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A passively judging God A passively judging God

07-29-2009 , 02:02 PM
I wanted to share another Greg Boyd lecture. This one I think is very topical to this forum as he talks about the judgment of God. About two thirds in Boyd talks about something that for me is probably one of the biggest reasons both intellectually and emotionally that I believe if a creator God does exist that he must be the God revealed in the bible. I think this lecture will be very interesting for both atheist and theists a like.
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 02:52 PM
After watching these are the questions I have:

1. Does God have control over natural disasters? or is it cause by man or the devil or what?

2. He often says that God doesn't show himself because we have rejected Him. How can we be blamed for rejecting something that refuses to show himself unless we don't reject Him?

3. In section two, he says that His punishment is "removing his protection". That makes no sense, even though His example is of the Romans doing the acts and not Him. Why? because in the OT, he often commands His people to do these horrendous acts. Thats not just being passive and allowing things to happen, thats actively taking part in genocide.

And his explanation of the the slaying of firstborns in Egypt is laughable. Its not God who is causing it, its the DESTROYER! yeah, and who and where did this destroyer come from, and who commands the destroyer what to do? How come we havent seen this destroyer who kills just firstborns since this event?

And there are *multiple* examples in the OT of God actively punishing people, and is indeed micro-controlling.

4. He talks about God's anger, and basically says "Oh I'm was just a little angry, but now I'm really angry, so I'm just going to let all this **** happen to you, since i'm angry!" Does this sound like an all loving God to you? A loving parent doesnt, out of anger, sit back and watch their child get run over a car or killed by someone just because they are angry with the child, i mean love is patient right, so shouldn't a perfect love have perfect patience? In addition, God is God, he shouldn't be getting angry so easily and over such petty beings as humans.

5. If your wife (or someone you claim to love) suddenly decided to stop believing, to what efforts would you go to keep her a believer? if you say you would try really hard, but if she kept pushing you away, you would give up, then obviously your love or concern for her eternal soul isnt as great as you think. Thats understandable, since we are humans afterall, but imagine if you had PERFECT LOVE and PERFECT WISDOM and knew exactly what you had to say or do to help her believe again. Out of love, wouldn't you do whatever you could to save her soul? To me, this is what love is, and as far as I can tell, a "passive aggressive" God that Boyd defines, does not strike me as loving. He strikes me as a powerless God who gives up easily (like a human) and has little interest in our eternal fates.
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 05:04 PM
[QUOTE=dknightx;12162757]After watching these are the questions I have:

1. Does God have control over natural disasters? or is it cause by man or the devil or what?

Well first of all you need to clarify which God you are speaking of?

A. God the creator of the heavens and earth.
B.The god of this world also known as the devil who according to Romans has blinded the hearts of those who do not believe in the true God.

If you are speaking of A then lets clarify what you mean by control?

Are you asking if God A controls natural disaters. meaning makes them happen? If that is the question the answer is NO!

The god of this world the devil, also known as the prince of the power of the air has dominion over all the creation and does at will what he wants with nature as a whole.

He is limited though depending specifically on the Christian believers. They have rights and he does overstep his bounds with them at times IF they do not know, understand or operate their God-given sonship rights.
2. He often says that God doesn't show himself because we have rejected Him. How can we be blamed for rejecting something that refuses to show himself unless we don't reject Him?

God cannot be seen by man period, He is spirit and spirit can't be seen. It says Timothy that God dwells in the light that NO MAN can approach unto, at least not in our physical bodies.

The whole physical/spiritual realm and our whole way of life in general is DEPENDANT upon a spiritual law called "the law of believing". ALL MEN believer or unbeliever are 100% affected by this law, it is just like gravity. You cant see it but you can see its effects.

ALL men were designed to BELIEVE something. What you decide to believe determines where you go in life and what you do in life.

Some people teach something known as positive believing which is actually a great thing that does have a very real effect in the physical and spiritual realm, but its way beneath BLEIVING God and the spiritual things made available by God and only known via God's word.

The word LIFE, used in the bible is the word zoe. Biblically meaning life in ALL ITS FULLNESS AND FACETS. This zoe life, the life (zoe) that is more than abundant can only be experienced one way, which is by BELIEVING and ACTING upon God's written word, namely the bible.

When you believe the word (that is rightly divided and written TO YOU) that word that you specifically believe WILL ABSOLUTELY come into manifestation in your life in the physical realm.

The reason why BELIEVING God and HIs word is so important and required is because the "knowledge" of ETERNAL life and "entrance into" are based solely on BELIEVING. True believing is coupled with obedience.

With out he knowledge that eternal life exist NO ONE would believe at all, because it would be UNKNOWN, that is why it is to be spoken about so that people can hear about it and then have a choice in their hearts to want to know more, or desire in their hearts to have eternal life.

As people's hearts change on the inside, in the innerworkings of their heart, either "away from" or "towards" wanting to know about God and eternal life, they by their own will, their own desire to know or not want to know open up doors so to speak for God to unveil truth to them.

This truth about God and eternal life mainly is conveyed from person to person. Christians have been given what is called the ministry of reconciliation and they have been given the word of reconciliation, meaning they are to speak about God, the true God and His love and power and whats available. And those who recieve this knowledge are RECONCILED back to God out of this present evil world which is under the dominion of the devil who has blinded 99.9% of all of humanity.

The devil has and does constantly slander the true God by getting Christians to teach false (wrongly divided) doctrines unknowingly, and in many other ways I have not got the space to explain about.

Then he (the devil) gets Christians to fight amongst themselves and some of them actuually are used by the devil to make Christianity look very silly and stupid to be apart of. One example would be, people handling snakes and junping around hooting and hollering and waving their hands in the air yelling praise jesus, hallelujah ect and so on, I think you all know what I mean.

If men will not believe things that are in the physical their is NO WAY they will believe spiritual things. The bible is spiritual but yet it is physical, it is believable IF rightly divided and not poorly/wrongly taught. Most people who are against it will not take it SERIOUSLY and respectively long enought to even understand.
3. In section two, he says that His punishment is "removing his protection". That makes no sense, even though His example is of the Romans doing the acts and not Him. Why? because in the OT, he often commands His people to do these horrendous acts. Thats not just being passive and allowing things to happen, thats actively taking part in genocide.

One thing that needs to be understood is that the bible covers MANY different administrations, meaning throughout the ages God has dealt with mankind in different ways according to them, their attitudes and actions.

In the times that we NOW live its called biblically the Grace administration, we live in a day and time that God is VERY VERY gracious. Grace basically means, God doing things for people even if they DO NOT deserve it. Within that grace is MERCY, which means that God withholds merited/earned judgement to many many people.

What you need to understand is that life is essentially first and foremost spiritual not just physical, the physical realm is a result of the spiritual realm. Life is ran by spiritual laws first and firemost and physical laws, the physical laws succumb to the spiritual laws and they were set up BY GOD, who is in the spiritual realm.

Within this physical world people live evryday not thinking anything for the most part about a spiritual realm and also not knowing some of the spiritual laws that govern their lives to the highest degree. They do not know that what you believe has a tremendous effect on your life in general. God knows this (about spiritual laws) and the devil. The devil uses mans lack of knowledge of the spiritual realm and spiritual laws against him. God wants people to know and understand so they can use that knowledge to succeed and live life to ITS FULLEST.

ALL the horrendous things you see in the bible are caused by the the devil wither directly or indirectly through situations, people and circumstances. People become controlled and allow themselves unknowingly to be used so to speak by their thoughts, their beliefs, by what they belief.

Like I said before the devil has rights and he is straight up evila nd wants nothing more than that everyone die and no one have eternal life, he is tricky though so he cannot be to balantant about it or people would eventually catch on so he operations are very subtle and sneaky. He will do his utmost to make sure the true God is blamed for things that he himself did.

The old testament believers DID NOT understand spiritual matters and things, they DID NOT have spirit as I have said many times. God had the old testament written in such a way that we understand that they only knew what they needed to know. He did not go into the details of the devil with them and his workings. He simply told themn hey if you do this then this will happen and if you do dont do this then this will happen ect...

In the eastern cultures of the bible times when something good or bad happened they always contributed it to God either blessing or cursing them and God wrote the bible according to their understanding and view point that is the truth and simplicity of it all, the misunderstanding of all of this is not knowing these types of things.

And his explanation of the the slaying of firstborns in Egypt is laughable. Its not God who is causing it, its the DESTROYER! yeah, and who and where did this destroyer come from, and who commands the destroyer what to do? How come we havent seen this destroyer who kills just firstborns since this event?

The destroyer was of the devil not God. The devil commanded the destroyer to do what it did. The destroyer I am sure still exist since its spirit and I am sure I do not want to know it personally, how about you?

You do not understand the word therefore you laugh and mock it because it makes no sense which is logical. But what is more logical and wise would be to endeavor to understand the word, to look for the answers holding your pre-conceived opinions and judgements in abeyance, so that you can actuall learn.

No one can learn and recieve with a negative, sceptacle unbelieving, mind that is full of pre-concieved ideas. That is not honest at all, you do not allow God to teach you or someone else who may know the truth because of you pre-conceived opinions.

And there are *multiple* examples in the OT of God actively punishing people, and is indeed micro-controlling.

As I have said before, you have to realize there are two realms, you are only seeing the physical consequences of spirituall laws being broken by people and the results taht happen becasue of it.
4. He talks about God's anger, and basically says "Oh I'm was just a little angry, but now I'm really angry, so I'm just going to let all this **** happen to you, since i'm angry!" Does this sound like an all loving God to you? A loving parent doesnt, out of anger, sit back and watch their child get run over a car or killed by someone just because they are angry with the child, i mean love is patient right, so shouldn't a perfect love have perfect patience? In addition, God is God, he shouldn't be getting angry so easily and over such petty beings as humans.

Whenever God attributes in the bible human characteristics to himself it is a figure of speech. Figures of speech are Gods way of making known what is very important in the word to understand. God does not get angry like you or me, that is a human trait, but it does speak loudly and realte well to your understanding doesn't it?

Thats its point, its a figure of speach. There are other places you see the same thing being talked about, such as "the lord bared His arm" or "Jesus cast out spirits with the finger of God". Jesus didn't litterally have the finger of God, do you think? These are legitimate grammatical figures of speach that are used to emphasize and make known what GOd wants to be made known. They add impact and cause the word to satnd out that God really wants to stand out.
5. If your wife (or someone you claim to love) suddenly decided to stop believing, to what efforts would you go to keep her a believer? if you say you would try really hard, but if she kept pushing you away, you would give up, then obviously your love or concern for her eternal soul isnt as great as you think. Thats understandable, since we are humans afterall, but imagine if you had PERFECT LOVE and PERFECT WISDOM and knew exactly what you had to say or do to help her believe again. Out of love, wouldn't you do whatever you could to save her soul? To me, this is what love is, and as far as I can tell, a "passive aggressive" God that Boyd defines, does not strike me as loving. He strikes me as a powerless God who gives up easily (like a human) and has little interest in our eternal fates.

God instructs the Christian believers to marry only other christians believers. Why? Because He knows that if one in the marriage is endeavoring to put God first, pushing spiritual principles in their life and the other isn't that there will be friction and issues. If both are married before one becomes a Christian who wants to put God first, then they are to stay in theat marriage and love their mate with the love of God.

As long as the married partner who is an unbeliever DOES NOT try to stop the believer from putting God first then they can live together. But the moment they begin preventing the other from putting God first the word says they are to not stay with them unless they change. God is first, people are second.

If one partnerwalks away form God then the other can help them come back to God by operating principles in the word. Yes they can walk in Gods love and wisdom and get revelation on what to do to help the other person to change their mind. But in the end the other person still has to make a choice, they have free will you can't make anyone believe....
My comments are above, I know I have long comments, I could have said way more but I wanted to spare you all. I may not have answered exactly the way you would like to here, but in order to get a better undertanding I have to lay some things down that are mis-understood and with out these things being explained AND BELIEVED you will never understand why the bible is written the way it is.

Believe me I could go on days sharing things that would help people understand the word more but typing words takes so long and with no immediate back and forth, like in a real conversation it really makes it hard to communicate and do these subjects justice.....
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 05:16 PM
i'm going to just focus on this part, since the rest of your answers all lead to dead ends so its not worth discussion:

The destroyer was of the devil not God. The devil commanded the destroyer to do what it did. The destroyer I am sure still exist since its spirit and I am sure I do not want to know it personally, how about you?
This makes no sense if you have read the Bible (which you claim to understand so well). Still, even if we assume what you say is true, it was God that allowed the devil to command the destroyer to do what it did. Obviously God has some control over what the destroyer does since the destroyer could not kill the first borns of households that had the blood on the door (regardless of who lived inside).

So the end result of this is that God is still held partially responsible for this horrendous deed. Turning a blind eye away when you are perfectly capable of helping is not loving, its cowardice.

also this:

ALL the horrendous things you see in the bible are caused by the the devil wither directly or indirectly through situations, people and circumstances. People become controlled and allow themselves unknowingly to be used so to speak by their thoughts, their beliefs, by what they belief.
has to be about the most ******ed thing you have ever said. You are telling me these actions:

1 Samuel 15:1-3
Genesis 6:5-7, Genesis 7:4, Genesis 7:21
Ezekiel 9:4-6
Numbers 31:7-18
Deuteronomy 20:10-14
(i could go on and on with about 100 of these)

were caused by the devil? So when it says explicitly in the verse: "And the Lord said unto him", a true division of the word "Lord" actually is "Devil". good luck trying to explain that one.
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 05:20 PM
The bottom line is this; If you believe God's nature to be unchanging, then you have to admit that the God of the OT was one who actively judges using horrendous acts of violence that in no rational persons mind could be considered loving. Even if today we are in the "Age of Grace" and God is all about passive judging, this does not change the fact that the very nature of God, as shown in the OT, is one of a homicidal, jealous, maniac.
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by dknightx
i'm going to just focus on this part, since the rest of your answers all lead to dead ends so its not worth discussion:

This makes no sense if you have read the Bible (which you claim to understand so well). Still, even if we assume what you say is true, it was God that allowed the devil to command the destroyer to do what it did. Obviously God has some control over what the destroyer does since the destroyer could not kill the first borns of households that had the blood on the door (regardless of who lived inside).

So the end result of this is that God is still held partially responsible for this horrendous deed. Turning a blind eye away when you are perfectly capable of helping is not loving, its cowardice.

also this:

has to be about the most ******ed thing you have ever said. You are telling me these actions:

1 Samuel 15:1-3
Genesis 6:5-7, Genesis 7:4, Genesis 7:21
Ezekiel 9:4-6
Numbers 31:7-18
Deuteronomy 20:10-14
(i could go on and on with about 100 of these)

were caused by the devil? So when it says explicitly in the verse: "And the Lord said unto him", a true division of the word "Lord" actually is "Devil". good luck trying to explain that one.
I will ignore your questions as you ignore my answers also, but just so you know, the devil HAS RIGHTS in the spiritual realm, legal rights that have been handed over to him by Adam. God set up the laws in the beggining and gave Adam rights who legally handed them all over to the devil. Adam handed the dominion of the earth to the devil and the power over the earth.

So God being a God of His word had to abide by his word and follow things judicioulsy. God did not as you speak just allow the devil, the devil had teh right to do what he wanted. God does however have His hand on things many times, meaning He protects things and people ect to a high degree but they by their choices and beliefs in life move further and further outside of the legal realm for God to protect them and that is when alot of bad things happen.

Or they happen because people have a lack of knowledge of the spiritual realm and people suffer the consequences of their lack of knowledge.

Or just simply because the devil decide to pick on someone which he has the right to do and IF they do not know their rights nor stand up for themselves with spritual power then they are suceptable.

The Christians have rights the unbelievers are owned by the devil and he can and does do what he wants for them, that is one reason all the countries taht are not Christains have such horrific things happen top their people at times.

But if you want to keep on believing what you want thats your perogative, this is one reason I cant stand to put my heart into answering a question, because the majority of questions asked here are sked for the sole purpose of not wanting an answer but to say "I dont believe, so answere this but no matter what you say I still wont believe" Meaning you really think you have it figured out already and you waste my time.
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by dknightx
The bottom line is this; If you believe God's nature to be unchanging, then you have to admit that the God of the OT was one who actively judges using horrendous acts of violence that in no rational persons mind could be considered loving. Even if today we are in the "Age of Grace" and God is all about passive judging, this does not change the fact that the very nature of God, as shown in the OT, is one of a homicidal, jealous, maniac.
God changes the way in which he DEALS with man, not His nature. The bible covers at lest 8 different administrations of time. 2 of which are not here yet.

Each admin God deals with people differently. Its kinda like presidential administrations to give an example. We were in the Clinton admin at one time, then the bush, then the bush, now we are in the Obama admin, and the US Goverment handles things differently during each admin, sometimes there are drastic changes and sometimes not.
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
God changes the way in which he DEALS with man, not His nature. The bible covers at lest 8 different administrations of time. 2 of which are not here yet.

Each admin God deals with people differently. Its kinda like presidential administrations to give an example. We were in the Clinton admin at one time, then the bush, then the bush, now we are in the Obama admin, and the US Goverment handles things differently during each admin, sometimes there are drastic changes and sometimes not.
do you believe that the way God *deals* with man in one administration is a reflection of his nature, yes/no?
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
I will ignore your questions as you ignore my answers also, but just so you know, the devil HAS RIGHTS in the spiritual realm, legal rights that have been handed over to him by Adam.
please expand on what these are, using the bible of course.

God set up the laws in the beggining and gave Adam rights who legally handed them all over to the devil. Adam handed the dominion of the earth to the devil and the power over the earth.
you are going to have to use the bible to convince me of this one too.

So God being a God of His word had to abide by his word and follow things judicioulsy. God did not as you speak just allow the devil, the devil had teh right to do what he wanted. God does however have His hand on things many times, meaning He protects things and people ect to a high degree but they by their choices and beliefs in life move further and further outside of the legal realm for God to protect them and that is when alot of bad things happen.
contradictory. either the devil has "the right" to do something or he doesn't. saying God can pick and choose when he interferes or "protects" isn't giving the devil the right do do what he wants.

Or they happen because people have a lack of knowledge of the spiritual realm and people suffer the consequences of their lack of knowledge.

Or just simply because the devil decide to pick on someone which he has the right to do and IF they do not know their rights nor stand up for themselves with spritual power then they are suceptable.
what a loving God to set us up like this!

The Christians have rights the unbelievers are owned by the devil and he can and does do what he wants for them, that is one reason all the countries taht are not Christains have such horrific things happen top their people at times.
ah, more ignorant babble. sort of like "Obama isn't a black man, he's a muslim disguised as a black man", right?

But if you want to keep on believing what you want thats your perogative, this is one reason I cant stand to put my heart into answering a question, because the majority of questions asked here are sked for the sole purpose of not wanting an answer but to say "I dont believe, so answere this but no matter what you say I still wont believe" Meaning you really think you have it figured out already and you waste my time.
im more than happy to start believe *again* (i was once a believer, so i already have the theological foundation to start believing again). The problem is people like you with your arrogance and ignorance of science and the physical world are a real turn off. Add it to that, most of your answers basically boil down to: "im right because i say im right"
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by dknightx
please expand on what these are, using the bible of course.

Luk 4:5 And the devil, taking him (Jesus Christ) up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

Luk 4:6 And the devil said unto him, All this power (authority)will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

He cannot give what he does not have, it was handed over to him by Adam because in Genesis Adam originally had dominion over everything, but he fell, that is whay its called the fall of man. Man no longer had dominion

you are going to have to use the bible to convince me of this one too.

I am not going to try to convince you, just tell you and you make your own decisions

contradictory. either the devil has "the right" to do something or he doesn't. saying God can pick and choose when he interferes or "protects" isn't giving the devil the right do do what he wants.

The devil has rights and boundries their are other variables involved, like peoples believing, the innermost depths of a mans heart.

When people change on the inside in their believing you cant see it on the outside, but God knows and many times because of peoples hearts that change God is given the legal right to move for them and when they harden their heart as the pharaoh did towards God then God has to back off htey have freewill, God warned the pharoah of what would happen.

You also have to factor in the future because the future decisions a man will make have a effect on their lives today to a large degree also.

what a loving God to set us up like this!

ah, more ignorant babble. sort of like "Obama isn't a black man, he's a muslim disguised as a black man", right?

im more than happy to start believe *again* (i was once a believer, so i already have the theological foundation to start believing again). The problem is people like you with your arrogance and ignorance of science and the physical world are a real turn off. Add it to that, most of your answers basically boil down to: "im right because i say im right"

Well if you have such a disdain for me then why would you want to ask me for any answer in the first place, I will help you out completely with this comment.

Don't ask me specifically anything else unless you are seriously going to endeavor to understand, dont waste my time. You are the one with an axe to grind with Christianlty not me.

I have no idea as to what Christian hurt you in the past or what group did, maybe you have a right to have anger, but I am sharing the word straight from the word, right out of the bible and if you think its arrogant then go look up what I say and see if its there then blame God for being so straight forward and blunt not me.

Many of the quesitons you asked really require more than foundational understanding and the foundational has to be right foundational understanding. There are obviously some wrong beliefs in your head about God and the bible.

I am more than happy to always share and teach but if you think my straightforwardness is arroagant then you can't recieve from me.

I am confident that I have the truth, that is honestly what it is, you may take it as arrogance but I am plainly and simply being honest and bold about it.

I am not going to hem and haw around the truth and pretend I do not know it. Its hard enough on these forums to communicate with each other let alone trying to beat around the bush about something.
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 06:06 PM
first off, those questions were directed at Jib, but i'm glad you answered, since apparently he's too busy to look at the thread he started.

as for your answers, I obviously dont agree with everything you wrote, but as usual find your tone an attitude to be arrogant and dismissive (which you like to think is confidence/boldness, which is laughable).

Regardless, unless you actually believe God is all-loving, then we have no qualms to discuss in this thread. If you *do* believe God is all-loving, well then, we have stuff to discuss. so which is it?
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by dknightx
first off, those questions were directed at Jib, but i'm glad you answered, since apparently he's too busy to look at the thread he started.

as for your answers, I obviously dont agree with everything you wrote, but as usual find your tone an attitude to be arrogant and dismissive (which you like to think is confidence/boldness, which is laughable).

Regardless, unless you actually believe God is all-loving, then we have no qualms to discuss in this thread. If you *do* believe God is all-loving, well then, we have stuff to discuss. so which is it?
Are you in my mind? Do you know my intentions and motives? Are you God, you have no clue what you are talking about regarding my confidence you are just blowing hot air and assuming. Its not my fault you lost your belief or quit believing in GOd an have become sour and bitter.

You well me!

1Jo 4:16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

1Jo 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

1Jo 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

You really only have a few choices, either theses verses are wrong and GOd had his men write lies or your understanding of God's love is not mature. Meaning you think of mans love and confuse that with Gods love.

If God is Love, if thats His essence and nature and He is perfect as His word states then it is axiomatic that anything He says or does would fall under the catagory of being Loving from His perspective..........right?
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 06:25 PM
dude, just answer the question yes or no, i dont need a dissertation for a simple question.

oh btw, mr hypocrite, question for you: Are you in my mind? Do you know my intentions and motives? Are you God, you have no clue what you are talking about regarding my beliefs.
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by dknightx
dude, just answer the question yes or no, i dont need a dissertation for a simple question.

oh btw, mr hypocrite, question for you: Are you in my mind? Do you know my intentions and motives? Are you God, you have no clue what you are talking about regarding my beliefs.
You make your beliefs absolutely well known by your posts, unless you are lying in most of your posts?

As for the answer to your question, what does the word say about God in those verses? What ever it says is what I believe, how about you?

Dont avoid my questions, they are not hard, I have posted teh word on the subject ans since I believe the word you should logically be able to deduct that I believe the word. Do you believe what the word says about Gods nature?
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 08:58 PM
Jib I'll watch this shortly, because I'm very interested in hearing your/his reasoning for saying that
if a creator God does exist that he must be the God revealed in the bible.

dKnight- If you bang your head against an actual brick wall you A) will stand a better chance of making progress and B) will be put out of your misery much more quickly than if you continue to argue rationally with pletho.
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 09:00 PM
God cannot be seen by man period, He is spirit and spirit can't be seen.
Exodus 24
9 Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and the seventy elders of Israel went up 10 and saw the God of Israel. Under his feet was something like a pavement made of sapphire, [b] clear as the sky itself. 11 But God did not raise his hand against these leaders of the Israelites; they saw God, and they ate and drank.
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Exodus 24
9 Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and the seventy elders of Israel went up 10 and saw the God of Israel. Under his feet was something like a pavement made of sapphire, [b] clear as the sky itself. 11 But God did not raise his hand against these leaders of the Israelites; they saw God, and they ate and drank.
No one physically saw God ever, you need to read more of the word than 1 isolated bit of text. Plus you are reading some funky bible what are you reading? I forgot?
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
No one physically saw God ever, you need to read more of the word than 1 isolated bit of text. Plus you are reading some funky bible what are you reading? I forgot?
It is the NIV version King James is about the same.

9Then went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel:10And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness.11And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by batair
It is the NIV version King James is about the same.

9Then went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel:10And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness.11And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
NIV is definitely better than the KJV, but really it is best to use the NASB. The NIV is a thought for thought translation where the NASB is a word for word translation.

And the KJV is only good for strawmen arguments.(not that that is what you were doing in this case)
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
NIV is definitely better than the KJV, but really it is best to use the NASB. The NIV is a thought for thought translation where the NASB is a word for word translation.

And the KJV is only good for strawmen arguments.(not that that is what you were doing in this case)

Ill try to use NASB if its the best, but no straw man was meant. It shouldn't matter if you can see him as a physical being or a spiritual being it's still seeing God.

Last edited by batair; 07-29-2009 at 11:44 PM.
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Ill try to use NASB if its the best, but no straw man was meant. I don't care if you can see him as a physical being or a spiritual being it's still seeing God.
No, you were doing nothing wrong. I only brought that up because a majority of the time people use the KJV because it uses antiquated language and is easy to attack and there is really no other reason to use the KJV other than this. You can actually tell a lot about a person or a website by what version they quote from. Most christian slamming sites will use KJV as well as most fundie sites.

As far as what you are talking about. People have seen many of the forms that God takes on, but no one as seen the true form of God.
A passively judging God Quote
07-29-2009 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
No, you were doing nothing wrong. I only brought that up because a majority of the time people use the KJV because it uses antiquated language and is easy to attack and there is really no other reason to use the KJV other than this. You can actually tell a lot about a person or a website by what version they quote from. Most christian slamming sites will use KJV as well as most fundie sites.
I'm sure this is true of web sites (or people) with an agenda, but many people (both atheist and Christian) are simply under the false impression that the KJV is the most accurate and that other versions are used because they are easier to read for modern English speakers.
A passively judging God Quote
07-30-2009 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
No, you were doing nothing wrong. I only brought that up because a majority of the time people use the KJV because it uses antiquated language and is easy to attack and there is really no other reason to use the KJV other than this. You can actually tell a lot about a person or a website by what version they quote from. Most christian slamming sites will use KJV as well as most fundie sites.
I didn't think you were saying i was using a straw man i was just making i clear i wasn't trying to.

As far as what you are talking about. People have seen many of the forms that God takes on, but no one as seen the true form of God.
I understand what you are saying and that is all Pletho had to say.
A passively judging God Quote
07-30-2009 , 03:17 AM
I listened to the whole vid. The guy is making an impassioned case for free will nullifying the problem of evil. He also makes the case that God does not actively punish people, rather he withdraws his protection from those that stubbornly won't allow him to protect them. Evil forces in the world are actually the vessel for all the nastiness.

He also experiences sorrow, not anger, as the primary emotion when he is rejected.

Here are my thoughts on this. The New Testament is really where the graphic descriptions of modern eternal fiery torture chamber hell comes into play. I'm not going to quote the relevant verses, unless someone requests them, because everyone has seen them enough to remember. I'm just being a little lazy here, I will look them up and post them if requested.

I think free will means the ability to choose, and choice is contingent on being well informed. The bible speaks of people in hell realizing it is too late to choose, cursing the day they were born. So in some way, shape, or form, they better comprehend the consequences of their actions than before they arrived in hell. At that point they don't have a choice anymore. I don't think anyone would choose to remain in the hell described in the bible. Even if God knew someone was hopeless, and would never love God, if God loves this person he could give them some decent form of existence.

I am an atheist, and you are going to have to trust me on this, but I can actually enjoy my life sometimes. I would even go so far as saying I prefer it to eternal suffering =) So if God loves me, let him show infinite mercy and forgive me for not loving him back, and give me a third option.
A passively judging God Quote
07-30-2009 , 09:09 AM
I listened to the whole vid. The guy is making an impassioned case for free will nullifying the problem of evil.
I mean, yes and no. That is not really the central theme here. Not being a religious person maybe this does not stand out as much for you. It was always said that free will is why people get punished, he adds nothing new there. It is about God's character more so and what sort of loving God he truly is versus how most people portray him.

Here are my thoughts on this. The New Testament is really where the graphic descriptions of modern eternal fiery torture chamber hell comes into play.
I think that you need to re-evaluate what you believe the NT is really saying about hell. Keep in mind that Gehenna was a dump outside of Jerusalem. Ok, have to go to work, comment on the rest in a bit
A passively judging God Quote
