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What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like?

05-02-2010 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
betair, just wondering if you finished reading Ezekiel 18.
No i just cherry picked it. It was used against me when i brought up the injustices of punishing the son for the actions of the father.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-02-2010 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by batair
No i just cherry picked it. It was used against me when i brought up the injustices of punishing the son for the actions of the father.
I think you should finish reading Ezekiel 18 if you can.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Originally Posted by bunny
Originally Posted by bunny
You implied God doesnt kill people. Can you give me an example of something God does do?
God does hold everything in existence.
I mean a physical act, an occurence that would make you say "God did that". If you think God doesnt kill people, what does God do? Does he make tsunamis? Does he cause cancer to go into remission? Does he cause one child to inherit a gene resulting in a short, painful life and the other to miss the gene and live a long, happy life?

God cannot give someone free will without giving them free will. So no, God cannot control the actions of an agent which he gave free will (with regards to the free will action), not because he is not omnipotent, but because it is a logical absurdity.
Are you saying God could have prevented a murder or he couldnt?

It seems you're saying "No, because he gave the murderer free will." which is fine, but ignores the actual question - did he have a choice in granting free will? If he did, then he could have prevented the murder by not giving the murderer free will.

Ok, let's look at the two types of natural death. One being you are old and your body gives out. The other being you have some sort of disease that causes your body to shut down.

I think the latter is explained again by free will so I will not address that.
You think a baby dying of whooping cough is explained by free will? How?

But the former is I think more of what you are getting at. Now I think that you are again confusing the situation. Was my Grandma killed when she died last year at 92? I don't see how this fits the definition of being killed.
If something happened so that she died at 92 rather than at 93 then whatever that something was caused her death, no?

God did set up this world to be temporary, but I fail to see how this is an issue? Is there something morally wrong with setting up this world to be temporary?
No. In fact I think there must be something morally right about setting the world up to be temporary - since I think God did it that way, could have done it differently, and is Good. I'm not sure how you can grant God the description "good" if you're so reticent about ascribing any responsibilty for any actual physical act to him.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
You have yet to show that first, it is biblical that God controls everything that happens in this world, and second that an omnipotent God must control everything in this world. Your assertion that God is belittled by this line of thinking has yet to be shown logical.
1. I don't think it's biblical that God controls everything that happens in this world.

2. I don't think an omnipotent God must control everything in this world.

Neither of these are required for my argument to be sound, so I'm not going to show either of them to be true (plus I think they're false).

The argument rests on whether refraining from preventing an act counts as being responsible for the act. Free will is an illusory defence unless God is compelled to grant free will (the attack on omnipotence I mentioned earlier) - since by granting free will he's still chosen not to prevent a subsequently freely chosen action.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Okay well you are going to have to prove to me that a world that has no understanding of good is not basically hell. And here you go jumping around the Bible nit picking. It's like its my job to explain to you why every single thing happened. Why don't you study it and find out why things happened so we can discuss that. It's not that hard.
I'm just going off what you said. You seem to think that hell on Earth is some how equal to hell portrayed in the Bible. This is the third request for you to show me some scripture that states this. This is nothing but your assumption.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
You keep saying this but i have explained otherwise. Just because someone is born in the ghetto doesn't mean they can't make something of themselves based on their choices. Look at Oprah.
Exception not the rule. Can anyone choose to have a career like Oprah?

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
It's just harder because of the choices of their parents. And God makes it pretty clear in the Bible that children are punished for the sins of their parents. Should they not be punished in some way? They would never learn. Any parent knows that.
I hope you realize that a good portion of Christians disagree with you here. I think Jib would disagree. There's the age of accountability and plenty of other ways to explain this dilemma. I don't fault you for not taking the easy way out as long as you agree that God creates people who do not have the slightest chance of getting into heaven strictly based on the environment they were born into. Do you agree?

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
The way He handled it was perfect. He gave the world the test, Noah passed.
Awesome, so we agree that God committed genocide. Instead of being God like he resorted to something even humans are capable of. He's more like us than he is God.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Now you are jumping around to other books just for the sake of it. I guarantee any discussion we have on those books will show just as much lack of knowledge of the text as you have with the Bible.
You insist that others read the Bible. In the same manner, I insist you study another religion.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
You don't know what will happen. And the ones that fail is because their great great ancestors failed the test, then their children failed the test , then their children failed the test and so on. They became more and more wicked over time. When all it would of took was one person in the family to say "hey, look what were doing, this ain't right." But they didn't care because man loves sin. And eventually it gets to the point where good no longer exists.
So free will does not exist. I agree. If I was to believe in every story in the Bible then the only people that ever had pure free will were Adam and Eve. Free will after that is built upon others successes and errors so it isn't free will.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
And it's not luck. I am fortunate yes. But it's not luck.
It's complete randomness. You happen to be on the lucky side of randomness at work... this doesn't make you or your theological package the correct one. You just happen to be born into a presumably fortunate situation. My apologies if you think it is anything other than that.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 01:26 AM
I'm just going off what you said. You seem to think that hell on Earth is some how equal to hell portrayed in the Bible. This is the third request for you to show me some scripture that states this. This is nothing but your assumption.
"The whole world was corrupt and violent." "All their thoughts were consistently and totally evil". How can any race recover from that? I'm sorry, like i said, wild bears don't grow up don't grow up to become anything else w/out some outside interaction. And if every single person in that time was like this, there is no way out for them. Earth is doomed. And Noah should not have to suffer because of that. Seems like earth right before the flood had two of the main characteristics of biblical hell.

Exception not the rule. Can anyone choose to have a career like Oprah?
Not sure what you mean by this. My point was, that you can choose (free will)
to turn your life around for good, unless there is absolutely no way for you to do it.

I hope you realize that a good portion of Christians disagree with you here. I think Jib would disagree. There's the age of accountability and plenty of other ways to explain this dilemma. I don't fault you for not taking the easy way out as long as you agree that God creates people who do not have the slightest chance of getting into heaven strictly based on the environment they were born into. Do you agree?
Lets say you are born in a decent neighborhood, nice house, good options for you to go with in regards to employment/ success in life. But you start doing drugs and end up living in some run down apartment in not the greatest city. Are your kids going to have it as easy as you had it when you are a kid?

Awesome, so we agree that God committed genocide. Instead of being God like he resorted to something even humans are capable of. He's more like us than he is God.
He is not trying to control us to the point where we have no decisions in life.
But man's decisions led to: "The whole world was corrupt and violent." "All their thoughts were consistently and totally evil". What else is He supposed to do? They weren't listening to Him. They were totally evil.
You insist that others read the Bible. In the same manner, I insist you study another religion.
I insist you read the Bible because your showing no knowledge whatsoever of the big picture, so i am like 99% certain you have not read your Bible. We are not talking about another religion here so i don't know what your angle is but if you keep this up i will just stop discussing with you. I highly doubt you have studied another religion more than Christianity anyways.

So free will does not exist. I agree. If I was to believe in every story in the Bible then the only people that ever had pure free will were Adam and Eve. Free will after that is built upon others successes and errors so it isn't free will.
Man, I have already stated that eventually it got to the point where man knew no good. They still had free will, but all they knew was evil, so it was free will to choose w/e evil they wanted to do. God did not make this happen, man did, based on their free will choices over time. Man loved to sin and it took them over. Now get over this free will bit, because its obvious we have free will and have had free will.

It's complete randomness. You happen to be on the lucky side of randomness at work... this doesn't make you or your theological package the correct one. You just happen to be born into a presumably fortunate situation. My apologies if you think it is anything other than that.
How is it randomness? None of my ancestors hit the lotto afaik. Ya everything's random....The choices you make today will affect your children in some way, nothing random about that.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Earth is doomed. And Noah should not have to suffer because of that.
Nor should any child that is incapable of reasoning. There is no such thing as a corrupt and violent 2 month old. A 2 month old child was no less pure than Noah himself simply because they cannot commit a sinful act. You say they should die because their future wasn't so bright. Was there no room for the innocent-through-incapability on the ark?

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Seems like earth right before the flood had two of the main characteristics of biblical hell.
This is just your assumption and unless you can provide me scripture that supports your assumption then we'll go in circles here from this point on.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Lets say you are born in a decent neighborhood, nice house, good options for you to go with in regards to employment/ success in life. But you start doing drugs and end up living in some run down apartment in not the greatest city. Are your kids going to have it as easy as you had it when you are a kid?
No they wouldn't. You're failing to see the bigger picture. By your standards, someone who was born into a different culture and religion and may have never even heard of Christianity is going to hell. If a child is born into a Muslim family and dies at 1 year old for whatever reason, that child is going to hell. That is what you believe correct? You believe that God is sending people who do not know the Christian God and people who cannot comprehend the concept of God (babies) straight to hell. Is that correct?

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
He is not trying to control us to the point where we have no decisions in life. But man's decisions led to: "The whole world was corrupt and violent." "All their thoughts were consistently and totally evil". What else is He supposed to do?
Let's just agree that genocide was the only way out. I don't really have a dog in this fight other than to prove that God used genocide first hand and that is an evil act.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
I insist you read the Bible because your showing no knowledge whatsoever of the big picture, so i am like 99% certain you have not read your Bible.
Ok Pletho.. what's next? Bible lessons via Skype?

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
How is it randomness?
None of my ancestors hit the lotto afaik. Ya everything's random....The choices you make today will affect your children in some way, nothing random about that.
The choices you make today were made available by random sets of circumstances that built you up into the position where you are now to make those choices. Many random events will happen tomorrow that will change your life slightly or possibly in a very big way. You are however, fairly lucky in terms of the life in which you were born into I assume. Some are fairly unlucky and born into complete poverty in a 3rd world country. Is it one's purpose to be born into very dire situations?
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 03:26 AM
Nor should any child that is incapable of reasoning. There is no such thing as a corrupt and violent 2 month old. A 2 month old child was no less pure than Noah himself simply because they cannot commit a sinful act. You say they should die because their future wasn't so bright. Was there no room for the innocent-through-incapability on the ark?
There is such thing as a 2 month old child with NO HOPE. If anything God saved those children. Bible verses point to that if a child has not reached the point of when they know right from wrong, they aren't going to hell when they die. Seems perfect to me. Is Noah supposed to go kidnap these children from their evil parents? Ya, good luck with that. These evil people chose to have children (free will).

This is just your assumption and unless you can provide me scripture that supports your assumption then we'll go in circles here from this point on.
Um... i provided scripture.
"All their thoughts were consistently and totally evil" Genesis 6:5
"Now the earth had become corrupt in God's sight, and it was filled with violence." God observed all this corruption in the world, and he saw violence and depravity everywhere.(I'm sure the children are in a better place)

You can say biblical hell is worse, and i would agree. But they were comparable.

That still doesn't disprove that the world man chose to create had no hope for any good.
No they wouldn't. You're failing to see the bigger picture. By your standards, someone who was born into a different culture and religion and may have never even heard of Christianity is going to hell. If a child is born into a Muslim family and dies at 1 year old for whatever reason, that child is going to hell. That is what you believe correct? You believe that God is sending people who do not know the Christian God and people who cannot comprehend the concept of God (babies) straight to hell. Is that correct?
By my standards? I am not making that claim, you are. I never said young children are going to hell. I don't decide who goes to heaven or hell, God does, so don't be putting words in my mouth.
If a child is born into a Muslim family and dies at 1 year old for whatever reason, that child is going to hell
This what you believe obviously. But for some reason your trying to make me say this. I think this discussion is over because you are the one failing to see the big picture and now it's at the point where you are just making things up.
Let's just agree that genocide was the only way out. I don't really have a dog in this fight other than to prove that God used genocide first hand and that is an evil act. These questions are ridiculous, were done here.

Ok Pletho.. what's next? Bible lessons via Skype?
Not Pletho, and not with you.

The choices you make today were made available by random sets of circumstances that built you up into the position where you are now to make those choices. Many random events will happen tomorrow that will change your life slightly or possibly in a very big way. You are however, fairly lucky in terms of the life in which you were born into I assume. Some are fairly unlucky and born into complete poverty in a 3rd world country. Is it one's purpose to be born into very dire situations?
Keep thinking that. You in control your decisions, believe it or not. Pretty funny you think everything is random. Proverbs 16:33. Proverbs 16:9.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
You have yet to show that first, it is biblical that God controls everything that happens in this world, and second that an omnipotent God must control everything in this world. Your assertion that God is belittled by this line of thinking has yet to be shown logical.
Please give at least 3 very clear and in the right context references to this please.

Why? Because if you think that God controls EVERYTHING in this world, then where does the devil fit in?

it is biblical that God controls everything that happens in this world, and second that an omnipotent God must control everything in this world.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by nittyit
You're failing to see the bigger picture. By your standards, someone who was born into a different culture and religion and may have never even heard of Christianity is going to hell. If a child is born into a Muslim family and dies at 1 year old for whatever reason, that child is going to hell. That is what you believe correct? You believe that God is sending people who do not know the Christian God and people who cannot comprehend the concept of God (babies) straight to hell. Is that correct?

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
By my standards? I am not making that claim, you are. I never said young children are going to hell. I don't decide who goes to heaven or hell, God does, so don't be putting words in my mouth.
Let's reference some other exchanges regarding this:
Originally Posted by nittyit
So free will is only free will within the context of the environment in which you were born. Palestinian kids who are taught to hate Zionists are born evil... my oh my.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Basically.You don't see kids in Africa learning to speak english growing up if there is nobody around them speaking any english. And who said the people living around the flood only had hate for a certain group? Sounded like they were corrupted every which way.
Here's another:
Originally Posted by nittyit
Well you've agreed with my suggestion that some Palestinian children are created to fail. Their own free will was never taken into account because they are too young to exercise free will. They are evil and guilty only by association to their environment is what you believe. The punishment for their failures is the "real" hell... how does any type of earthly suffering or "world of hell" even compare to the real hell that is portrayed in the Bible?

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Look, God's Word has been available for the Palestinians. It warns it's readers that children will be punished for the sins of their parents. Regardless of that fact, how can you blame God for the environment that those kid's parents created for their kids? God also gives you freewill to have kids. Even if you don't follow His Word. Yes there are times where He will override the birth of the child or the conception but He does not do that for evil purposes.
There are other gems even in your last post:
Originally Posted by nittyit
Nor should any child that is incapable of reasoning. There is no such thing as a corrupt and violent 2 month old. A 2 month old child was no less pure than Noah himself simply because they cannot commit a sinful act. You say they should die because their future wasn't so bright.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
There is such thing as a 2 month old child with NO HOPE. If anything God saved those children.(by killing them in the flood)
Are there 2 month old children alive today with "no hope" in terms of getting to heaven? As a result they will end up in hell?

Originally Posted by nittyit
How is it love to punish a 2 month old child who cannot comprehend right or wrong?

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
The child would of been way more punished if he/she was raised to live in a world of hell.
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Obviously it was at the point (pre-flood) where every baby was going to grow up to be just like their parents.
So killing them off was the best thing to do. hehehe

There's a few contradictions I believe.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 06:20 AM
Originally Posted by Pletho
Please give at least 3 very clear and in the right context references to this please.

Why? Because if you think that God controls EVERYTHING in this world, then where does the devil fit in?
Jibninjas doesnt believe the claims you've quoted - he thinks they are required for my argument to be sound and is asking me to justify them.

(FWIW, I dont believe them either).
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
There is such thing as a 2 month old child with NO HOPE. If anything God saved those children. Bible verses point to that if a child has not reached the point of when they know right from wrong, they aren't going to hell when they die. Seems perfect to me. Is Noah supposed to go kidnap these children from their evil parents? Ya, good luck with that. These evil people chose to have children (free will).
Maybe Noah could of prayed for the children to be healed and protected for their evil parents. Oh wait i forgot babies and small children who cant ask for Gods healing cant get it. Someone should inform all the Christians who pray for there sick children they are wasting their time as God cant interfere unless one asks.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 11:47 AM

Are there 2 month old children alive today with "no hope" in terms of getting to heaven? As a result they will end up in hell?
I'm saying they have no hope in this world and we already discussed this. Here you go trying to put words in my mouth again. Now you can go ahead and keep coming to your own conclusions based, but it is pretty obvious your conclusions aren't coming from careful study of the Bible.

"Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God."Mark 10:14

"I will give the land to your innocent children. You were afraid they would be captured, but they will be the ones who occupy it". Deuteronomy 1:39

"But before he knows right from wrong..." Isaiah

There is quite a few others.... Can you explain to me why you think that children 2 months old are going to hell?

So killing them off was the best thing to do. hehehe
Once again, God saved these children.

Palestinian kids who are taught to hate Zionists are born evil...
Who said they are born evil? They know enough to listen to their parents, treat their family/friends with respect.If you have an understanding of right and wrong. And you go around killing people. You think that person should go into heaven?

Besides, these kids probably have more of an understanding of the Bible than you.
You keep claiming contradictions, but the only thing that is contradicting are the words your putting in my mouth, and what i actutally stated....

Last edited by Gunth0807; 05-03-2010 at 12:03 PM.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by BrokeDonk
the facepalm to post ratio for this thread is unusually high even by RGT standards
It's a perfect storm.

(X(number of Splendour posts) x Y (number of Gunth posts))^z(number of unrelated Splendour links)= F (Facepalm Number Scale)
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
I'm saying they have no hope in this world and we already discussed this. Here you go trying to put words in my mouth again. Now you can go ahead and keep coming to your own conclusions based, but it is pretty obvious your conclusions aren't coming from careful study of the Bible.
I'm not putting words in your mouth. You believe that innocent pre-flood children were killed because they were born with no hope. Read the summary of posts above. You stated: "There is such thing as a 2 month old child with NO HOPE." They should be killed or as you put it "God saved these children." God saves by killing? God saves by drowning?

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Can you explain to me why you think that children 2 months old are going to hell?
  1. God "destroyed" all humans on Earth during the flood. You're answer to this is "How do you know they went to hell?" Splenda's response was that they were reincarnated and it was up to me to prove otherwise lol. Either claim should be able to be backed up in some way through the Bible. I think you are saying that the children just ceased to exist and bypassed hell and faced the 2nd death which is a ceasing to exist. Ok well provide some verses that states this.

  2. Again as quoted up top I stated "Palestinian children are evil and guilty only by association to their environment is what you believe. The punishment for their failures is the 'real' hell". You're response was "Look, God's Word has been available for the Palestinians. It warns it's readers that children will be punished for the sins of their parents." I also said "Palestinian kids who are taught to hate Zionists are born evil" and your response was "Basically". You are saying that a child can go to hell based upon being guilty by association. Now you're back tracking and wish to reside in verses that purportedly show that God has mercy on children... good to see you studied up.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Who said they are born evil?
I suggested it and you agreed.. read post summary above.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
They know enough to listen to their parents, treat their family/friends with respect.If you have an understanding of right and wrong. And you go around killing people. You think that person should go into heaven?
Go around killing people? Please elaborate. You can know right from wrong, respect your parents and kill people. How many Christian soldiers know right/wrong, respect their friends/family and kill people? Should they be denied heaven?
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 02:18 PM
I'm not putting words in your mouth. You believe that innocent pre-flood children were killed because they were born with no hope. Read the summary of posts above. "There is such thing as a 2 month old child with NO HOPE." They should be killed or as you put it "God saved these children." God saves by killing? God saves by drowning?
Yes you are, we were discussing whether or not they have any hope of learning what is good, not whether they had any hope of getting into heaven.

[*]God "destroyed" all humans on Earth during the flood. You're answer to this is "How do you know they went to hell?" Splenda's response was that they were reincarnated and it was up to me to prove otherwise lol. Either claim should be able to be backed up in some way through the Bible. I think you are saying that the children just ceased to exist and bypassed hell and faced the 2nd death which is a ceasing to exist. Ok well provide some verses that states this.
My answer was not how do you know all humans went to hell. Here you are changing what i was saying again. Not providing any verses for you anytime soon.
[*]Again as quoted up top I stated "Palestinian children are evil and guilty only by association to their environment is what you believe. The punishment for their failures is the 'real' hell". You're response was "Look, God's Word has been available for the Palestinians. It warns it's readers that children will be punished for the sins of their parents." I also said "Palestinian kids who are taught to hate Zionists are born evil" and your response was "Basically". You are saying that a child can go to hell based upon being guilty by association. Now you're back tracking and wish to reside in verses that purportedly show that God has mercy on children... good to see you studied up. [/LIST]
If you read towards the beginning of the tread you will see where it is stated
that if a child is incapable of knowing right from wrong, then that child is not accountable. I am going to ask you again, if someone knows right from wrong, but then continues to do wrong, should that child not be accountable?
I suggested it and you agreed.. read post summary above.
We already discussed this, feel free to answer some of my questions instead of making this conversation go in circles.

Go around killing people? Please elaborate. You can know right from wrong, respect your parents and kill people. How many Christian soldiers know right/wrong, respect their friends/family and kill people? Should they be denied heaven?
I am not going to progress this discussion any further until you stop putting words in my mouth and start answering some questions.

You fooled me guy, at first you made it sound like you were trying to attain some kind of understanding, but it's obvious now that is not the case.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Yes you are, we were discussing whether or not they have any hope of learning what is good, not whether they had any hope of getting into heaven.
You stated earlier that God "Punishes the children for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generation." Pre-flood children had no hope because of everyone on Earth was corrupt.. this includes the child's family. God, as you stated "Punishes the children for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generation." You even say "The child would of been way more punished if he/she was raised to live in a world of hell.".. meaning it was better to drown them then to let them live in a "world of hell".

All in all... God punishes the children for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generation. You admit that God punished children but to a lesser extent by killing them rather than letting them continue to live on Earth. Punishment is a done deal according to you... does punishment = hell? I would think so but prove me otherwise.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
My answer was not how do you know all humans went to hell. Here you are changing what i was saying again. Not providing any verses for you anytime soon.
Just wow Gunth. I appreciate the exchange but this is getting silly. Here is what you said (2 instances) with regard to where all the children/humans went when they died in the flood:
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
And you don't know what happened to the children after they died. Or what happened to any of the people for that matter.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Like i said before, how do you know these kids are going to hell?
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
If you read towards the beginning of the tread you will see where it is stated that if a child is incapable of knowing right from wrong, then that child is not accountable.
Did you state this or someone else? Please link me to the post.

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
I am going to ask you again, if someone knows right from wrong, but then continues to do wrong, should that child not be accountable?
They should be held accountable but to what standards? Your God's standards? Considering that your God demands that all worship Him it seems that a large portion of the world has started off wrong. He commands that there should be no other gods before Him. Is someone who is born Hindu and becomes a devout Hindu continuing to do wrong? Perhaps you want to keep the issue simpler in terms of every day right and wrong but what does that matter when you aren't even in the correct theological ballpark?

Originally Posted by Gunth0807
I am not going to progress this discussion any further until you stop putting words in my mouth and start answering some questions.
Where did I claim you stated something that you in fact did not state? I'd be happy to correct myself and wouldn't be surprised if I did make such an error. Point it out to me. Also provide a list of questions that I have yet to answer as I feel like I have answered most if not all of them.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 04:10 PM
Is anyone besides me even able to follow this guy's spin?

I'll respond in a bit, got tables going with different games, and don't have it in me to play this one with you too.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 04:58 PM
I'm not a good debater in terms of structure and keeping on topic (among other things)... which is why I'm a fundy magnet.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by nittyit
I'm not a good debater in terms of structure and keeping on topic (among other things)... which is why I'm a fundy magnet.
Are you saying i have no knowledge of the Bible?
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Are you saying i have no knowledge of the Bible?
It seems you are somewhat a fundamentalist in your Christian beliefs imo. That doesn't really bring into question your knowledge of the Bible however. People can have equal Biblical knowledge and come to different conclusions in what the Bible teaches. Compare Pletho to Aaron W.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by nittyit
It seems you are somewhat a fundamentalist in your Christian beliefs imo. That doesn't really bring into question your knowledge of the Bible however. People can have equal Biblical knowledge and come to different conclusions in what the Bible teaches. Compare Pletho to Aaron W.
And what kind of information in the Bible are you providing? All your doing is saying "look, these people died, that's bad." While you twist my words around and put words in my mouth. You provide no background to anything you say. Yet you want to claim that i have no understanding of the Bible. And on top of it all you keep telling me to try another religion for some reason, like that has anything to do with what we are discussing.

You skip like every question i ask you. So i don't see how i can continue this discussion with you.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
And what kind of information in the Bible are you providing? All your doing is saying "look, these people died, that's bad." While you twist my words around and put words in my mouth. You provide no background to anything you say. Yet you want to claim that i have no understanding of the Bible. And on top of it all you keep telling me to try another religion for some reason, like that has anything to do with what we are discussing.

You skip like every question i ask you. So i don't see how i can continue this discussion with you.
See post #167... I'll wait for you to respond to that post.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 06:01 PM
Take a look at the previous posts, you have skipped over plenty. Like i said, not going to progress this any further until you address some of my points. And points that i actually said please, not points that you would like me to say.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
05-03-2010 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Take a look at the previous posts, you have skipped over plenty. Like i said, not going to progress this any further until you address some of my points. And points that i actually said please, not points that you would like me to say.
lol in post #167 I said:

Where did I claim you stated something that you in fact did not state? I'd be happy to correct myself and wouldn't be surprised if I did make such an error. Point it out to me. Also provide a list of questions that I have yet to answer as I feel like I have answered most if not all of them.
Please point out the errors I've made and the questions I never answered.
What Would "God Doing Evil" Look Like? Quote
