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What do you think about this challenge. What do you think about this challenge.

09-25-2011 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by Doggg
This is pretty much how I wound up a christian again.

Trust me, you will get no takers.

A christian can't do it because it is sin, and fighting against God's kingdom.

The fundy-atheists here have no good reasons not to do it, however, except a deep fear that they would be forced to open their eyes and minds, and possibly wind up in alignment with their parents' views, which is way worse than water-boarding.
Gee, I can't imagine why people aren't more receptive towards you on here.
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09-25-2011 , 02:08 AM
You can't always spare the rod.
Suck it up.
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09-25-2011 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by Doggg
You can't always spare the rod.
Suck it up.
oh, im fine. Nice dodge, btw.
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09-25-2011 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Doggg
You can't always spare the rod.
Suck it up.
Your, rebellion against parents views, rod is weak.
What do you think about this challenge. Quote
09-25-2011 , 02:54 AM
Doggg is what is wrong with Christianity I hope you are proud of yourself.

For being the best troll RGT has ever seen that is
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09-25-2011 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by Ryanb9
I dono I would just assume that god exists. Take this as a foundational truth then base my week off of it. Maybe the reason I know I could do it is b/c I was a christian for the first 22ish years of my life, so I know the motions.

The point I'm trying to get at is if you are not willing to accept the opposite opinion as true, even for a week, just to see what it is like, I dont think you can call yourself open-minded. Yes, obv there is no god, but I'm not afraid of assuming there is one for 1 week. However many atheists and theists alike would not be willing to do the same it seems.
I think you are way overstating the easiness of this. Try to spend the next five minutes - let alone a week - genuinely believing in unicorns. Have complete and utter certainty that they exist. Can you do it? Of course not.

People do make the transition between being religious and being atheist both directions, but for many of us it really is entrenched on both sides with the other side simply not being able to conceive of how to think differently.

Religious people always tell me to have faith, as if this is easy. I don't have the foggiest idea how I could ever begin to have faith in god. I could reread the bible, go to church again, go through the motions,..but genuine faith? I see no path for that.

Further, I think this difficult on both sides is important to recognize because it is the barrier that really prevents conversion via forum discussion in a large way.
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09-25-2011 , 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by Doggg
I'm tired of hearing that, mainly because I don't believe it.

If so many of you were willing believers, then how come only a handful of you demonstrates a basic, fundamental, grade-school understanding of important theological themes?

I bet I know more about the bible, than you Doggg.

I was a believer for 10 years, I studied at night, went to church on Sundays (willing) and listened to bible tapes when I got home (some nights)

If you are interested in what I learnt you can look at this website,

Roger Price teachings was pretty close to what I believe, if you look through the website, you will see the types of studies I used to listen to on tape, and I have still have these on tape. (I think you can buy them on CD now) plus many different books, about history at the time of Jesus etc....

I think its very rude of you to think we are lieing when we say we used to believe, its like you just dismissed 10 years of my life. Why dont you look through my trhreads and answer some of my questions. I tell you what, I will go one step further, you pick a subject for debate and see what happens.
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