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Why Isn't Adultery In the Same League as  Murder? Why Isn't Adultery In the Same League as  Murder?

02-06-2013 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by Hardball47
The fact that they're numbered. lol.. Use some sense and look at #1. It's central to the religion.
Wait, where are they numbered? I don't see numbering in Exodus 20 or Deut 5?
Why Isn't Adultery In the Same League as  Murder? Quote
02-06-2013 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by montecarlo
Wait, where are they numbered? I don't see numbering in Exodus 20 or Deut 5?
Beat me to it.
Why Isn't Adultery In the Same League as  Murder? Quote
02-07-2013 , 12:49 AM
If all sin is equal in the eyes of God it would be better to compare murder to stealing a candy bar.
Why Isn't Adultery In the Same League as  Murder? Quote
02-07-2013 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by Doggg
I'm not going to go into my personal life too deeply, but I underestimated the difficulties of marrying and living with a confirmed bi-polar, and possibly schizo-effective person who refuses help (spiritual or medical).


Because I had pre-marital sex with a woman I didn't really know, and knocked her up.

Those christian rules and guidelines are there for a reason, as I've said before. I had to learn the hard way, but hopefully, others won't, and won't do stupid things like having one-night stands with women they don't know. Because the point is that you don't really know them, and sex is a very personal act that can have deep and long-lasting implications for your life.

And yes, I have dozens of really good reasons, numerous bizarre incidents, and mind-blowing and unexpected events that would allow me to justify a divorce.

Maybe it will come to that.

And if I was backslidden still, it would have no doubt come to that already.

But right now I'm glad I never divorced her, for the sake of my daughter. I just had my second child, a girl, who was born just two weeks ago. She will be a lifelong best friend for my oldest daughter, and seeing her happy and cooing over the newest addition makes it all worth it for me.
wow, do you talk about these kinds of feelings with her?
Why Isn't Adultery In the Same League as  Murder? Quote
