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Ranking various deities by their poker potential Ranking various deities by their poker potential

02-20-2009 , 05:35 PM
A friend of mine (2p2er jesse8888) keeps a blog of his progress as a new pro. His last post was so fantastic that I just have to share it with you. Enjoy!


In response to my last post:

Dave said...

Just to make this crystal clear, in your hierarchy of deities, Zeus > Jesus? Please also rank the following deities:

- Buddha
- Poseidon
- Mohammed
- The Flying Spaghetti Monster
- Cal Ripken

February 19, 2009 9:29 AM

So without further adieu, I give you my complete, expert, rankings of these 7 deities, with heavy weight given to their expected poker potential.

7. Jesus - Honestly, what does this guy have going for him? I know he disappeared for like 20 years even in his own holy text, and perhaps he spent that time traveling the world looking for juicy home games, but I sincerely doubt it. His commandments, such as "Thou Shalt Not Lie" and "Thou Shalt Not Covet" suggest that he was a calling station. Sorry Jesus, but you just don't have much game.

6. Mohammed - This is a default ranking. I don't know a freakin' thing about Mohammed beyond what I picked up from Malcolm X. If Mohammed had the foresight to send, say, Samuel L. Jackson, in his stead, then perhaps he could have cracked the top 5.

5. Poseidon - I once tried to play cards in a hot tub. It was practically impossible. They stick together something fierce and you're always dropping them off whatever ghetto-ass object you've got floating in the middle pretending to be a table. Poseidon just couldn't put in enough hours to hone his skills.

4. Buddha - Now we're getting up to the deities that actually have some game. Buddha, while unassuming in appearance, has one quality that would allow him to crush mid-stakes limit hold'em. He is, without a doubt, completely and utterly tiltless. Beat after beat could rain down on this guy, and he'd just keep on smiling that dopey grin. Couple that with the fact that every Asian guy at the table would soft-play him and you've got yourself a potential long-term winner on your hands.

3. The Flying Spaghetti Monster - You'd think that a completely nonsensical glob of pasta, lacking a brain, limbs, and even a mouth, that was created in just this past decade, couldn't possibly hold his own in a group of this standing. You'd be wrong, though. TFSM strength lies exactly in the qualities one might think were his weaknesses. Nobody has a clue what cards he holds, and he's not afraid to throw the book out the window and make plays based on his gut instinct alone. While he's not exactly fundamentally sound, he'll always keep you guessing, and could snap off your bluff with king high at any time. In other words, he's the WTK of this group.

2. Cal Ripken - The consumate professional. This guy shows up day after day, grinding out a small edge in countless hands, hour after hour, week after week, year after year. I mean, have you ever done anything, other than breathing, 2632 times in a row? This guy will eventually have all the chips. If I'm picking up teams and Cal Ripken is in the room, my first question is "Is Cal available?" My second question is, "What game are we playing?"

1. Zeus - Honestly, this competition wasn't really fair from the beginning. Zeus is a freaking bad ass. He spends his days prowling around Mount Olympus, smoting mortals with thunderbolts and pumping iron, and his nights drinking wine and hosting orgies. He knows what you have and what you intend to do with it, and you best not forget it.

If you want to read more of his blog, check out
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-20-2009 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by dlgilbert4

1. Zeus - Honestly, this competition wasn't really fair from the beginning. Zeus is a freaking bad ass. He spends his days prowling around Mount Olympus, smoting mortals with thunderbolts and pumping iron, and his nights drinking wine and hosting orgies. He knows what you have and what you intend to do with it, and you best not forget it.

If you want to read more of his blog, check out
At least call him by his real name, please....he even has a song that says "hope you guess my name"

"And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write, ‘These things says He who has the sharp two-edged sword: ‘I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is. And you hold fast to My name, and did not deny My faith even in the days in which Antipas was My faithful martyr, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells" (Revelation 2:12-13).
Allow me to continue:

The Great Altar of Pergamon is in the Pergamon Museum, Berlin. The base of this altar remains on the upper part of the Acropolis. It was this altar, believed dedicated to Zeus, that John of Patmos referred to as "Satan's Throne" in his Book of Revelation (Revelation 2:12-13).

Now, it looks like your favorite poker diety is really just another diety in disguise.
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-20-2009 , 06:10 PM
Now, it gets more fascinating about Zeus. The base of his altar remains at the Acropolis but the rest of the altar itself is found in Berlin:

he Great Altar of Pergamon, a massive stone podium about one hundred feet long and thirty-five feet high, was originally built in the 2nd century BCE in the Ancient Greek city of Pergamon (modern day Bergama in Turkey) in north-western Anatolia, 25.74 kilometers (16 miles) from the Aegean Sea. The Great Altar of Pergamon has figured in lists of the Wonders of the World.[1] It has long been assumed that the magnificently-scaled and opulently decorated open-air altar— for it is not a temple[2] was dedicated to Zeus.[3] The altar appears to be mentioned in the Book of Revelation, Revelation 2:12-13: "In Pergamos where Satan's Throne is".[4]. The only lengthy reference to it in Antiquity is in the Liber Memorialis of Ampelius (8.14), where it is described as "a large marble altar, forty feet high with a great many sculptures, among which a Battle of the Giants."

Now, the Pergamon Museum opened...guess when....1930 in Berlin!

Also, the Zeppelinfeld was at Nuremburg was based on the Pergamon Altar!

Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-20-2009 , 06:19 PM
Good post but I think Jesus needs to be moved up to #1. He's the living incarnation of God and Omnipotent being. I mean hes literally done everything been everywhere an infinite amount of times. He'll know your cards before you do. The only way he would lose is if he got board and started to donk around because hes played the game so many times before. But even then you really dont have a shot.
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-20-2009 , 06:24 PM
It has long been assumed that the magnificently-scaled and opulently decorated open-air altar— for it is not a temple—[2] was dedicated to Zeus.[3] The altar appears to be mentioned in the Book of Revelation, Revelation 2:12-13: "In Pergamos where Satan's Throne is".[4].
Standard religion tactic... if another culture at another place and/or time worships a god that is not your God, then their god must be a manifestion of your Anti-God and all of their people must be corrupt Anti-God worshippers condemned to some awful, unimaginable fate. Of course the Christian priests would call Zeus Satan.
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-20-2009 , 06:27 PM
I admit, I haven't really read anything in this forum, ever, so I didn't expect this sort of response. I posted it because it was funny and not to be taken seriously.

Just chill. It's a joke.
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-20-2009 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by dlgilbert4
Standard religion tactic... if another culture at another place and/or time worships a god that is not your God, then their god must be a manifestion of your Anti-God and all of their people must be corrupt Anti-God worshippers condemned to some awful, unimaginable fate. Of course the Christian priests would call Zeus Satan.
I posted it not as "proof" but as something that I would even think atheists would find interesting. I care not to debate existence/nonexistence.

In any case, the fact that Hitler had such an interest in what, according to the Bible, was Satan's throne is highly interesting.

Not to mention that he gassed some 6 million or so of God's chosen people.
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-20-2009 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by dlgilbert4
I admit, I haven't really read anything in this forum, ever, so I didn't expect this sort of response. I posted it because it was funny and not to be taken seriously.

Just chill. It's a joke.
I wasn't picking on you. I just thought it was interesting since you picked him #1.
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-20-2009 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Mempho
I posted it not as "proof" but as something that I would even think atheists would find interesting. I care not to debate existence/nonexistence.

In any case, the fact that Hitler had such an interest in what, according to the Bible, was Satan's throne is highly interesting.

Not to mention that he gassed some 6 million or so of God's chosen people.
You were right - I do think it's interesting and am glad you provided the information.

I'm sorry.... I was unsure of your intentions.

Alas, it was not me who wrote the rankings. I wish I could write like that, but I'm just not that funny. Plus I think I would have ranked Poseidon first because he has access to so many fish.

(See? not that funny )
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-21-2009 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by batair
Good post but I think Jesus needs to be moved up to #1. He's the living incarnation of God and Omnipotent being. I mean hes literally done everything been everywhere an infinite amount of times. He'll know your cards before you do. The only way he would lose is if he got board and started to donk around because hes played the game so many times before. But even then you really dont have a shot.
He would also know the difference between a board, like 'a surfboard', and being bored, like 'i was bored'.
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-21-2009 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by rianb
He would also know the difference between a board, like 'a surfboard', and being bored, like 'i was bored'.
Yea lol I thought I got that wrong. If your going to correct my **** ups your going to be busy but welcome a bored.

After reading Mempho posts. If Zeus=Devil then I think I change my mind. Poker is all about deception and stealing right in the Devils ballpark. But only if he had some kind of God Jesus proof card protector.

Last edited by batair; 02-21-2009 at 02:24 AM.
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-21-2009 , 02:49 AM
1. Jesus. Omniscience is huge.

2. Buddha. He just serenely collects chips.

3. Mohammed. Very aggressive, but also knows when to just cut and run.
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-21-2009 , 03:12 AM
Buddhas got to be dead last. He has the serenity thing going for him but he hates materialism. Whenever he got a stack he would just donk it all away out of guilt.
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02-21-2009 , 03:41 AM
Buddha follows a middle path between desire and renunciation, and is therefore utterly indifferent to his stack.
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-21-2009 , 03:51 AM
Oh I thought Buddhist tried to shed all desire guess id have to move him up.
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-21-2009 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Buddhas got to be off the list entirely
Because Buddha's not a deity...

neither is Muhammad, you guys are terrible at this

Last edited by VickreyAuction; 02-21-2009 at 10:37 PM.
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-21-2009 , 10:41 PM
that was pretty good....I liked the bit about Asians softplaying Buddha. Funny stuff!
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-22-2009 , 12:29 AM
This list is useless without such badasses as Thor, Odin, Seth, Horus, and Quetzacoatl.
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-22-2009 , 12:33 AM
e.g. Seth is an aggressive bully but doesn't know when to fold; Horus is terrible but breaks even by constantly showing his hand to Isis for advice.
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02-22-2009 , 11:54 AM
Bacchus obv. I don't know if he is a winner but he is the most fun.
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-22-2009 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by Mempho
I posted it not as "proof" but as something that I would even think atheists would find interesting. I care not to debate existence/nonexistence.

In any case, the fact that Hitler had such an interest in what, according to the Bible, was Satan's throne is highly interesting.

Not to mention that he gassed some 6 million or so of God's chosen people.
Amazing find Mempho.

The Pergamum altar at the Nazi Zeppelinfield. Wow.

Notice this isn't a very well known public fact.
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02-22-2009 , 06:00 PM
meh zeus is generally pretty useless without aghanims iirc
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02-22-2009 , 07:54 PM
It must be a trickster deity like Eshu, Loki or Hermes.
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02-24-2009 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Amazing find Mempho.

The Pergamum altar at the Nazi Zeppelinfield. Wow.

Nope, but it's well documented. Just one piece of an amazing array of circumstantial evidence.

Notice this isn't a very well known public fact.
And "they" (you know who) prefer to keep it that way.
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
02-24-2009 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Mempho
Nope, but it's well documented. Just one piece of an array of circumstantial evidence.
How'd you find it? Amazing find.
Ranking various deities by their poker potential Quote
