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Problem with the concept of hell Problem with the concept of hell

05-29-2014 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master

As for your question, I'm probably going to reject the premises of any question that includes words like "justice".
Ironically, your last statement here makes my point for me.
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
It was explicitly an atheist who was performing the murder and then kissing his wife goodnight. While he may think lowly of humans generally as part of his theology or worldview, there definitely seems to be a very special place reserving the worst caricatures for atheists.
but it's only fear of God that's preventing the theists from acting similarly.

I think he only really presents a caricature of himself
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by Sir Piers Morgan
Sadly, that's just the way it is. It happens every day, people with power that don't have to answer to others are getting away with evil acts.

I wonder if God is going to do anything about that? A true God would be consistent and not deviate from his commandments.
Originally Posted by Sir Piers Morgan
God can't have different rules for different cultures
Why can't God not do what he wants?

Originally Posted by Sir Piers Morgan
Because it isn't fair
Why does God have to be fair?

Originally Posted by Sir Piers Morgan
How could it possibly be fair for God to give people different moral rules depending on their culture? If that's the way he works then he is truly unremarkable and I'm not too keen on meeting him
Why would God care about your wee thoughts and feelings sweetheart?
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by Robin Agrees
Why does God have to be fair?
In Ezekiel 18, God is fairly adamant that he is just. To the point where he promises life to those who obey his laws and death to those who do not. It would seem his promises get forgotten easily.

Granted there are a few more million Gods than this one, and this one also seems to come in a few million versions. We'll disregard all those others different ones as "false". I think that is fitting, because this one here is fairly adamant that having other Gods is a bad idea in an earlier chapter.

Sadly I'm paraphrasing this out of context, and the fact that the entire Chapter is about the justness of God is completely irrelevant, and I'm probably stupid because I'm not fluent in the connotations of Old Aramaic/Hebrew/Autobot cross-cultural interactions and failed to account for this.

Such is life.
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
but it's only fear of God that's preventing the theists from acting similarly.

I think he only really presents a caricature of himself

And he doesn't put God in a good light either. God doesn't care about the goodness or badness in our hearts. Hes shallow and like most two bit human dictators just wants submission through fear. Heaven will be a place full of murderous sinful intent being held back by a bully.

Last edited by batair; 05-29-2014 at 06:13 AM.
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 06:42 AM
Although id agree with uke_master. He holds a special hate of the atheist. And the commie lefty's. Which are usually one in the same.
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 06:45 AM
I have him on ignore for a while tbh so I only see those posts that people quote but it seems his hatred is boundless if a little more intense when directed at lefty atheists.
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 07:02 AM
Idk. I guess ive seen him go after the Muslims too. So maybe im wrong and he just hates everyone.

Either way its a ridiculous caricature. Im a strong atheist when it comes to the idea i will be judged after death for my wrongs. Not going to happen.

But literally every day i have opportunity to do things i think are wrong and not get caught. I dont the vast majority of time. Why? Not because some overseer or law or chance of jail is keeping me in check. Its because me feeling bad for doing things i think are wrong is.

And you would think the biblical God would like that. Feeling bad for doing wrong is basically repentance. Not sure how he could repent if its just fear of punishment getting him to ask for forgiveness.

Last edited by batair; 05-29-2014 at 07:12 AM.
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 10:43 AM
[ ] I unfairly characterized all atheists as evil.
[ ] I hate everyone.
[ ] I claimed that God doesn't care about what is in our hearts.

[X] Some people exhibiting symptoms of a persecution complex that they sometimes charge Christians with.
[X] People talking about Doggg when they have him on ignore.
[X] People doing everything possible to draw the discussion from the content of the arguments and instead making the discussion personal.
[X] Mob behavior exhibited.

Last edited by Doggg; 05-29-2014 at 11:08 AM. Reason: A shout out to our dear, departed Splendour!
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
but it's only fear of God that's preventing the theists from acting similarly.
Why is this the only thing?
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 11:20 AM
You'd have to ask Doggg
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by DeuceKicker
So you believe in the hell of eternal torment, not annihilation?

What's the difference between this atheist and a Christian? Both need to be sure they'll never ever be caught. Beyond that, the Christian also has to kneel down beside his bed after he tucks his kids in, and whisper a quick word of thanks that all his sins have been payed for. [In before no true scotsman]
I'm not making a claim that atheists sin any more than Christians do. But they certainly might have a different approach to sin, and they sin within a different context, I'd say.

The truth is that all of our sins (Christian or atheist) have to be accounted for, and the wages have to be paid, one way or the other. Christ already paid for the sins of the believer. A non-believer rejects Christ's sacrifice. It is like a man in court who is charged with horrific crimes acting as his own lawyer, even though he could hire the best lawyer to have ever lived.

Or rather, a deal has been struck to get him off, with some stipulations, but he rejects the deal, believing that he is truly innocent, and it will be determined as such come judgment.
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Doggg
[ ] I unfairly characterized all atheists as evil.
[X] You characterized all strong atheists as evil.

Originally Posted by Doggg, emphasis mine
Imagine a strong atheist, who is committed to a negative belief in all gods- imagined or possible. There can be, or is no gods, he believes.

** So ** whenever he feels like he can get away with something without being caught by human authorities (such as the police)- he does so. He spots an opportunity to kill someone he has always hated, and it could never, ever be traced back to me, he thinks. He does it. He buries the person he killed. He goes home and kisses his wife and tucks his kids into bed.

He lives his life according to this philosophy- that there is no afterlife, no God, and I will never, ever "pay" for the actions I have taken.
The presentation here implies that all strong atheists as living by a particular philosophy as a consequence of their strong atheism.
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
You'd have to ask Doggg
A Christian becomes a new creation when he is converted. The Spirit of God comes to live inside of him. He might find himself desiring to do things he never desired before- such as communion in prayer, evangelism or selfless charity. However, I'm sure there are many paths to sin.

But this is not at all what I am talking about (and seems like a diversion). I was talking about hell, and how it would be unjust for those who don't believe in an afterlife or judgment to be granted the world they DO believe in- because it seems to justify their non-belief, and clears them of their sins, to boot.

What did Christ die for if there is no judgment? What do you need a mediator for? You certainly don't need anyone to stand in your stead, in that case.
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
[X] You characterized all strong atheists as evil.
I did not. Nor does the quotation above demonstrate that, as is evidenced by your careful use of the word "implied."

The presentation here implies that all strong atheists as living by a particular philosophy as a consequence of their strong atheism
Here is what I wrote:

Imagine a strong atheist, who is committed to a negative belief in all gods- imagined or possible. There can be, or is no gods, he believes.

So whenever he feels like he can get away with something without being caught by human authorities (such as the police)- he does so. He spots an opportunity to kill someone he has always hated, and it could never, ever be traced back to me, he thinks. He does it. He buries the person he killed. He goes home and kisses his wife and tucks his kids into bed.

He lives his life according to this philosophy- that there is no afterlife, no God, and I will never, ever "pay" for the actions I have taken.

Is it justice that he be granted the non-existence that he believed in- that led him to evil acts in his life, and to hurt others? Is it justice that he receives the world he believed in? It almost justifies his evil philosophy of life, imo. I'm not so comfortable with that.
Edit: Though, to be fair, I do believe that being a strong atheist makes it much easier to justify sins, or a lifestyle of sin, or to act immoral as long as you are confident that you will not get caught. I have said as much before. But I am not characterizing every strong atheist as a murderer.

Last edited by Doggg; 05-29-2014 at 11:54 AM.
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 11:48 AM
As someone has pointed out Doggggg you could type 'theist' where you see 'atheist' and just add 'repents' at the very end and it would be exactly the same.

In fact I would argue that on the whole theists have done far more atrocious things following their beliefs than atheists ever have in not believing in dieties.

It sounds like you do this in more than one thread and hence why people think you paint atheists in a terrible light.

Full disclosure I'm an atheist so I may be biased.

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Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
You'd have to ask Doggg
Originally Posted by Doggg
He might find himself desiring to do things...
This is what I meant, that it's not just about *having* to do things, necessarily, nothing is that simple, especially not motivations.
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Doggg
[ ] I unfairly characterized all atheists as evil.
Indeed, and in my characterization of your statements I was clear that I said it was a fabricated anecdote not a general statement (even though the wording is ambiguous as Aaron points out with the "so"). But the difference isn't really important to me.

What I am identifying is a pattern whereby you put these horrendous characteristics upon (some/all/i don't care which) atheists. In my case, you told me I didn't care about dead christian children murdered by muslims. Now you have this example of a psychopathic murdered killing without a shred of remorse then going home and tucking his children in at night.

I don't think examples like this represent even the tiniest bit any atheist or theist I have ever encountered. It seems like incredibly alarmist anecdotes that have no validity or importance on any point outside of a sort of gleeful typing away on the keyboard about the evils of atheists.
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Doggg
A Christian becomes a new creation when he is converted. The Spirit of God comes to live inside of him. He might find himself desiring to do things he never desired before- such as communion in prayer, evangelism or selfless charity. However, I'm sure there are many paths to sin.

But this is not at all what I am talking about (and seems like a diversion). I was talking about hell, and how it would be unjust for those who don't believe in an afterlife or judgment to be granted the world they DO believe in- because it seems to justify their non-belief, and clears them of their sins, to boot.

What did Christ die for if there is no judgment? What do you need a mediator for? You certainly don't need anyone to stand in your stead, in that case.
I don't need Christ to have died for my sins for me not to want to murder someone. I don't need to fear damnation for me not to want to murder someone and my thinking I can get away with it is no cause for me to want to murder someone.
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by just_grindin
In fact I would argue that on the whole theists have done far more atrocious things following their beliefs than atheists ever have in not believing in dieties.
Can you actually name such atrocious acts that atheists haven't done? Murder, rape, genocide, mutilation, etc...all have been done by both. What horrible act have I missed that is exclusively done by some deists?
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by just_grindin
As someone has pointed out Doggggg you could type 'theist' where you see 'atheist' and just add 'repents' at the very end and it would be exactly the same.

In fact I would argue that on the whole theists have done far more atrocious things following their beliefs than atheists ever have in not believing in dieties.

It sounds like you do this in more than one thread and hence why people think you paint atheists in a terrible light.

Full disclosure I'm an atheist so I may be biased.

Sent from my SCH-R760X using 2+2 Forums
One quick thing I would note is that, speaking of the Christian God, unbelief is a sin, in itself. So while Christians are not exempt of doing horrible things, the atheist is in a constant state of disobedience, and general enmity with God.
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
In my case, you told me I didn't care about dead christian children murdered by muslims.
You bring this up in almost every post you make now. Beside the fact that I never said that, if you are going to make every single post personal, you are more than welcome to. But I will not announce to the board that I am not longer interested in debate, or that I see atheists as spiritual donkeys, no matter how much you may like me to.
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Doggg
You bring this up in almost every post you make now. Beside the fact that I never said that, if you are going to make every single post personal, you are more than welcome to. But I will not announce to the board that I am not longer interested in debate, or that I see atheists as spiritual donkeys, no matter how much you may like me to.
You said this:
Originally Posted by Doggg

Persecuted christians and dead christian children seem to mean nothing to them
Originally Posted by Doggg
I'm starting to suspect that they don't care, as long as the dead children are "christian."
The "them" presumably includes me since I was one of the two people you quoted in your post that said this.

This is an appalling insinuation to make to somebody. Granted, you have the qualifiers "seem" and "suspect", but I have now repeatedly asked in the original thread and now this one (and not others, i believe, as you seem to suggest) for you to retract the insinuation. You have steadfastly refused to do so, which makes your qualifiers rather moot.

The point, consistent between that thread and this one, is these appalling descriptions of certain atheists as psychopaths without flinch of emotion at the idea of murdering people, of children being murdered, and so on. At least in this thread the insinuation doesn't seem to be that I personally am such a person. So I ask the same question you have refused to ask in both threads: can you give a single quote from a single person in the history of this forum that suggests, in any way, that they would be so cold blooded about either murdering themselves or children being murdered?
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Naked_Rectitude
One quick thing I would note is that, speaking of the Christian God, unbelief is a sin, in itself. So while Christians are not exempt of doing horrible things, the atheist is in a constant state of disobedience, and general enmity with God.
I'm not sure I see what you're trying to point out here, could you elaborate?

I was pointing out to Doggg that his choice of using 'atheist' in his post about a psychopath who murders without fear of consequences was a concious decision by Doggg to paint atheists in a terrible light. Or at least thats what other posters are claiming based on his posting history.

One could simply substitute any theist person in that post provided their religion allows for some sort of purification (or even doesn't care about murder at all) and as long as that person performed the purification they too would have no fear of consequnce.

Sent from my SCH-R760X using 2+2 Forums
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
05-29-2014 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by dereds
I don't need Christ to have died for my sins for me not to want to murder someone. I don't need to fear damnation for me not to want to murder someone and my thinking I can get away with it is no cause for me to want to murder someone.
While the atheist and theist may agree that one can avoid murder and other negative behaviours, presumably the atheist does not see these as sinful, as the theist would define 'sinful'.

I think this is part of the problem that arises, since they seemingly agree with the first premise, but in reality, they have not agreed.

Edit: just_grindin, this is what I'm alluding to, that we are speaking of two different things to begin with. The atheist would presumably define murder as evil, but not sinful, since sin does not exist.

Last edited by Naked_Rectitude; 05-29-2014 at 01:02 PM. Reason: thx dereds
Problem with the concept of hell Quote
