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how do you place your knights? how do you place your knights?

07-04-2009 , 05:18 AM
So when I started playing in tournaments I'd always face their horse heads straight forward, but then I notice they looked kinda pointed at the top like bishops, so I started turning them to face each other.

My opponents would often have their knights facing away from each other, and this seemed crazy to me, like they weren't interested the game. I figure there are 2 horses on the same team, on the same board, in the same game, they'd be looking at each other.

It's a little ludicrous, I'll grant you that.

I also always liked to perfectly center each piece on its square.
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-04-2009 , 05:44 AM
Haha, that's an important question.
I always place my knights so that they both look to the right. Everything else just seems wrong to me. (can't explain why though)

I had opponents who not only had a different opinion on this but tried to change the alignment of my knights when I was away from the board. I think that this is really bad beahviour, and I have won each of the resulting "j'adoube-wars" so far.
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-04-2009 , 06:20 AM
^^ lmao j'adoube-wars

Excellent thread idea.

When I started out and for a few years I always faced my Knights forward. Mostly cuz I always did that from starting out as a n00b.

Then I won a big tournament, finally bought my first nice wooden chess set, and just decided one day that they would look better facing each other. I also agree with the OP's analysis that the Knights would probably be facing each other in a battle.

One time I was playing in a tournament, and someone was facing their Knights Backwards..that's right completely Backwards. His opponent was so bothered by this that he Actually went to the Tournament Director.

The TD went to the board, and said as long as the Knights are centered in the square, then his opponent can place the Knights in whichever position (pointing forward/backward/to the side/on an angle) he so chooses. The person who went and got the TD was pretty pissed... I think he went on to lose the game, but I'm not sure. This definitely made me chuckle at the time and made me wonder if I should start to do the same with my Knights to TILT my opponents.
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-04-2009 , 06:53 AM
Whichever way the end up flopping on the square. Which I also do with every other piece. When I play otb I'm usually just visualizing the positions in my head in 2d anyhow so their appearance on the board is irrelevant. Now I just need to get good enough to be able to get display boards/screens when playing otb and I'll be set.
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-04-2009 , 08:39 AM
Hehe, very good thread.

I always place my knights facing each other. And I will keep them in this position until the end of the game, so I always know which one was the b- and which one the g-knight.

I believe this is the only correct piece placement, though a lot of people make them face to the right; probably because chess programs display them this way.

I also try to show up before my opponent, so I can make his knights face each other too; and I am bothered if he turns them afterwards. Strange behaviour; i guess, but I have seen worse...
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-04-2009 , 11:20 AM
I always place them so they stare at the opponents king in intimidating fashion. I also use the 'smyslov screw'
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-05-2009 , 02:07 AM
To the left.
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-05-2009 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by swingdoc
To the left.
*Breaking* the symmetry between them?
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-05-2009 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by swingdoc
To the left.
Why? What are they looking at?
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-05-2009 , 04:43 PM
the clock, if you are White
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-05-2009 , 05:13 PM
I have them face the enemy pieces as appropriate.

I also make whinneying sounds and other battle sounds when I capture pieces.
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-06-2009 , 12:03 AM
Interesting. I place them facing each other, but if I had to choose between left or right, I'd choose facing them to the left. (Actually I used to do this some years ago). Maybe it has to do with being left or right handed, cause I'm lefty.
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-06-2009 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by 74Offsuit
I always place them so they stare at the opponents king in intimidating fashion. I also use the 'smyslov screw'
I assume you are referring to screwing your pieces into the squares. I find this extremely tilting and consider it a license to stare at the opponent/freely j'adoube on my time/generally tilt him back.

Not that I don't have my own annoying habits!
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-06-2009 , 12:34 AM
Next we'll start the thread on clock-bangers. I could never stand a clock-banger. Do your moves really need dramatic emphasis? Really? Take it easy on my clock there, buddy!
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-06-2009 , 02:40 AM
Quickfetus-FM Privman, NY Masters:

In an unclear position, I have 2 minutes to his fifteen with an analog clock (time management FTL). For some reason, he grabs a massively poisoned center pawn and gives me a devastating, easy to play attack.

Realising what he has done to his position, Privman begins slamming (his!) clock as hard as possible after moving; I thought he was trying to jolt the clock and make me flag! The hardest hit was reserved for his last move, when I had mate in 1 .
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-06-2009 , 03:53 AM
I swap them off for bishops at the earliest opportunity.

Seriously I never notice whether they are facing left or right.
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-06-2009 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by quickfetus
Quickfetus-FM Privman, NY Masters:

In an unclear position, I have 2 minutes to his fifteen with an analog clock (time management FTL). For some reason, he grabs a massively poisoned center pawn and gives me a devastating, easy to play attack.

Realising what he has done to his position, Privman begins slamming (his!) clock as hard as possible after moving; I thought he was trying to jolt the clock and make me flag! The hardest hit was reserved for his last move, when I had mate in 1 .
Reconstructed game notation or it never happened.
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-06-2009 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Next we'll start the thread on clock-bangers. I could never stand a clock-banger. Do your moves really need dramatic emphasis? Really? Take it easy on my clock there, buddy!
I hate that, but love it if they clock-bang after a move they thought to be winning but turns out not to be.

OT: I don't even know where i face my knights so it probably doesn't matter to me. But i have to remember how to tilt Ajezz if we're going to be drawn against each other at the Vienna tournament You gonna play 2. c3, i turn your knights backwards.
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-06-2009 , 09:22 AM
My knights look straight ahead. If my opponent hasn't arrived yet (in weekend tournaments), I turn his knights backwards so that they look away from the board and directly at him, like they're afraid of what's coming to them. Don't know if that has any real psychological effect, but nine out of ten opponents turn them around before they start the game, usually even if they show up late and the first move has already been played (if I'm White).
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-06-2009 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by pahala
My knights look straight ahead. If my opponent hasn't arrived yet (in weekend tournaments), I turn his knights backwards so that they look away from the board and directly at him, like they're afraid of what's coming to them. Don't know if that has any real psychological effect, but nine out of ten opponents turn them around before they start the game, usually even if they show up late and the first move has already been played (if I'm White).
lmao you're sick.
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-06-2009 , 12:18 PM
+1, I'll start doing that if I ever take up tournament chess again.
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-06-2009 , 12:31 PM
Mine are always facing straight ahead. And I actually rarely go back with them, just forward Thread delivers!
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-07-2009 , 01:50 PM
Mine always have to look at the centre, at f3 and c3 and beyond.
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-07-2009 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by _The Tourist_
Mine always have to look at the centre, at f3 and c3 and beyond.
A+ first post
how do you place your knights? Quote
07-07-2009 , 04:36 PM
You guys actually keep your pieces long enough to notice which way they're facing?

My knights start off facing at a 45 degree angle towards the center and end up face down with broken snouts.
how do you place your knights? Quote
