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Critique my game please Critique my game please

02-06-2013 , 01:24 PM

I'm black.

Here's a game where I feel I played pretty good(relative to my skill level) and I offered a draw at the end that was accepted.

I'd like a general overview of my game, as well as thoughts on the draw?? I didn't feel like the game was really going anywhere........ but I am definitely a newbie, so any thoughts are appreciated.

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02-06-2013 , 06:19 PM
I think the opening was pretty solid, White didnt threaten much and I like your simple development which seems to equalise comfortably. It's a bit of a shame that although you win a pawn the doubled pawns on the Qside make it difficult to exploit.

That said I didnt like the plan of pushing up the K side pawns with no real support. There are still 2 rooks each so having some cover for your king would still be advised. Given that you are ahead I'd prefer to either tie his rooks down in defence or swap a pair off.

I also think your opponent missed a trick on move 30. Rxd6 would be ok but Rxf5+ looks even better!
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02-07-2013 , 07:02 PM
I too have to wonder why you decided to push the pawns on moves 10 and 11. You still have an undeveloped piece and a strong presence in the center, which you allowed your opponent to disrupt. Granted, I think whites moves at this time are also pretty bad (pushing the C and D pawns to attack the center) as they are weak, passive, unsupported, and destroy his strong pawn structure (I also think your pawn moves here are bad because of these reasons. They are on the outside of the board and don't really do anything to help your position.) If I were him I probably would have brought my Rook to e1 instead and activated the Bishop before starting a premature and weak attack. This does fit his play from the opening though, where he started an attack with only two pieces, giving you two developed pieces to his one. As I said before, this is where you should have taken advantage of your lead in tempo by bringing your knight out and your Rooks to a square where they can attack the center.

To be honest I wasn't really planning on saying all that much but since I started writing I keep thinking of things to say.

On move 14 you played Nd7. This move I do not think is that bad because you are trading off your very passive knight for his strong knight which could become very annoying. However after Nxd7, you have to bring your queen back to take it giving his the chance to bring out his bishop. I think a better move would have been to attack the knight with f6. This forces him to bring the knight back wasting a move and allowing you to now bring out your knight to have 3 activated pieces to his 1. Another move on this turn I thought of was to just take his d4 pawn as you have two pieces on it and he has one. Taking with the bishop seems like it might get you into trouble after he plays Be3. If you take the pawn with the queen though, from what I can see, the queens will have to be traded and he has to move his knight, while you gain that pawn. I have not looked all that far into these lines but I think they work out, especially against his play.

As leofric said, your opening was solid, as it brought out your pieces to have a strong presence in the center, but most of the problems you had throughout the rest of the game all stemmed from you pushing your pawns on the A and B files instead of continuing to strengthen your advantage in the center.
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