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Who was Pontious Pilate? Who was Pontious Pilate?

10-08-2009 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
If you are serious and you consider this to be an accurate account, can you please tell me WHY?

WHY do you consider this an accurate true historical account and not a lie?
Pletho, despite you being a little kooky, I actually kinda like you and think that you really do mean everything you write, even if you do so sometimes in an entirely frustrating manner. But the fact that you can't tell if I was being serious or not is a bit of a problem.

My post was rather obvious sarcasm to point out that I and most other people who read your OP (and who know your posting history) knew where you were going with this thread.

Your real question here is about the evaluation of historical documents. How do we decide what we find credible or not?
Who was Pontious Pilate? Quote
10-08-2009 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
Does anyone believe this to be a true accurate historical recall of history about this man, Pontius Pilate?
There is not much physical evidence except a inscription dedicated to Tiberius. He was an ordo equester so it is hardly surprising he does not have monuments built to him. Both Josephus and Tacitus speak about him, Tacitus calls him the procurator which is a finance minister with no real power. I have always thought he had the misfortune of staying in the city during passover while the other Roman officials took off and so became famous.
Who was Pontious Pilate? Quote
10-08-2009 , 03:03 PM
It is impossible to prove that Pontius Pilate existed, but there are at least 5 different sources that mention him; and since none of these authors had a motive to invent Pilate, there is no reason to believe they did.
Who was Pontious Pilate? Quote
10-08-2009 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by BartJ385
It is impossible to prove that Pontius Pilate existed, but there are at least 5 different sources that mention him; and since none of these authors had a motive to invent Pilate, there is no reason to believe they did.
While I can't make any statements about the veracity of the above statement, if true it establishes a basis to believe that it is very likely that PP existed.

The same goes for Jesus, I think. It is very likely that a man named Jesus existed. Just like a man namedd Mohammed very likely existed. Whether they were devine or had contacted devinity is what is much less likely.

The only thing we can do when analyzing anything is look at the evidence and try to come up with a logical conclusion. Most skeptics don't feel attached to their theories in the same way that a theist does. A skeptic will say this is the best belief we have based on the current evidence. When evidence comes along to refute it, they will alter their opinion.

This problem goes far deeper than biblical studies. Read any history book about a war written by the winners, and you will likely see a very different story than the ones written by the losers. We have to take all written accounts with grains of salt.
Who was Pontious Pilate? Quote
10-08-2009 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by BartJ385
It is impossible to prove that Pontius Pilate existed, but there are at least 5 different sources that mention him; and since none of these authors had a motive to invent Pilate, there is no reason to believe they did.
I don't think that anybody doubts that he existed.
Who was Pontious Pilate? Quote
10-08-2009 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
Of course that's a true and accurate account! Pletho, don't you know that atheists accept as true any writing about historical figures EXCEPT Jesus. Personally, if its a historical account, and its NOT about Jesus, I pretty much accept it as 100% what happened, without question.
Nobody ever claimed that Pilate walked on water, healed the blind, or rose from the dead.

Small difference there.
Who was Pontious Pilate? Quote
10-08-2009 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by St Bernadino
Nobody ever claimed that Pilate walked on water, healed the blind, or rose from the dead.

Small difference there.
Mayby he did, and Jesus was just the patsy...
Who was Pontious Pilate? Quote
10-08-2009 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by EvilSteve
But first let's wrap this one up. Conservapedia seems like a good, authoritative source:

Pontius Pilate, Roman governor of Palestine from 26 to 36 A.D., famous for ordering Jesus to be crucified. When the Sanhedrin had brought Jesus to him to be put to death, a charge that they had no authority to carry out themselves, Pilate at first tried to remove himself by having the case given to Herod on the grounds that Jesus was a Galilean. Herod subsequently bounced the case back to Pilate who, after briefly talking with Jesus, determined Jesus was not worthy of death. The religious authorities had stirred up the crowd and wanted crucifixion. Pilate had Jesus flogged, but this did not appease them. Ultimately he had the crowd choose between Jesus or Barabbas. They chose to free Barabbas. Pilate had Jesus crucified, but only after first "washing his hands" of the blood of this innocent man.

There has been much debate as to how to view Pilate and his choices and how Pilate truly thought. What is known is that Pilate was on very shaky ground. He owed his political position to Sejanus, a man who had already lost his head. Jewish complaints against him had already resulted in him being overruled by the Emperor once before. His record was such that another difficulty could well lead to his removal, and, indeed, that's exactly what happened in 36 A.D. when the Jews complained against him and he was dismissed from his position. In the Gospel accounts there is a reference made that if Pilate lets Jesus go, then he is "no friend of Caesar". Being a "friend of Caesar" was a term that had significance to the time as it was the way that political appointments were made. Saying that he was no friend of Caesar would have been viewed as a veiled threat that if he didn't rule the right way, accusations could be made against him to Rome.

Whatever Pilate's ultimate desires, what he did is recorded in history, and that has certainly made him more famous in history than any other man of his position has ever been.
Did you actually call conservopedia a good source? That would have to be the first time I have ever heard that.

That article just re-hashes the bible accounts and dishes is as true without pause in the first passage, then it blends it with some historical sourcery in the 2nd passage which is far more unclear than this article lays it out to be.

That article is manure.
Who was Pontious Pilate? Quote
10-08-2009 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Did you actually call conservopedia a good source? That would have to be the first time I have ever heard that.

That article just re-hashes the bible accounts and dishes is as true without pause in the first passage, then it blends it with some historical sourcery in the 2nd passage which is far more unclear than this article lays it out to be.

That article is manure.
[x] just got levelled
Who was Pontious Pilate? Quote
10-09-2009 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by Arouet
[x] just got levelled
Oh no, my intellectual integrity is in ruins.
Who was Pontious Pilate? Quote
10-09-2009 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by Arouet
Pletho, despite you being a little kooky, I actually kinda like you and think that you really do mean everything you write, even if you do so sometimes in an entirely frustrating manner. But the fact that you can't tell if I was being serious or not is a bit of a problem.

My post was rather obvious sarcasm to point out that I and most other people who read your OP (and who know your posting history) knew where you were going with this thread.

Your real question here is about the evaluation of historical documents. How do we decide what we find credible or not?
I as honestly trying to give you the benefit of doubt, I do not want to develop an automatic negative and sceptacle resisitance to people who ask questions about God, even though this is very hard to balance on this forum.

Thats why I gave you the benefit of doubt, just that I asked you should alert you that I sense sacrcasm..... If I happened to be wrong I wanted to give you a chance.
Who was Pontious Pilate? Quote
10-09-2009 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Oh no, my intellectual integrity is in ruins.
happens to the best of us!
Who was Pontious Pilate? Quote
