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02-06-2010 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
I think they should be obligated after a certain stage of development--terminating an 8 month fetus should be illegal. The only problem is what if doctors 50 years from now can save something at a very, very early stage but I'd say any fetus which has the same level of development as a newborn should be protected by law.
Going strickly by science and the bible and not morals......

A babys development in the fetus is not even close to a newborn.

Why you might ask? Well because they are not brething actual air, they do not have soul/breath life........they are not alive in the true sense of the word alive.

So its not comparing apples to apples but comparing apples to oranges.

I think that a woman who has waited that long should have the baby morally. She does not have to keep it.

I think that the state should not be the ones to enforce or set this law nor the goverment.

Its very unsafe to abort at that stage for the mother and kinda sicko. The fetus/almost complete baby is quite big.....

If someone waits that long I do think they should just go through with it. I think you would have to be a pretty sicko minded person and irresponsible to get rid of it at that late of stage in development.

Of course there are ALWAYS exceptions........

P.S. Did you see Davids typo error?

Last edited by Pletho; 02-06-2010 at 01:01 AM.
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02-06-2010 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by Pletho
Going strickly by science and not morals......

A babys development in the fetus is not even close to a newborn.

Why you might ask? Well because they are not brething actual air, they do not have soul/breath life........they are not alive in the true sense of the word alive.

So its not comparing apples to apples but comparing apples to oranges.
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02-06-2010 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
I added before you posted science and the

They do and can exist together.

As long as science does not cross the principles of the word of God then science is right.
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02-06-2010 , 01:11 AM
In a very old thread there was the question as to when the "soul" entered into the fetus and ancient wisdom had the soul entering the fetus at about 3-4 weeks. I believe some of the posters referenced oriental and Judaic understanding. this highlights ancient knowledge in contradistinction to the modern understanding which appears to clashing about only the material fetus'

The ancient Germanic tribes didn't believe the baby was a "true" human being until he was given food and therefore it was appropriate for the clan leader or father to dispatch the baby at their discretion prior to the giving of food. there's a word for this but I've drawn a blank. One can say that human mores have changed in this matter as the leaving a baby to die upon birth is pretty much considered anathema in our modern society.

The word is "infanticide".

Last edited by carlo; 02-06-2010 at 01:32 AM.
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02-06-2010 , 01:21 AM
I usually try to stay away from the abortion debate because it is exhausting, but let's flesh this out a bit. I've always been of the position that abortion should not be allowed once the fetus becomes viable. If medical science develops to the point where they can push that date back I'm not sure its so cut and dry.

There are some pragmatic concerns as well. Such as: what happens to this baby? Is the mother (who doesn't want it) now responsible for it? Can you give up for adoption a baby that still needs a bit of cooking? Who is responsible for the medical bills if the mother is in a country with non-public medical care?
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02-06-2010 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by Pletho
Human rights? Joey, according to the word of God, life, soul life, breath life, does not exist until the first breath of actual air.

So to call it human rights when there is really no actual living human being with soul life yet is stretching it abit.

I know that sounds harsh but thats the facts if you believe Gods word.
Hey Pletho, could you show me where God reveals this? I haven't heard of this theory and would like to be educated. I thought "Before you were born I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you" was one way of showing how God revealed that the soul enters before birth.

Sorry to get off topic.
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02-06-2010 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by carlo
In a very old thread there was the question as to when the "soul" entered into the fetus and ancient wisdom had the soul entering the fetus at about 3-4 weeks. I believe some of the posters referenced oriental and Judaic understanding. this highlights ancient knowledge in contradistinction to the modern understanding which appears to clashing about only the material fetus'

The ancient Germanic tribes didn't believe the baby was a "true" human being until he was given food and therefore it was appropriate for the clan leader or father to dispatch the baby at their discretion prior to the giving of food. there's a word for this but I've drawn a blank. One can say that human mores have changed in this matter as the leaving a baby to die upon birth is pretty much considered anathema in our modern society.
Ancient widom is not necessarily wisdom from God. Gods word give the true wisdom on this subject.

Its when they take there first breath, its biblically called the breath of life.

We all know that the last breath is the end of life.

I find it hard to believe that people who think logically cannot reverse this and logically see that if life ends on the last breath then it would be logical to conclude that life begins on the first breath.......
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02-06-2010 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by Arouet
I usually try to stay away from the abortion debate because it is exhausting, but let's flesh this out a bit. I've always been of the position that abortion should not be allowed once the fetus becomes viable. If medical science develops to the point where they can push that date back I'm not sure its so cut and dry.
As you point out - it becomes very hard very quickly. Clearly we can keep fetuses alive which would have died pre-medicine. Is that your cutoff? Presumably it's not that far away that we will be able to nurture a just-conceived fetus all the way to birth.

It seems to me the problem arises from legalities being black and white lines around various artificially defined categories whereas real life is blurry. I think the best law (ethically) is that each case should be judged on its merits. That doesnt make it practical.
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02-06-2010 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Therefore the present laws are wrong? The ones regarding 8 1/2 month old fetuses?
Yes they are wrong.

So the mother has a right to decree that her baby should not be saved even eight months after conceprion? What about ten months?
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02-06-2010 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by Arouet
I usually try to stay away from the abortion debate because it is exhausting, but let's flesh this out a bit. I've always been of the position that abortion should not be allowed once the fetus becomes viable. If medical science develops to the point where they can push that date back I'm not sure its so cut and dry.

There are some pragmatic concerns as well. Such as: what happens to this baby? Is the mother (who doesn't want it) now responsible for it? Can you give up for adoption a baby that still needs a bit of cooking? Who is responsible for the medical bills if the mother is in a country with non-public medical care?
Yeah, I agree with all of this. I have no real opposition to the current laws. Just perhaps there is a better standard. But if the better standard opens up a can of worms and the current way "works" better I have no problem supporting the latter.
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02-06-2010 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by carlo
Yea, I get it, but it in some way goes back to a doctor's oath;mostly but not primarily the Hippocratic Oath. Any legal mandates are( at least in your examples) and were a doctor's time honored responsibilities i.e. privacy of medical history vis a vis an insurance or corporate interest in your health status. To expect a doctor to not care for you when you're dying in fact a oxymoron.

But no doubt, there are issues which are legislated such as sending a patient to another emergency room because of lack of insurance. things do get complicated and what it shows is that the individual doctor is pulled in other directions which may not be in the best interests of the patient(s).

I know this:when a patient sees a doctor he asks for help and the physician gives the same. Its a nice situation for both but this could go on and on when the legaleses enter into the patient and doctor relationship they thus void in bits and pieces an ideal state between the doctor and patient.

We can go on and on in this vein thus displaying the contentious differences between the legal and medical establishment. I've lost myself here because we're talking politics, not medicine and in that it appears that anything goes.

You mentioned a 2.5 month pregnancy but I believe David's post was about a viable fetus and is why I used the 8 month example. Good luck Eddi, we could spin around on this all day and so as I posted in another post about abortion education is the only tool which can alleviate or at least ameliorate the situation. In this, a karmacly oriented Spiritual Human Being had planned to enter into that fetus but was denied. Education in the sense of Reincarnation and Karma will throw a new and more loving light upon a contentious situation.
Again I don't see why you're telling me those things.

Fwiw there is a reason I use 2.5 m as an example. For one afaik abortion is illegal at 8 m and is legal at 2.5 m. For two it's a stage where I feel completely comfortable with aborting the fetus (and I don't think 8m's is appropriate for abortion any longer).

Because of these reasons and because in the not so distant future it should be possible to sustain the fetus at any age - that seems like a much more appropriate age for this discussion.
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02-06-2010 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Well, I think that this really depends on what you mean by "all life". Do I think that a plant has intrinsic value? No. I do however think that it is our job to take care of the earth. Do I include animals in this, yes. Now it gets a little trickier when we start to talk about animal life. that is really a different thread.
This is a complete tangent to the thread, but one more Q: are you vegetarian then?
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02-06-2010 , 03:17 AM
'Viability' is a joke. An arbitrary distinction drawn between 'the foetus is entirely dependent on the mother to survive' and 'the foetus is entirely dependent on X to survive'. Somehow that's supposed to represent some meaningful change in the foetus that makes assigning it personhood inescapable.

Take a one year old baby. There are certainly people who would happily adopt the child rather than see it killed. In that case, while it is logically consistent with my position to regard killing the baby as harmless, I would only say that the baby should be killed if there is no suitable individual prepared to accept it - State care isn't going to cut it.

That's what you didn't seem to get about my position, Jib. It's not about murder being justified by 'convenience'. It's about priority not being given to those who happen to be inside a uterus. Unquestionably, to my mind, barring abortion at whatever point X on the basis that someone will adopt it is privileging the potential life of the foetus over the already present lives of many children in State care. That's what I meant by '**** the already born.'
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02-06-2010 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
why is it morally repugnant?
except for extreme cases of pregnancy (e.g. rape), there is so much availability of contraception and awareness of the inherent risks of sex, to use abortion as a birth control just seems pretty repugnant to me. take preventative measures, the pill, condoms, etc. "oops i got pregnant, better have an abortion" just seems so unfair to the events set in motion.

but i'm sure that's my influence of culture talking.

that said, i don't believe the state has the right to override one's rights unless those rights infringe on others. and no, i don't believe a fetus has any rights until it is born, or at least partially born. intact cells of the mother are her business, and when the baby is alienated from the mother's body it is then an individual and the state begins to have rights over the baby (e.g. child labor laws, child abuse laws, etc) because protecting minors is a legitimate role of the state imo

basically i think abortion is a pretty terrible thing, for the reasons mentioned above, but I also think nobody has the right to govern others' decisions regarding the issue, just as i don't have the right to govern anyone else's body other than my own.

i think the 'fetus has rights' school of thought is incorrect, as terrible as that sounds. i hope pregnant women are humane and responsible, but making laws to stiffarm certain results and taboos is demonstrably a flawed idea and will just give incentive to black market abortions. the government can't make you a better person with the realm of your body (same logic applies to prostitution and drug laws)
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02-06-2010 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
From the perspective of a follower of the bible I believe that all life has intrinsic value, and that it should be protected at all cost. But the fact of the matter is that passing laws and trying to force my own morals on others I don't think has ever worked nor will it ever work. IMO, passing a law to make abortion illegal will not fix this issue (it might not even help it at all or possibly worsen the situation). I think that all it will do is make pro-lifers feel real good about themselves and help them get on a higher pedestal so they can look even further down on people. I would also wager that it would trick a lot of people into thinking that the issue has been fixed causing them to be complacent about the real issues.

Passing laws is not the way to over come evil. As followers of the bible we should be looking to help those that feel that abortion is their only option. Help them by giving them options.

Anyway, no pro-abortionist has anything to worry about with me as you all know my stance on voting.
Even though I'm an agnostic, I really admire your stance on legality, and somewhat share the same mentality: it should be a matter left onto the individual, not the state. Kudos.

Serious question though, what do you define as life?
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02-06-2010 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
The above quote was regarding picking the abortion method that kills the baby. So lets backtrack and stipulate that there is only one method. And that it doesn't kill the baby. Should the doctor be required to try and keep it alive?
When the child is still in the womb, it is entirely dependent upon the mother's body. It is part of the mother's body. For this reason, I am pro abortion. Even up until birth. The mother should have complete control of her body, and if there is something inside of it that she does not want inside of it, it should be her right to remove it. Once the child is out of the body, however, it is no longer entirely part of her body, and therefore is no longer subject to her jurisdiction alone. But this is not the issue you have in mind.

As far as I can tell, David is asking about the doctor's (or government's) obligation, not the mother's. Forget the mother.

Once it is out of the womb, it is no longer part of the mother. It is a child, and the doctor should have the same obligation to save it as he would any other child.
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02-06-2010 , 03:25 AM
what about it is morally repugnant though? terminating the zygote/embryo/fetus? why? i realize i just asked but you didn't answer the question. to be more specific what about abortion is more outrageous than birth control or other measures to prevent pregnancy?
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02-06-2010 , 03:32 AM
With regards to the murder of definite people or putting others in danger (say drunk driving) or etc I assume you believe this is a state/social matter and not something individuals can decide to do without repercussion. Why not abortion? If the fetus has a "right to life" how is it not the duty of the state to protect these rights? Saying that it has rights but the state should be disinterested in protecting them doesn't make much sense to me and seems to only apply to abortion.
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02-06-2010 , 03:36 AM
Can I kill my siamese twin brother? Can I kill myself in this situation without consent of the other party? It is "my body" right? If not, whose body is it?
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02-06-2010 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
what about it is morally repugnant though? terminating the zygote/embryo/fetus? why? i realize i just asked but you didn't answer the question.
meh i'm not sure in the abstract, i've seen some pics of aborted fetuses and it's really grossed me out. if birth control information and resources are as bountiful where one lives as they are where i live, idk it just bothers me to use abortion as a method of birth control. a lot less gross kill/avoid sperm before they begin fertilizing into humans.
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02-06-2010 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Can I kill my siamese twin brother?
No. The fetus is part of the mother's body. The mother is not part of the fetus' body. In the case of the siamese twins, they both share one entire body. You may opt to remove the part that is entirely yours (ie. your head) from your siamese brother and allow him to have the rest of the body, however. The mother cannot kill the child, either. This child simply cannot sustain its own life without the mother. But that is the literal fault of the fetus.

Can I kill myself in this situation without consent of the other party? It is "my body" right? If not, whose body is it?
Yes. It would, of course, be courteous to let your brother know though so that he can make arrangements.
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02-06-2010 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by Deorum
This child simply cannot sustain its own life without the mother. But that is the literal fault of the fetus.
What do you mean in this part? Neither can an 18 month old baby survive without the mother. A 8 1/2 month fetus removed from the womb survives as well as a newborn, no? I'm not sure what "is the literal fault of the fetus" means either.

Originally Posted by Deorum
Yes. It would, of course, be courteous to let your brother know though so that he can make arrangements.
So he can make arrangements for his own funeral? I mean in a case where the twins share vital organs.
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02-06-2010 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
What do you mean in this part?
I mean it is impossible for the child to survive.

Neither can an 18 month old baby survive without the mother.
Of course they can. Children are alive whose mothers died in childbirth. But this is beside the point.

A 8 1/2 month fetus removed from the womb survives as well as a newborn, no?
I do not know. But again, this is beside the point.

I'm not sure what "is the literal fault of the fetus" means either.
It means the fetus is flawed such that it cannot survive no matter what.

So he can make arrangements for his own funeral? I mean in a case where the twins share vital organs.
So he can make arrangements for the other twin to die while he still lives. If this is not possible, then we have a dilemma. But remember, this is not the same case as the mother and fetus. The twins share a body. The fetus is part of the mother's body. But, to clarify, it is only part of her body in the sense that it is growing from her body. The fetus' body isn't actually 'hers,' it is the fetus'. She is just having it removed from her body, because her body ought to be completely under her own jurisdiction.

All of this is irrelevant though. David is asking about the doctor's (or government's) obligation, not the mother's.
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02-06-2010 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by Eddi
Again I don't see why you're telling me those things.
As you said.

"Yes. He should be legally obliged to (do what the woman asked him to do)."

I really took issue with the above. Case specific in light of David's post=no doctor is obligated to do what this patient wants. To criminalize the doctor's denial is egregious.

Solution for the doctor who denies in the above setting: walk away. The individual doctor is responsible for his moral tone in so far as this case presents with a particular moral setting. The doctor does not need the state to tell him what to do. the "state" does not eat, breathe or die as humans do and it belongs in the realm of individual ethical or moral responsibility.

The above in no way disallows that some individuals will follow a standard given to them by others or the "state";as the world turns.

Last edited by carlo; 02-06-2010 at 09:51 AM.
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02-06-2010 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by carlo
I really took issue with the above. Case specific in light of David's post=no doctor is obligated to do what this patient wants. To criminalize the doctor's denial is egregious.
These discussions are becoming quite convoluted, because there are so many ways you can interpret the question in OP.

A doctor who is in the business of performing abortions should be obligated to peform all abortions. Similar to how a pharmacist should be obligated to fill ALL prescriptions (including birth control prescriptions), whether or not it happens to fit in with his personal ideology. Otherwise, both of these medical professionals should find another line of work.

The above in no way states that ALL doctors should be obligated to perform abortions! Just the ones that do, should not discrimminate or put their personal idealogy ahead of their job.
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