chess.

Прошу простить меня моих поклонников, друзей, коллег по оружию и многочисленных любителей шахмат за эмоциональное интервью. Я был очень расстроен после поражения, но ни в коем случае не собираюсь бросать шахматы! И хочу опровергнуть появившуюся в СМИ информацию о моем уходе...
С уважением, Василий Иванчук.
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
11-30-2009 , 02:38 PM

"Just kiddin guys."
Ivanchuk to quit professional chess? Quote
