I'm getting close to an epiphany here (of understanding, anyhow)...
Originally Posted by Oshenz11
Take out the bolded part, and we're in complete agrement.
Originally Posted by bunny:
"Because i think, when we differ, there is a chance you could be right
and closer to this ideal than me. In which case, clearly I should abandon my view and adopt yours."
Can you explain? If you believe a set of moral principles ABC and I believe ABD - in what sense do you think I can possibly be right? Isnt the standard you use to judge such a claim ABC? (In which case I am mistakenly choosing D instead of C).
Do you mean something along the lines of "It's possible that, at some future time, I will adopt a different moral framework which agrees with bunny on this issue and disagrees with the view I currently hold"?
To me this doesnt mean you think you could be mistaken so much as you think you may change your mind. I'm talking in circles now, but it seems to me that if ABC is the set of beliefs by which you subjectively judge the worth or "correctness" of a moral system then there is no consistent way to declare that ABC might be incorrect...