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Trolls Trolls

04-20-2013 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by human
It can be incredibly difficult to distinguish between a troll and a person with genuine religious views.

"The core of Poe's law is that a parody of something extreme by nature becomes impossible to differentiate from sincere extremism. A corollary of Poe's law is the reverse phenomenon: sincere fundamentalist beliefs being mistaken for a parody of that belief." - Extract from Wikipedia on Poe's Law.
On the other hand it's not very difficult to spot a troll on a religion forum. It's the poster who posts that religious views are extreme.
Trolls Quote
04-20-2013 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
I fail to see the word "undermine" or any synonymous terms. If, for example, we were to discuss "the abject stupidity of spirituality" would that not be a discussion of spirituality?
No that's trolling just as posts calling Maths abjectly stupid on the SMP forum would be trolling.

Originally Posted by Aaron W.
So... you're allowed to make accusations of me, but I may not do that of you?
Not if they're untrue. It doesn't follow that whatever is said about you applies to me !

Originally Posted by Aaron W.
I asked you "What is X?" and you answered "X is not Y." It's true I didn't like the answer because it didn't actually answer the question.
It was an open-ended request to which there is no quick sensible answer. Iirc it was something like "Quantify how much you should respect others."

Originally Posted by Aaron W.
"A lot of it." Given that there was only a short exchange of posts, I welcome an elaboration of what exactly "a lot" and "it" refer to. In this case, I'm looking specifically for some sort of quantitative explanation ("a lot") and a specific clarification as to what the unreferenced pronoun was intended to indicate.
It's relative to the length of the post obv.

Last edited by Cwocwoc; 04-20-2013 at 12:35 PM.
Trolls Quote
04-20-2013 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
No that's trolling just as posts calling Maths abjectly stupid on the SMP forum would be trolling.
Your alternative lexicon is quite interesting. We've seen a post in SMP about the obsolescence of philosophy:

But that thread was not trolling. The outright rejection of one of the stated topics of discussion does not on its own qualify as trolling.

And since you seem relatively unable to discern sarcasm and hyperbole, we can reduce this particular discussion to the obsolescence of religion or something similar if you're merely objecting to tone.

And FWIW, I wouldn't see a post that argues for the abject stupidity trolling UNLESS the person failed to make a cogent argument in the post. To me, that's where the trolling begins. Pre-judging a post as a troll merely on the basis of the underlying position is representative of closed-mindedness. Judging a post on the basis of the quality of the articulation of the position leads one to to conclude trolling.

Not if they're untrue. It doesn't follow that whatever is said about you applies to me !
On what basis can one measure the truth of your claims? You want to say that your claims about yourself are true ("I respect religion") but when I ask you to elaborate, you refuse. Why do you have a position of authority on truth?

It was an open-ended request to which there is no quick sensible answer. Iirc it was something like "Quantify how much you should respect others."
This is what I said:

Originally Posted by me
Clearly, you have an opinion of yourself that you generally respect religion. But what does that mean to you? How do you measure your level of respect? How would you assess yourself if questioned as to whether you have succeeded?
I believe that I can accuse you of misrepresenting what I said. I make no claim that the misrepresentation is willful, merely that what you have claimed I said is not consistent with what I actually said. Do you agree?

You have an opinion of yourself, and I was seeking some form of clarification as to the basis upon which you have reached your conclusion.

It's relative to the length of the post obv.
Notice that you've once again failed to explain yourself. What parts of the "it" were inaccurate?

Originally Posted by me
Cwoc: *I* respect religion!
Originally Posted by you
I may be an atheist but I respect religion, theology and spirituality.
Originally Posted by me
Me: What does that mean?
Originally Posted by me
What does it mean for you to "respect" these things?
Originally Posted by me
Cwoc: I'd better not say. I might get criticized. So instead, I'll attempt to criticize others in an attempt to distract the conversation.
Originally Posted by you
Any answer would be misinterpreted and criticised for being censorious so I prefer to answer by pointing what is disrespectful.
Can you please explain to me what you think I've misrepresented?
Trolls Quote
04-20-2013 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
Notice that you've once again failed to explain yourself. What parts of the "it" were inaccurate?
You might be confusing cwoc with your ability to refer to actual previous posts (perhaps he thinks they disappear and cannot be verified, or there is something wrong with his Pg Up key?).

Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
This is not important to the point which was being made about the theory in question or theories in general.
Such willful disregard for honest dialogue...

Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
Wikipedia's article on scientific theory, the absolute minimum level of effort that can be put into researching one's position, clearly corrects every single error cwocwoc has made.
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
In the context of science, this is WRONG. The origination of a particular conjecture or hypothesis, whether inspired from a novel or from watching a piece of fruit drop to the ground, is irrelevant. It does not become a SCIENTIFIC THEORY until there is supporting evidence.

Such definitions are trivially easy to discover.
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
Cwoc, why don't you just post a link to a qualified scientific source that states that a scientific theory does not require supporting evidence.

Last edited by BeaucoupFish; 04-20-2013 at 04:32 PM. Reason: Not forgetting that the definition Cwoc edited heavily used the words scientific hypothesis and scientific theory
Trolls Quote
04-20-2013 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by LEMONZEST
thread is rich with irony..
Stop trolling.
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04-20-2013 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
You might be confusing cwoc with your ability to refer to actual previous posts (perhaps he thinks they disappear and cannot be verified, or there is something wrong with his Pg Up key?).


Such willful disregard for honest dialogue...
You should observe the same etiquette as that of a conversation. What was said a long time ago should not be dragged up again.

My wiki quote was a joke. It does not matter whether evolution is called a theory or something else. Avogadro's hypothesis is also called Avogadro's law.
Trolls Quote
04-20-2013 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by LEMONZEST
thread is rich with irony..
It is indeed lemon.
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04-20-2013 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
You might be confusing cwoc with your ability to refer to actual previous posts (perhaps he thinks they disappear and cannot be verified, or there is something wrong with his Pg Up key?).
Maybe. But in the end...

Originally Posted by Aaron W.
I'm all for the "play until you get bored, then ignore" position.
Trolls Quote
04-20-2013 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
You should observe the same etiquette as that of a conversation. What was said a long time ago should not be dragged up again.
What of the things that have been said in this thread? Are those fair game for criticism? Or are those things also "a long time ago"?
Trolls Quote
04-20-2013 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
Or are those things also "a long time ago"?
I think you'll find "a long time" is an elastic term that roughly encompasses any post Cwoc made previously, the content of which he now finds inconvenient.
Trolls Quote
04-20-2013 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
Your alternative lexicon is quite interesting. We've seen a post in SMP about the obsolescence of philosophy:

But that thread was not trolling. The outright rejection of one of the stated topics of discussion does not on its own qualify as trolling
What part of Maths didn't you understand ?.

Originally Posted by Aaron W.
And since you seem relatively unable to discern sarcasm and hyperbole, we can reduce this particular discussion to the obsolescence of religion or something similar if you're merely objecting to tone.
So I troll and you use sarcasm and hyperbole. It sounds inconsistent to me. I did object to the lack of courtesy and respect shown yes. Asking whether God or religion is necessary or relevant is perfectly valid but most of the posters go way beyond that.

Originally Posted by Aaron W.
And FWIW, I wouldn't see a post that argues for the abject stupidity trolling UNLESS the person failed to make a cogent argument in the post. To me, that's where the trolling begins. Pre-judging a post as a troll merely on the basis of the underlying position is representative of closed-mindedness. Judging a post on the basis of the quality of the articulation of the position leads one to to conclude trolling.
Cogency is a subjective matter and by that yardstick I make you a super troll as you conflate, confuse and generally obfuscate in your posts.

Originally Posted by Aaron W.
On what basis can one measure the truth of your claims? You want to say that your claims about yourself are true ("I respect religion") but when I ask you to elaborate, you refuse. Why do you have a position of authority on truth?
This is an example of what I've just posted above. I am not asking you to measure truth I just gave an opinion.

Originally Posted by Aaron W.
I believe that I can accuse you of misrepresenting what I said. I make no claim that the misrepresentation is willful, merely that what you have claimed I said is not consistent with what I actually said. Do you agree?
I dunno it's so incoherent that it doesn't really make much sense. Why don't you express yourself more clearly ?

Originally Posted by Aaron W.
You have an opinion of yourself, and I was seeking some form of clarification as to the basis upon which you have reached your conclusion.
I don't see the point of this question. I endeavour to treat religious people with respect. That's all.

I can't be doing with your boring trolling nonsense any more so I'm taking a leaf out of your book and ignoring you. What's sauce for the goose eh ?
Trolls Quote
04-20-2013 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
What part of Maths didn't you understand ?.
The s at the end.

Given the structure of the statement in question, philosophy works as a sufficient substitute for which there is an explicit example which demonstrates the that your position is not fully supportable by precedent.

So I troll and you use sarcasm and hyperbole. It sounds inconsistent to me.
I've not yet accused you of trolling. The matter of your ability to form a cogent position is still being explored. At this time, you're starting to construct a bubble around yourself in which you try to make yourself impervious to criticism. If you fully reach that point, I would determine that you're just a troll.

Cogency is a subjective matter and by that yardstick I make you a super troll as you conflate, confuse and generally obfuscate in your posts.
You're welcome to do this. In most social contexts, virtually all classification is a subjective matter. You have the full freedom to deem me to be whatever you choose, be it a super troll or just naive. Indeed, there are probably several posters in this thread who have deemed you to be a "super troll." You have not yet helped your case.

However, I did offer you the opportunity to present a more objective description of yourself which you could use to remove at least some of the subjectivity of the situation. However, since you failed to answer that question, you have not given yourself that opportunity.

This is an example of what I've just posted above. I am not asking you to measure truth I just gave an opinion.
So if we go back, you've merely asserted that "in your opinion" you have been "respectful" to the given topics. What can you give as evidence to support "your opinion" of yourself?

For many people, that would could as "providing a basis upon which to measure the truth of your claim." For example, if I declare myself to be "honest" (in my opinion), I could recount the time that the clerk gave me incorrect change, and I returned the extra money. Alternative, I could be challenged on that claim if someone points to the time that I found a wallet and took the money out before returning it.

I dunno it's so incoherent that it doesn't really make much sense. Why don't you express yourself more clearly ?
I believe I have expressed myself sufficiently clearly for most people to understand. If you do not fall into that category, that's okay. Perhaps your grasp of the English language is lacking in some way.

But if you think it's incoherent, then if I tell you that you've misrepresented me, you should accept it. By telling me that my statement is incoherent, you are admitting an inability to understand what I said, and therefore you recognize that your attempt to characterize what I said is likely to be flawed.

I don't see the point of this question.
Whether you understand the point of the question is irrelevant. Do you understand the question itself? If so, why don't you answer the question?

I endeavour to treat religious people with respect.
How do you decide whether you have succeeded?

I can't be doing with your boring trolling nonsense any more so I'm taking a leaf out of your book and ignoring you. What's sauce for the goose eh ?
You're welcome to ignore me.
Trolls Quote
04-23-2013 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by zumby
PSA: engaging with cretins in my thread will result in people being added to my Ignore list.
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04-23-2013 , 10:29 AM
If the mountain won't come to Mohammed...
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04-23-2013 , 12:44 PM
A debate on semantic minutiae between Aaron and Cwoc.

What more could one want?

Last edited by Funology2; 04-23-2013 at 12:45 PM. Reason: almost makes me miss Splenda
Trolls Quote
04-23-2013 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Funology2
A debate on semantic minutiae between Aaron and Cwoc.

What more could one want?
Indeed that's Aaron for you and that's why I gave up on him.
Trolls Quote
04-23-2013 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by zumby
If the mountain won't come to Mohammed...
Just outed another fake atheist here
Trolls Quote
04-26-2013 , 02:26 AM
Fake atheist? Hmmm
So you are saying there's believers of faith or religion that pose as atheist?
What would that gained them?
Trolls Quote
04-26-2013 , 02:39 AM
This thread is proof that anarchy could never work: people refuse to self-police.
Trolls Quote
04-26-2013 , 03:33 AM
People complaining about people who may or may not be trolls - I may also recommend something that seems long lost in the first-world: patience. Why do you feel you need to participate in an imaginary tug of war? Does it momentarily fill your vapid life with purpose?

For all we know, some of these posters may have learning disabilities, and some of them may genuinely be misguided. A little patience will go further with these people, than moderation ever will. If you're short on patience and proud of it, then you always have the option to.....Ignore

I much prefer the current level of moderation, and I would always advocate for even less moderation. Original Position, you're doing a good job by me.

Last edited by VeeDDzz`; 04-26-2013 at 03:50 AM.
Trolls Quote
