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Q and A for people with ACTUAL interest in Cristianity. Q and A for people with ACTUAL interest in Cristianity.

03-02-2009 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by Magicman26
I cant believe that this is the most "outrageous" comment Ive posted on here, after all, the Bible talks about resurrections all the time, so why cant they happen now? I have read several reports of such things happening. I know this will be as hard to believe as the rest of what Christians may be saying on here, so as always I just have to leave it up to you. I do hope this wont discourage you from continuing to dsicuss on this thread.

God bless
Er, wow. As for resurrections happening now, I wouldn't say they CAN'T, but I have yet to see any strong evidence that people are coming back from the dead. What was the most recent resurrection that you are aware of?
Q and A for people with ACTUAL interest in Cristianity. Quote
03-02-2009 , 12:11 PM
How does a Christian explain these:

- the Universe being created 7,000 years ago; The use of distant huge stars like Canis Maior, Betelgeuse, other distant galaxies, quasars a.s.o. in the economy of human environment;
- the unparalleled genocide performed during Middle Ages in the name of Christianity. The executions, pillages and tortures conducted and performed by Christians explicitly in the name of their religion;
- the fact that the higher average IQ characterize a selected sample, the less Christians are included in the sample (this is a fact, scientifically uncontested).
Q and A for people with ACTUAL interest in Cristianity. Quote
03-02-2009 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
If you notice, many of my views go directly against what mainstream christianity says. Nor do I associate myself with any denomination, in fact I speak out against many.
Of couse I've noticed it. And it's great. There's still a problem though...

Originally Posted by Jibninjas
First off, I came to the same conclusion that most of the atheists here did. I got so disgusted with the christianity that was represented that I believed there was no way that if God existed that this religion is true and that if this is what it means to be a christian then I want no part of it.
Resculpturing Christianity to be more pleasant than it is doesn't do anything to add to the validity of it. All you're doing is making it more pleasant.

But to your own defense, it's a normal thing. The whole reason the NT came out was because OT believers (Jews mainly) were fed up with all the horrors in the Old Testament. Christ appealed to folks who wanted something more pleasant. In terms of probability, it's MUCH more likely that the OT is true than the OT+NT are both true. I mean seriously, God got it wrong the first time, but 500 years or so later corrected it (and hasn't provided anymore updates to change with the times in the last 2000 years)? LOL.
Q and A for people with ACTUAL interest in Cristianity. Quote
03-02-2009 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
Er, wow. As for resurrections happening now, I wouldn't say they CAN'T, but I have yet to see any strong evidence that people are coming back from the dead. What was the most recent resurrection that you are aware of?
A chinese Christian preacher called Brother Yun wrote about a resurrection he witnesses in one of his books. I have lent this to a friend but will try to get the passage... happened after year 2000 sometime i think.
Q and A for people with ACTUAL interest in Cristianity. Quote
03-02-2009 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Magicman26
A chinese Christian preacher called Brother Yun wrote about a resurrection he witnesses in one of his books. I have lent this to a friend but will try to get the passage... happened after year 2000 sometime i think.
Just gave him a Google, and there is much more about his prison escape than this resurrection, but this would confirm my assumption that any account of a resurrection would be more or less entirely based on the testimony of a very small group of people. I would like to see something more substantial if I were to believe that humans have recently risen from the dead.
Q and A for people with ACTUAL interest in Cristianity. Quote
03-02-2009 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
Just gave him a Google, and there is much more about his prison escape than this resurrection, but this would confirm my assumption that any account of a resurrection would be more or less entirely based on the testimony of a very small group of people. I would like to see something more substantial if I were to believe that humans have recently risen from the dead.
His prison escape is so awesome too though :-) give it a read if you get the chance. but i agree, I too would want more evidence, but there simply isnt that much, as you say
Q and A for people with ACTUAL interest in Cristianity. Quote
03-02-2009 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Magicman26
His prison escape is so awesome too though :-) give it a read if you get the chance. but i agree, I too would want more evidence, but there simply isnt that much, as you say
And yet you believe it? I don't really understand why you'd take that position.

I wish there was some more accurate source for the prison escape account. Between someone who believes he has witnessed resurrections and the Chinese government, I don't see much room for honesty.
Q and A for people with ACTUAL interest in Cristianity. Quote
03-02-2009 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Magicman26
The Bible doesnt say that that is true, but it doesnt refute it either. So that is my personal belief, yes.
The Bible also doesn't refute someone being addicted to crack either.
Q and A for people with ACTUAL interest in Cristianity. Quote
03-02-2009 , 02:38 PM
Is there a theological interpretation possible where both the mainstream Christian doctrine and the concept of reincarnation are combined? Or does scripture not allow for such a view?
Q and A for people with ACTUAL interest in Cristianity. Quote
03-02-2009 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by 46:1
Is there a theological interpretation possible where both the mainstream Christian doctrine and the concept of reincarnation are combined? Or does scripture not allow for such a view?
Check the wiki on Reincarnation. In general most mainstream groups don't accept it but it explains some exceptions.

Also the Jacobs Ladder entry on wiki mentions a Jewish philosopher: Philo had an idea of reincarnation.
Q and A for people with ACTUAL interest in Cristianity. Quote
03-02-2009 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Magicman26
A chinese Christian preacher called Brother Yun wrote about a resurrection he witnesses in one of his books. I have lent this to a friend but will try to get the passage... happened after year 2000 sometime i think.
ok.... Let's just imagine that this account (and any other resurrection accounts that you know of, I would be very interested to hear other stories as well) is 100% true. Now why is Jesus so special?
Q and A for people with ACTUAL interest in Cristianity. Quote
03-03-2009 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by Chairman Wood
ok.... Let's just imagine that this account (and any other resurrection accounts that you know of, I would be very interested to hear other stories as well) is 100% true. Now why is Jesus so special?
Because Jesus, as God's Son, had the power to do these things himself, whereas normal humans cant. Only God can do these things through normal people, the people cant do it themselves. There are a lot of other reasons why Jesus is special,but i think thats the one you were getting at :-)
Q and A for people with ACTUAL interest in Cristianity. Quote
03-03-2009 , 05:49 AM
As a skeptic... why is Christianity any more right than any other religion? How can I dedicate my life to a God when the only reason I'm doing so is because I was born in the States and not some other region. Why are Muslims wrong? Buddhists? Jews? Hindus?

How can Christians believe in Christ, when before the Bible was written, the God "Horus" was documented in Egypt, where he was crucified and resurrected after 3 days?

Basically.. I have yet to be satisfied with an answer as to "how is there a right religion?"
Q and A for people with ACTUAL interest in Cristianity. Quote
03-03-2009 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Magicman26
Because Jesus, as God's Son, had the power to do these things himself, whereas normal humans cant. Only God can do these things through normal people, the people cant do it themselves. There are a lot of other reasons why Jesus is special,but i think thats the one you were getting at :-)

Ok, yes that was what I was getting at thank you. Do you have any other resurrection stories?

Forgive me as it has been almost 10 years since I had a through reading of the bible. I was always under the impression that God resurrected Jesus. I remember something very similar to "taken up to heaven and is seated now at the right hand of the father," and other parts saying that it was God who raised him. Sorry I'm not familiar with any internet bibles so if someone wants to point me to one with a good search function I could try to find quotes. I understand that there maybe other ways in which Jesus was special that separate him from these other people but this is the most important part of all of Christianity. As it seems to me that even Jesus needed God's help in the resurrection I don't see his as being all that more special than the other guy you listed.
Q and A for people with ACTUAL interest in Cristianity. Quote
