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2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament 2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament

03-27-2013 , 03:17 PM
does this look like a man who gives a **** about time?

2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-27-2013 , 03:28 PM
I don't even flag in 40% of my games, and I play 5 0.
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 09:58 AM
I need updated odds!
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 10:57 AM
I have very little idea what's going on in any of the games so far, very difficult positions. Grischuk's h4 lunge is pretty gung-ho
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 11:23 AM
Wow disgusting. 17 move draw in Ivanchuk-Gelfand from a very interesting position.
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 11:49 AM
No live commentary today?
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Cadaz
No live commentary today?
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 11:59 AM
i'm gonna claim a draw by repetition, gg wlrs
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 12:07 PM
claim reverted to a loss due to slowness of pony
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 12:11 PM
they're called knights
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 12:34 PM
kramnik looks in pretty good shape as of move 21 especially with radjabov's clock. grischuk-carlsen position looks pretty interesting too with the open h file, white uncastled in a pin and 2 pawns hanging.
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 12:37 PM
Grischuk with a solid 20 minutes on the clock for 24 moves, too.
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 12:41 PM
Aronian bringing it on with g5 (or possibly torching his position)
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 12:48 PM
How would y'all go about trying to win Carlsen's position if you were black? Seems like it would be a tough position to play for a win unless Grischuk falls apart in time pressure.
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 12:59 PM
boo magnus. As Black I'd try to improve things - ideas like putting something to c4, playing Kg7, Rfe8, dream of Rh8 ideas. No grand plan
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 01:02 PM
And Grischuk-Carlsen is officially 1/2-1/2. Very curious to see how Svidler-Aronian turns out. If Aronian loses, he'll be a full point behind Carlsen with 3 rounds to play. That would be a steeeeeeep mountain to climb.
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 01:02 PM
levon aronitilt
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 01:03 PM
Speaking of Aronian, did y'all see his shirt from yesterday? Nice.

2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 01:05 PM
Houdini saying that Aronian's 23...b5? is a blunder and giving white an advantage of around +2 now.
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 01:06 PM
Can someone help me out? After white's 23.c6, Houdini is saying virtually the only move to keep the game equal is 23...Nd5. Why is that the only move there? This is over my head.

Edit: I promise to quit spamming this thread.
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by TexAg06
Speaking of Aronian, did y'all see his shirt from yesterday? Nice.

It was an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, yellow polka dot Armenian.
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 01:15 PM
Tex I'm shocked it's still equal
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by wlrs
Tex I'm shocked it's still equal
Do you mean now, or if black had played 23...Nd5?
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
03-28-2013 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by TexAg06
Can someone help me out? After white's 23.c6, Houdini is saying virtually the only move to keep the game equal is 23...Nd5. Why is that the only move there? This is over my head.

Edit: I promise to quit spamming this thread.
not that i have any great insight into this position that you dont considering im only a 1500-1600 player, but just following along the houdini lines this seems to be the only way to force an exchange of the c pawn and the queens which should equalize the position. allowing that dangerous passer that is pretty easy to protect from a rook behind it but ties down black a lot because they have to stop it.

so its clear moving the b pawn is bad. but why are other moves bad? that is, why cant we force an exchange of the c pawn with our b pawn afterwards with another move? i think maybe Nd5 works because of the pressure it puts on both the queen and the f4 pawn protecting the knight on e5. and i didnt really go into the other moves too in depth, but its possible all the other moves are just weakening to your position in some way. any queen move allows c7, rooks and bishop have basically nowhere to go and something like bxc6 just seems like awful chess and a horrible position
2013 World Championship Candidates Tournament Quote
