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Sexism Proves ID Sexism Proves ID

06-20-2010 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by Hopey
Number of children raped ?
06-20-2010 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
No, that's not what you did and that's not what you were trying to do. You were trying to prove intelligent design. Reread your thread title and OP maybe.

I'm sorry that I understand what you're thinking better than you do, I realize that can be quite embarrassing for you.
You know being a literalist is a form of limited thinking.

An argument can attack more than one idea.

I'm not trying to prove ID. People's thinking is carnal as outlined in the Gospel has proved it. You don't need to study another type of animal to understand human nature. Not when you can't gage that animal nature by interviewing and talking to them.

Now the burden of proof is on you to explain how men don't think carnally when I've just put up a psychology/neurology expert confirming they do.
06-20-2010 , 07:36 AM
I'm not trying to prove ID.
What is the title of the thread splendour?
06-20-2010 , 07:43 AM
Nah, I'm asexual.

06-20-2010 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by MelchyBeau
What is the title of the thread splendour?
I'm not arguing. I'm pointing out a fact. Carnal thinking as described in the bible is a fact.

The burden of proof is on the atheist posters to prove men never think carnally.

But nevermind I just remembered "carnal" includes more than sexual in the bible so it morphs into a long list of thinking attitudes to disprove.

Besides atheists never accept burden of proof on here.
06-20-2010 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by MelchyBeau

A pic is not an argument.

Though a pic could be a type of propaganda which is a phony argument or statement or incomplete argument.

In truth if you can't put up a pic of every Christian woman on the planet its an insufficient pic. But then you also have to prove men only lust after the pretty ones and we have plenty of evidence against that.
06-20-2010 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I'm not arguing. I'm pointing out a fact.
No, you're not. You're pointing out an extremely ill-conceived opinion.

Originally Posted by Splendour
Carnal thinking as described in the bible is a fact.
Great. Why does that prove intelligent design?

Originally Posted by Splendour
The burden of proof is on the atheist posters to prove men never think carnally.
"Guys wanna have sex with women and if you can't prove otherwise then evolution is wrong and God and the baby Jesus and Adam and Eve and intelligent design are all real, wheeeee!".

Originally Posted by Splendour
Besides atheists never accept burden of proof on here.
Only because you always try to get atheists to prove that God doesn't exist (which is you not accepting the burden of proof and asking someone to prove a negative) or you throw out something so absurd, like this thread, that it can't even be argued with logically, because you haven't made a logical statement in the first place.

I'm expecting your next thread to be something like, "The sky is blue, and most birds can fly, therefore potatoes, so God is real, and you guys are making a category error and using limited thinking when you don't see the clear link between french fries and the almighty.
06-20-2010 , 10:27 AM
This thread and it's title are all A+.
06-20-2010 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
The burden of proof is on the atheist posters to prove men never think carnally.
Wow, you're such a joke.
06-20-2010 , 10:40 AM
BTW I like the idea that women being burdened with trying to reduce their sexual appeal because men can't control themselves is not actually sexist. Good stuff.
06-20-2010 , 11:30 AM
If I had three wishes one of them would be that OP is a level.
06-20-2010 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
BTW I like the idea that women being burdened with trying to reduce their sexual appeal because men can't control themselves is not actually sexist. Good stuff.
Well if you wear tight clothes and get raped, don't go around crying to the law!
06-20-2010 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Well if you wear tight clothes and get raped, don't go around crying to Splendour!
06-20-2010 , 01:06 PM
Splendour, all you have "proven" or "demonstrated" as fact is that (straight) guys think hot chicks are hot. This in no way necessarily implies that ID must be true, which is what everyone here is trying to tell you. For all you know God DID think women were inferior, not that God necessarily wanted to keep men's minds on the sermon.

Of course the idea that there are better mechanisms for explaining the male attraction to females is lost on you.

You simply must be trolling, this is TOO much!
06-20-2010 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Now the burden of proof is on you to explain how men don't think carnally when I've just put up a psychology/neurology expert confirming they do.
If all you say is true just stopping women form being church leaders and speaking in church won't work. You will have to segregate men and women completely i would think. Or maybe a peace of cloth covering up the female form better then normal clothes would work to stop sinful thoughts. Of course you still have the eyes showing and sometimes i lust after pretty eyes more then anything so some type of goggles might be necessary too.

We're also forgetting woman's lust and how if they are allowed in a church with a male preacher they may have problems connecting with God too. So the only way i see around woman's lustful thoughts is to have female preachers for women, or the form covering clothes goggle idea.

Last edited by batair; 06-20-2010 at 01:23 PM.
06-20-2010 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by batair
We're also forgetting woman's lust and how if they are allowed in a church with a male preacher they may have problems connecting with God too.
Women don't have lust, dude. Women only have sex to make the babies, they don't even feel it. So women can listen to a male preacher and connect to God just fine, as long as they don't open their yappers, which would obviously make all the blood in the men's brains rush to their penises, which can't hear God. So intelligent design is real. Obviously.
06-20-2010 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
So far the only theist who is agreeing with Splendour is a Muslim.
Btw DS, my copy of DUCY? just paid for itself yesterday, when I was pulled over for doing 38 in a 25, and didn't receive a speeding ticket after applying your recommended strategy of groveling deference. Shiiippp it. (I was 0-5 lifetime before this.)
06-20-2010 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by TexArcher
Women don't have lust, dude. Women only have sex to make the babies, they don't even feel it. So women can listen to a male preacher and connect to God just fine, as long as they don't open their yappers, which would obviously make all the blood in the men's brains rush to their penises, which can't hear God. So intelligent design is real. Obviously.
Whoops my mistake... i forgot all that.
06-20-2010 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by TexArcher
No, you're not. You're pointing out an extremely ill-conceived opinion.

Great. Why does that prove intelligent design?

"Guys wanna have sex with women and if you can't prove otherwise then evolution is wrong and God and the baby Jesus and Adam and Eve and intelligent design are all real, wheeeee!".

Only because you always try to get atheists to prove that God doesn't exist (which is you not accepting the burden of proof and asking someone to prove a negative) or you throw out something so absurd, like this thread, that it can't even be argued with logically, because you haven't made a logical statement in the first place.

I'm expecting your next thread to be something like, "The sky is blue, and most birds can fly, therefore potatoes, so God is real, and you guys are making a category error and using limited thinking when you don't see the clear link between french fries and the almighty.
Oh then this statement should be no surprise.

The bible shows carnal thinking is the cause of many evils.

Its also behind why so many Catholic priests are pedophiles. Some lost their spiritual thinking while some never had the ability to think spiritually.

The problem with the pedophile scandal is that the Church should have immediately stood up and said the devil has compromised our priests with carnal thinking. The devil always attacks churchs.
06-20-2010 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Oh then this statement should be no surprise.

The bible shows carnal thinking is the cause of many evils.
With all due respect, the bible doesn't SHOW anything of the sort. It merely states it, and not necessarily about why women doesn't get to give the sermon.
06-20-2010 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
What a completely ridiculous thing to say.

This might come as a shock to you, but I interract with beautiful women almost every day. And amazingly enough, I know how to behave around them.

No, I don't behave like a horny teenager. I guess that's what comes from not living in a repressive society. Your religion and society have stunted your development. You appear to be incapable of interracting with the opposite sex without it being clumsy and awkward.

I haven't lied once in this thread. You're just so repressed that you're incapable of believing that others don't have the same hang-ups about women that you do.
If you are telling the truth, than you are either a gay or you must visit a sexual therapist, to see what is wrong with you or you have a very difficult part in your daily theater.
06-20-2010 , 04:00 PM
Obv it's the woman's fault then, since you can't control your thoughts, and she should be the one to adjust her lifestyle and behavior to accomodate you.

If you seriously cannot function without the absence of women around you drawing attention to themselves by not wearing enormous sheets over themselves, you are pathetic.
06-20-2010 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by shahrad
If you are telling the truth, than you are either a gay or you must visit a sexual therapist, to see what is wrong with you or you have a very difficult part in your daily theater.
I need to see a sexual therapist because I'm capable of interracting with attractive women without my thoughts being consumed by fantasies of having sex with them?
06-20-2010 , 04:53 PM

When you say idiotic things like this "proves" ID, no one is going to take you seriously. Why don't you realize this?

If you came at this as your opinion you wouldn't be getting ridiculed nearly as much as you are.

Why must you continually shoot yourself in the foot?
06-20-2010 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
Obv it's the woman's fault then, since you can't control your thoughts, and she should be the one to adjust her lifestyle and behavior to accomodate you.

If you seriously cannot function without the absence of women around you drawing attention to themselves by not wearing enormous sheets over themselves, you are pathetic.
How silly.

Don't you know women are always trying to take men and change them only to fail.

Only God can change human nature.
