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exploiting a slight edge in the nimzo indian exploiting a slight edge in the nimzo indian

07-29-2010 , 02:58 PM
reached this position from a slow game today. I annotated it on fics, and at this point it says black is slightly better with an edge of -.43. So the question becomes, what is black's plan to exploit this here?

My thoughts were something like rfc8 (not rac8 because we want both rooks on the queenside), followed by na5 and ba6. White can't do much here because both of his bishops are blocked in, but in the game I had a lot of trouble attacking this position.
exploiting a slight edge in the nimzo indian Quote
07-29-2010 , 04:05 PM
I think I would start with Ne4 and then Rc8. Maybe 1...Ne4 2.Rfd1 Rac8 3.f3 Nxd2 4.Rxd2 Na5 5.Nb5 and White seems to be generating some counterplay. Maybe 2...Rfc8 is better so that the a7 pawn will be defended at the end of that line.

White's Nb5 threat seems annoying. If we stop it with a6, then the b-pawn is weakened. So I might consider exchanging the Knight in a line like 1...Ne4 2.Rfd1 Rac8 3.f3 Nxd2 4.Rxd2 Nxd4 5.cxd4 Ba6 to pile up on the c-pawn and play d5.
exploiting a slight edge in the nimzo indian Quote
07-29-2010 , 04:12 PM
I don't like an immediate Rc8 b/c of Nb5 ideas. I prefer Na5 and Ba6 first in that order and then think for a bit. If Na5 Nb5 then Bc6 with the idea of Ne4 Rd1 a6 and Ba4.
exploiting a slight edge in the nimzo indian Quote
07-29-2010 , 11:47 PM
Looks very drawish imo. Maybe i've been playing to much blitz lately but Ne5 look good to me, but after good play from both sides I cant see that working out giving black a considerable advantage.
exploiting a slight edge in the nimzo indian Quote
07-30-2010 , 01:40 AM
Havent checked this with a computer, but I like Na5 , Ba6, Rfc8 etc too.
I dont think black is just sligthly better. I think white is strategically lost!
exploiting a slight edge in the nimzo indian Quote
07-30-2010 , 11:06 AM
Also, how does everyone feel about rfc8 conceptually? I always have a lot of problems deciding which rook to move. At first I thought rfc8 was better, but I am starting to reconsider after thinking that white will almost certainly play rd1 at some point. Thoughts?
exploiting a slight edge in the nimzo indian Quote
07-30-2010 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Paymenoworlater
Havent checked this with a computer, but I like Na5 , Ba6, Rfc8 etc too.
I dont think black is just sligthly better. I think white is strategically lost!
I thought this too but White's knight really is well placed, it can do just enough to make things difficult if Black plays automatically.

maybe John Douglas's idea is best, but exchanging the knights on d4 seems so perverse and can't offer more than a small advantage imo.
exploiting a slight edge in the nimzo indian Quote
07-30-2010 , 01:01 PM
How about 1.. Ne4 2. Rfd1 Na5? Black has a threat of Nd6 after which the pawn cannot be defended so white has to play 3. Nb5 I think, but then Bc6, I simply want to take on b5, play d5 --> Nd6 --> Nc4 and have a dominant knight(s) against bad bishop(s). If that can be won is a different question but only black has chances. Though white has an ugly looking Na3 after Bc6 which seems to hold.. I really dunno then, that would be my best guess. Black probably cant win a pawn, but maybe there is a way to trade b7 bishop to a knight in a way where black gets dominant knights.
exploiting a slight edge in the nimzo indian Quote
08-13-2010 , 04:57 AM
How about ...Ne5 and Be4-d3? 2N v N+B and the c-pawn falls pretty quickly. I am rusty so maybe this is terrible? Our Bishop looks nice on the surface but does it serve a purpose? (besides attacking the c pawn)
exploiting a slight edge in the nimzo indian Quote
08-13-2010 , 05:25 AM
White has some ideas also. He can either go for Nb3 with the option to play c5 at one stage or go for Nb5-d6 to block the position. The perfect black response would have to take care of both. Maybe black should play the pawn to d6 first.
exploiting a slight edge in the nimzo indian Quote
