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02-18-2012 , 04:11 AM

Well, that was fun. My solution assumes no Rook on e8.

Last edited by wheelflush; 02-18-2012 at 04:15 AM. Reason: FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-18-2012 , 08:16 AM
I played an interesting blitz game as white
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-18-2012 , 09:02 AM
I'm an idiot, I forgot to post the solution to the puzzle. It's in this spoiler.

I should note that the position isn't a typical "white to play and win" with one crushing final blow, I was more looking for ideas to and the best moves to keep white's huge advantage.

The move Houdini likes most is 25. Bc3, which is a mate in 18 (bonus point if you got that). The main points of 25. Bc3 are not only are you threatening to take on f6 followed by mate, but that black doesn't have the resource 25...Qb6+ followd by 26...Qd4, a common motif in the resulting positions. 25. Bg5 and 26. Bh6 both still win (Houdini gives them +20 and +13, respectively), so full credit for those
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-18-2012 , 10:57 AM
posting a mate in 18 problem is borderline trolling imo
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-18-2012 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by valenzuela
posting a mate in 18 problem is borderline trolling imo
Hahaha Good point. Although to be fair, I didn't say you had to spot the mate
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-18-2012 , 04:20 PM
Made my return to tourney chess to defend my 2100 rating against a 1600. After I won a piece in the opening, my opponent planned to play Ne4 (attacking my Q on d2). I countered with Ne2-g3, and when he played his Ne4, calmly picked up my other N on f3 and captured it. He generously pointed out that this was not how horseys moved and I resigned. Successful comeback??
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-18-2012 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Punker
Made my return to tourney chess to defend my 2100 rating against a 1600. After I won a piece in the opening, my opponent planned to play Ne4 (attacking my Q on d2). I countered with Ne2-g3, and when he played his Ne4, calmly picked up my other N on f3 and captured it. He generously pointed out that this was not how horseys moved and I resigned. Successful comeback??
You're only down a queen for two pieces and 500 rating points. That's like about a pawn. Play on.

Unless the knight you now have to move was the only thing protecting the queen. Then you're screwed.
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-18-2012 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Vempele
You're only down a queen for two pieces and 500 rating points. That's like about a pawn. Play on.

Unless the knight you now have to move was the only thing protecting the queen. Then you're screwed.
Exactly my reaction. I think the expert player is still the favorite to win with two knights for the queen if the rest of the board is still "normal". Black already dropped one piece in that game...

Pretty sure in similar circumstances I once managed to win down a queen for a piece. Just started a slow kingside attack...
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-18-2012 , 07:15 PM
I wouldnt resign a game Im down a queen for two pieces myself.
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-19-2012 , 05:50 PM

1.Qe1? (Qf1!) Rda8 2. c7 Ra1 3. c8=Q+ Kg7 -+

2 rooks are better than 2 queens

I was white and won on time
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-19-2012 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by TimM
The no losing chances rule is terrible. In this day and age delay should be used in all events. At the very least it should not be disallowed.

A class C player is someone rated 1400-1600 USCF. There is a very wide variance in endgame knowledge among class C players, so yes it would be very subjective to argue one way or the other whether the average class C player with adequate clock time would have a 9% or 11% chance of losing. In any case, it is very close, and probably the best ruling would be to continue the game with a delay clock. Even if the tournament were specified to start all games without time delay, I don't see any reason why that would make this option unavailable to the director.

Can we have the exact final position?
Major +1 to delay being used in all events. Just makes things so much clearer when low on time for both the player and the TD.

Originally Posted by TimM
The idea was to prevent people from playing out and trying to flag clearly drawn Rook vs. Rook, King and Rook Pawn vs. King, and things like that.

I would just not play in sudden death events without time delay myself.
Yeah, I would not play in sudden death events without time delay either. Just for the off chance that a situation like that occurs - it's really aggravating.

I would have asked for a time delay clock to be added in that situation. I've seen (not exact position but an endgame with very few pieces) times when a TD has allowed the time delay clock added and times when a TD hasn't added the time delay clock.

Allen, at least you know you played your higher rated opponent to a "draw" by reaching (and knowing the technique for) Philidor's position. So try to take some satisfaction in that. Playing well and gaining experience is worth much more than losing a small amount of rating points in the long term.

I'm glad to hear that you're still playing tournaments too.
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-20-2012 , 04:19 PM
I was bored after playing a Words With Friends move on my IFun, so I decided to try out Chess With Friends.

My first random opponent just hung a piece on move 4.
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-20-2012 , 06:19 PM
Brag: Team 45 45 is back!

Beat: I completely and utterly embarrassed myself and my team had to settle for a 2:2 draw after being up 2:1.

Variance: It wasn't because of lack of effort. I chewed up 101 minutes of clock in a 45 45 game.

I played the opening with newbtastic nooooobness spewing pieces around instead of developing. I actually did see the bishop trap coming and intentionally sacced it. I then completely and utterly failed to see 23. ... f5, which crushes pretty hard.

I had planned on playing 40. ... Rxe3 41. Qxe3 Qxb2+ with probably equal chances, but instead I got a better (?) idea and weakened my king instead on an ill-advised pawn push.

From there on out I was in one of those overly optimistic states where I'm convinced I'm playing for the win and don't want to slip up and let him draw, only to suddenly realize at the end that I'm lost and probably should have been trying to hang on for a draw instead.
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-20-2012 , 06:28 PM
I play the crappy Windows built in chess thing sometimes when my internet connection craps out. I had a 38 game winning streak, and then I had queen+king vs. king, and the dumb thing incorrectly announced that it was a draw by repetition while I was in the process of marching my king over from the other side of the board.

*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-20-2012 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Mayo
the dumb thing incorrectly announced that it was a draw by repetition
You sure? Seems like an odd mistake from a computer, though not impossible for sure.
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-21-2012 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by Vempele
You're only down a queen for two pieces and 500 rating points. That's like about a pawn. Play on.

Unless the knight you now have to move was the only thing protecting the queen. Then you're screwed.
Kinda thought of it afterwards; resigned mostly in just utter shock. Here was the position where I played Nf3xe4:

Anyways, the story had a relatively happy ending as I used the swiss gambit successfully, and won the next 3 rounds over players rated 1874, 2037, and 1901. This brought me to board 2 in the last round, where I was wiped off the face of the earth by an IM. However, all other results went well for me and I took a share of the <2200 prize for a cool $75.
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by KyleJRM82
Brag: Team 45 45 is back!

Beat: I completely and utterly embarrassed myself and my team had to settle for a 2:2 draw after being up 2:1.

Variance: It wasn't because of lack of effort. I chewed up 101 minutes of clock in a 45 45 game.

I played the opening with newbtastic nooooobness spewing pieces around instead of developing. I actually did see the bishop trap coming and intentionally sacced it. I then completely and utterly failed to see 23. ... f5, which crushes pretty hard.

I had planned on playing 40. ... Rxe3 41. Qxe3 Qxb2+ with probably equal chances, but instead I got a better (?) idea and weakened my king instead on an ill-advised pawn push.

From there on out I was in one of those overly optimistic states where I'm convinced I'm playing for the win and don't want to slip up and let him draw, only to suddenly realize at the end that I'm lost and probably should have been trying to hang on for a draw instead.
Sounds like you're capable of playing a lot better than you normally do.

I don't think a good amount of the mistakes you make are chess related.

Try focus on "back to basics" type approach, aim to keep things simple, and avoid fancy play syndrome / fancy thinking syndrome. I'd be surprised if your results didn't have a nice jump if you did these things.
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
You sure? Seems like an odd mistake from a computer, though not impossible for sure.
Could also have been the 50 move rule if he took forever to mate with the K+Q
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-21-2012 , 04:41 PM
More IM simul brag, this time I get the whole point against Martha Fierro on ICC.

The vibe of "okay, I'm up a pawn, time to go into autopilot against this donk" is almost palpable, but she botches the endgame.

B > N
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-21-2012 , 04:56 PM
Maybe u can even play for a win with 45.. Bb1?

edit: rofl at my reading comprehension, I thought you drew and wrote that comment without looking at the end of the game. Congrats!
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:27 PM
Congrats Kyle, that is awesome. The only thing better than an IM scalp is a female IM scalp, proving women belong in the kitchen and not on the chess board.

**Disclaimer** Completely joking jenium, please don't hurt me.
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:53 PM
The best chefs are man too actually so they dont belong in the kitchen either.
And if we are going by stereotypes women should actually be better at simuls than men because they are better at doing lots of things at the same time
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-21-2012 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by valenzuela
The best chefs are man too actually so they dont belong in the kitchen either.
And if we are going by stereotypes women should actually be better at simuls than men because they are better at doing lots of things at the same time
Nobody thinks more than 1 game at a time in simuls.
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-21-2012 , 06:56 PM
Women do.
*** Chess BBV *** Quote
02-21-2012 , 08:27 PM
beat: I just hanged a knight on a game. Its against a 1280 player so hopefully I will manage to come back .
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