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Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Please post any experiences of God talking to you.

02-11-2011 , 05:21 PM
Please post any experiences of God talking to you.

Or any descriptions of a personal friend or clergyman who was spoken to by God. But no "friend of a friend" stories please.
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 08:52 AM
Does a fellow forum member count?

Originally Posted by blutarski
This is an open letter to all gods and goddesses:

The first one of you to reveal yourself to me gets my undying devotion. I'll be up until midnight. You've got until then, or the deal's off.
Originally Posted by God Almighty
Tonight doesn't work for me bro.
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 12:13 PM
this thread was funny because when I checked it last nite around midnight there were zero replies.

maybe god has an ATT iphone.
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 03:17 PM
Well, some people like myself will say that "God" could be inside each one of us. So, when something pops in your head and you have no reason for uncontrollably thinking about that something, maybe that is god talking to you......or maybe it's just your "subconscious mind".

But, it is only possibly considered to be our "subconscious mind", because man has defined such an event with a scientific explanation for it happening. We don't know as much about the brain as we probably like to think we do, and it's very possible that what we do think we know is only theory.

I believe in God, but I am thinking that God exists outside of the box that many people seem to contain such a form of energy inside. More than likely, we are all wrong in our interpretation of what God is, if it truly exists.

I keep God open to all possible interpretations until I have an opportunity to see for myself......which may or may not ever happen.
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 03:33 PM
Well said, and i agree.
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 03:39 PM
Well, some people like myself will say that "God" could be inside each one of us. So, when something pops in your head and you have no reason for uncontrollably thinking about that something, maybe that is god talking to you
If you think this, then would you also agree that this is God talking when a mother kills her kids because "God told her to" or when a terrorist blows himself up in a market and his conscious told him that's the right thing to do?

Or is God talking only when good things happen?
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 03:45 PM
The bible speaks of satan too... Inform yourself before bashing things you havnt researched and dont understand please..

Last edited by FourtyFour; 02-12-2011 at 04:13 PM.
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:01 PM
I only asked a question. By responding like that, you're bringing a bad name to Christians.

The poster I quoted said nothing about satan. If you want to expand more on what you meant, go ahead and explain because I don't know what you're talking about.
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:11 PM
The bible speaks of resisting to satans temptations, Satan was one of gods angels in heaven who went agaisn gods will and god kicked him out. Part of what we see today is a battle of good and bad. God vs Satan. Satan knows he cant win but he tries every chance he gets. If we look at the world as it is today, it doesnt seem so hard to believe this was going on. Christians know whats going on and dont care to stop it, they resist to the evil temptations because of their faith in god. I'm sorry for lashing out in my previous post.
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by FourtyFour
The bible speaks of resisting to satans temptations, Satan was one of gods angels in heaven who went agaisn gods will and god kicked him out. Part of what we see today is a battle of good and bad. God vs Satan. Satan knows he cant win but he tries every chance he gets. If we look at the world as it is today, it doesnt seem so hard to believe this was going on. Christians know whats going on and dont care to stop it, they resist to the evil temptations because of their faith in god. I'm sorry for lashing out in my previous post.
Ohhhhhh, the bible! That book written by human beings right?
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by FourtyFour
Satan was one of gods angels in heaven who went agaisn gods will and god kicked him out.
Does that sound "normal" to you?
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by KB24
If you think this, then would you also agree that this is God talking when a mother kills her kids because "God told her to" or when a terrorist blows himself up in a market and his conscious told him that's the right thing to do?

Or is God talking only when good things happen?
Well if God could be inside us, why couldn't Satan be in us as well? We have a choice to act in one way or another.

Sometimes we are brought up a certain way that makes us act good or act bad. That is what it means to be human I guess, going down certain paths due to previous life experiences.
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:27 PM
You're assuming many things there.

1.Christian God exists
2.He exists inside us
3.Satan exists
4.Satan exists inside us
5.God talks to us through our subconscious mind
6.Satan also talks to us

So, far we have 0 evidence for all of those assumptions.
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:30 PM
Yes, it sounds normal to me because i dont imagine some "dude floating in the sky in an unseen kingdom". People didnt express themselves the way they do today, and translating word for word a language we barely understand isnt very easy. So if you look at it from an astronauts perspective you will go wtf? Why cant Nasa find this place with our Satelites and telescopes? The place they speak of asks you to have some spirituality(kinda like believing in tv shows about ghost hunters etc etc etc). Its a place where your spirit goes once you die. Not your body.
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:36 PM

If God wanted to communicate with man, don't you think he'd know about these translation issues that would arise in the future? If it's just translation issue that is causing many people to misinterpret the word of God and turning them away from it, it'd have been an easy problem for a man of that capability to solve...Yet, he didn't. What's your guess about why he didn't? Someone who doesn't believe in him would say "It was never him. It was all made up by God and that's why".
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:40 PM
Our stay on earth is a test of our faith to him. IE: blasting him in a forum for our entire life or standing up for his word. So if there is a god the ones going agaisnt him go to the lac of fire(HELL). Christians dont view hell as being under the earth and being a lac of fire(necessarily), but look at it as the way people would have described it 2000 years ago.
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by FourtyFour
Our stay on earth is a test of our faith to him. IE: blasting him in a forum for our entire life or standing up for his word. So if there is a god the ones going agaisnt him go to the lac of fire(HELL). Christians dont view hell as being under the earth and being a lac of fire(necessarily), but look at it as the way people would have described it 2000 years ago.
How long have you believed this?
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:42 PM
The ones that misinterpret it arnt believers, and the ones that dont, believe.. coincidence?
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
How long have you believed this?
Mind if i ask the relevance?
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:46 PM
You write and think like an adolescent.
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by KB24
You're assuming many things there.

1.Christian God exists
2.He exists inside us
3.Satan exists
4.Satan exists inside us
5.God talks to us through our subconscious mind
6.Satan also talks to us

So, far we have 0 evidence for all of those assumptions.
All I am saying is:

if there is a God and Satan, why can't they exist inside you?

I also stated that God and Satan may very well not exist.

I do not know how anyone can dispute with what I just wrote.......
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:50 PM
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
You write and think like an adolescent.
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by FourtyFour

Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by readerswanted
All I am saying is:

if there is a God and Satan, why can't they exist inside you?

I also stated that God and Satan may very well not exist.

I do not know how anyone can dispute with what I just wrote.......
You could be right.
Please post any experiences of God talking to you. Quote
