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Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil?

09-08-2010 , 02:46 PM
Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil?

In moral terms, the terms Good & Evil are only useful on a graph and are inseparable.

I see that many just look at these terms as opposites or duality.
Black white. Hot cold. Whatever.

It does not matter because, in moral terms, good and evil must be on a graph to be of any use to any discussion of moral issues.

That is why the ancients wrote them into the Bible as the tree of good and evil.
It’s fruit symbolizes that good and evil cannot be separated. One tree, one fruit that gives both good and evil at the same bite.

Evil, used as nouns does not say much of anything useful. For morals, evil as a noun does not stand well alone. If I were to tell you that something good or evil was heading your way, you would not have a clue as to what I speak of.

As adjectives, evil and good are good and useful.

It is what goes between these two adjectives then that is at issue and how and where we place them on the graph.
Ideally, the good and evil line will have a top and a bottom because issues often times have both good and evil within their character and is dependant on circumstances.

Like God for instance.

Basically, if you are arguing good and evil in any other way than described here; you are IMHO, wasting your time.

If you look to God for our moral sense you are also wasting your time because it is to mankind to set the rules of our dominion, not God‘s.


Take either word Good or Evil away from this graph and it loses all meaning.

I think that the above is a self evident truth on how moral good and evil should be thought of.

Do you?
If not, why not?

Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-08-2010 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
That is why the ancients wrote them into the Bible as the tree of good and evil.
It’s fruit symbolizes that good and evil cannot be separated. One tree, one fruit that gives both good and evil at the same bite.
I'm not sure that's correct. From my understanding, the tree represented the knowledge of good and evil, (the true and false from a moral standpoint), and that we lost our prior innate sense of knowledge (our innate moral compass, so to speak) of good and evil because someone got hungry for an apple.
Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-09-2010 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by duffe
I'm not sure that's correct. From my understanding, the tree represented the knowledge of good and evil, (the true and false from a moral standpoint), and that we lost our prior innate sense of knowledge (our innate moral compass, so to speak) of good and evil because someone got hungry for an apple.
How can you have an innate sense of good and evil without any knowledge of good and evil.

If A & E already had what the tree gave, then why were they punished?
Further, if that knowledge is what, as Genesis indicates is the source of our moral sense, that makes us as God's knowing good and evil, why would God deny man such important knowledge?

Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-09-2010 , 12:11 PM
Because he liked his creation kind of dumbed down otherwise we would of known what he was asking was unfair.
Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-09-2010 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
How can you have an innate sense of good and evil without any knowledge of good and evil.
You don't need the polarity. One could have only the innate sense of the good. Kind of like someone who could only speak the truth: he wouldn't need knowledge of falsity to speak the truth; he just says what is and doesn't say what is not.
Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-09-2010 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Because he liked his creation kind of dumbed down otherwise we would of known what he was asking was unfair.
God, unfair, Noooo.

Well, yes.

Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-09-2010 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by duffe
You don't need the polarity. One could have only the innate sense of the good. Kind of like someone who could only speak the truth: he wouldn't need knowledge of falsity to speak the truth; he just says what is and doesn't say what is not.
This is true perhaps but he also would have no idea as to why he is telling the truth and would automatically not have the wisdom to lie when asked by his aunt Bea how she looked in her ugly and unsightly new outfit.

Man without the wisdom that comes with his moral sense is so inadvertently cruel when not knowing when to lie.

I can think of other scenarios when a lie is better than the truth if you need some.

Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-10-2010 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
Man without the wisdom that comes with his moral sense is so inadvertently cruel when not knowing when to lie.
Okay, but what if that wisdom wasn't perfect? Wouldn't an unwise decision bring evil into existence?
Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-10-2010 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by duffe
Okay, but what if that wisdom wasn't perfect? Wouldn't an unwise decision bring evil into existence?
Wisdom, like all human attributes, starts small and grows.
Evolving perfection you might say. If evil is the result of some decision then that is just too bad. Evil of some kind will always be around so it is just added to the mix.

Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-10-2010 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
Further, if that knowledge is what, as Genesis indicates is the source of our moral sense, that makes us as God's knowing good and evil, why would God deny man such important knowledge?
To make us want it?
Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-10-2010 , 06:57 PM
I mean if God said to you here you go this will let you experience all kinds of bad ****, how many takers would he have?

There's a reason why we know what we know.

What comes next will require the sophistication of this experience.
Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-10-2010 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by BigErf
If God denied us this "important knowledge", why do we have it?
Because we disobeyed his wishes and accepted his unjust punishment of original sin?
Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-10-2010 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by BigErf
To make us want it?
If that was the case, it did not work till the talking snake helped God along and if true, then one has to wonder why, if we were actually doing what God wanted, He punished us and told the Church to call it our fall and curse us all forever with original sin for it.

And why punish His helper the talking snake?
Now I take that personal.
Poor talking snake has to perpetually sing this now.

Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-10-2010 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by BigErf
I mean if God said to you here you go this will let you experience all kinds of bad ****, how many takers would he have?

There's a reason why we know what we know.

What comes next will require the sophistication of this experience.
Is that some kind of prophesy friend?
If so even with my criminal mind and delinquent attitude, I am more moral than most who call themselves moral. That is not a brag, it is a complaint.

Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-10-2010 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Because we disobeyed his wishes and accepted his unjust punishment of original sin?
Thank God, so to speak, Eve had the balls to eat of it and give that a hole the finger or we would be as bright as cows and not know enough to curse the genocidal one.

Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-10-2010 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
the talking snake helped God along
All of that works great as long as you remember the emphasis on God as the dominant one.
Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-10-2010 , 09:43 PM
"God was helped along by his talking snake"?
Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-10-2010 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by Gen 3:1
Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.
Does this work:

"God made the serpent more subtle than any beast of the field."

Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
09-11-2010 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by BigErf
Does this work:

"God made the serpent more subtle than any beast of the field."

Works just as well but please remember that I do not believe in talking animals in the first place and if you read and believe Genesis literally, God end up punishing an innocent snake who was being controlled by Satan.

When they plagiarized older religious traditions to write the christian Bible, they made many changes to fit their agenda.

Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil? Quote
