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The Opposite RGT Thread The Opposite RGT Thread

03-26-2011 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by flash75gordon
oh ya and im good at poker
Thread winner IMO.
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 05:49 AM
I'm a Christian for these reasons; and it makes sense-

1) God killed his son because he loves him
2) This sacrifice for some reason means all sins are forgiven
3) BUT only if i accept him as my saviour
4) Because.... God tells me so?
5) Despite this strange circular reasoning it makes sense because of some random feeling that God gave me; which must be the same one who I was taught to grow up with

This is a reasonable system to live with and try to argue against people with.
Also; the only way people can be good is if God tells them. In reality all you atheists are evil detestable people.
I mean; look at Simone de Beaouvior, Karl Popper, Polly Toynbee; I mean these people lived their lives completely for other themselves. All their talk of making life better for other peoples was lies because I can't understand morality as deriving from anything but a God. But I'm not a sociopath. I SWEAR
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 07:37 AM
The Bible is a fairy tale; it can’t be a record of civilisation with all that miracle rubbish in it. Miracles don’t happen. It is just a random event that caused everything we know to exist – its meaningless really. We will cease to exist when we die. No point to life. We should all live a caring life, do no harm to others and create a set of rules to live by, like them 12 commandments them God believers have, only different and better.
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 08:18 AM
I'd like to be an atheist and think critically and all that but I'm not so keen on eating all the babies so I'll pass

The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 08:32 AM
Those homosexuals are a real problem. once we allow them the same basic righs as every other person in the world, Men will be allowed to marry and have sex with goats, women can fondle their infants in public, and two sets of brother and sister twins can boff themselves silly so that its like ****ing in a mirror.

Atheists are the obvious root of all evil in the world, just look at people like Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler and Mao.

The pyramids in Egypt are an out and out obvious sign that we've already been visited by aliens and they believe in Jesus too. Even though they would have visited 1000 years before Jesus existed.
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 08:46 AM
Lions! I like lions. I've always thought my spirit animal was a lion. My brother thinks my spirit animal is an owl, but I think he's wrong. We don't have expecto patronum like in Harry Potter so I can't see my spirit animal but I know it's a lion. Sometimes I think I have the soul of a lion, and I was meant to be reincarnated as a lion but I ended in a human body instead. Sometimes I like to draw pictures of myself as the lion I know I am inside, but I draw myself standing on two legs so it looks more like me and I have glasses and a hoodie because I like hoodies, but otherwise it's a lion. Sometimes I write stories about lion me, who's called "Leor," I think that's my spiritual name, and I don't post the stories because they get kind of embarrassing but I think Leor's life is how my life was meant to be. I think I was supposed to be Leor but someone put a curse on my spirit totem and that's why I ended up being me instead of Leor. I don't like hyenas because they're mean to lions and it was probably a hyena spirit who put the curse on me. I meet hyena spirits sometimes, I know them because I have a lion spirit and we're natural enemies. You can kind of tell who is a hyena because they're always shifty or greasy or they have a mean laugh. Lots of hyena spirits are Mexican or Black, but I even know some that are American. I see lots of them, but I haven't met the one who cursed my spirit totem yet. I think he's a hyena spirit named Lugor, Lugor and Leor have been fighting for a long time. Leor always wins because lion spirits are stronger than hyena spirits, but Lugor just does cheap stuff like cursing my spirit totem. When I find him he'll probably take it back because he'll be scared of me because lions always win spirit battles. And I'm Leor, and I was pretty good at spirit battles even for a lion. But anyways, thanks for the lion picture! I like lion cubs especially! Thanks!
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 09:49 AM
I know exactly what madnak's post is a reference to and I'm not at all confused or bewildered by it.
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 10:42 AM
You guys really should try one of these apples. They're yummy!
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 11:07 AM
I sure miss Splendour. It's a shame that she has decided to stop posting in RGT. She contributes so much to the forum. I hope she comes back soon!
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 11:13 AM
I highly doubt she'll come back any time soon. But if she does, I'm sure her post quality will improve.
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:20 PM
I believe everything that is in the Bible, because it is the True, inspired metaphors/allegories/prophecies.......anyway, God !!!
If you read it and put your heart into it and really, really study it thoroughly and never doubt it, because your parents and all the clergy told you it's true and you don't realize it's the true words of God, then you are not using reason.

I would rather date a woman who killed her last boyfriend, or is on heroin and an all-over psychopath, than an Atheist (duh, that one is pretty obvious). She will be saved by the words of Jesus, for that filthy Atheist, it's "too late to apologize".

When I don't understand something, because I think that evidence and science are kinda silly, I read the Bible and it clears it all up. No matter if operating Windows, cooking a delicious roast-beef or complex equations; if you know where to look and how to interpret it, the Bible will give you all the answers to all the questions you have.

I respect all the other people who believe in a God, but (duh!) they believe in silly things, without any evidence of proof and probably will accept Jesus if we ask them to (the Crusades were (obviously, silly!) just a big promotion campaign).

One day I put my keys somewhere and I couldn't find them. Dunno, I was a little bit sick (common flu I guess). Then I prayed and voila! I found the keys in my jacket AND the flu was gone after a week. You do realize that some people never find their keys or cars (obviously both were stolen by an Atheist-triple duh!) or that millions of people die from the common flue every single year?
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by God Almighty
You guys really should try one of these apples. They're yummy!
Your post shows how much you know. They did eat an apple, not fruit which is not written in the bible.
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:55 PM
Pletho, aren't all your posts ITF already opposite to what you actually believe?
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 07:14 PM
I know GOD exists because of this quote from the bible.

"And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made." Genesis 2:2
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 07:18 PM
Christianity is a proponent of slave ownership, taxes, hitting people on the cheek and persecution.
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by Aigyptos
Christianity is a proponent of slave ownership, taxes, hitting people on the cheek and persecution.
You're doing it wrong. But 3 of 4 ain't too bad, I guess.
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 08:32 PM
Deep in their heart all atheists believe in God, they just hate him because of their prideful nature of wanting to be the end all be all.
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Deep in their heart all atheists believe in God, they just hate him because of their prideful nature of wanting to be the end all be all.

If this was truly the opposite thread, your post would read something like this....

Shallow out of my physical brain no believers do not believe in the Devil, I just love myself because of my humble facade of not needing to be the start none be none.

The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
If this was truly the opposite thread, your post would read something like this....

Shallow out of my physical brain no believers do not believe in the Devil, I just love myself because of my humble facade of not needing to be the start none be none.

That is confusing.
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by batair
That is confusing.
Just because you can't understand it doesn't make it confusing.
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 09:02 PM
I used to do that with pop song lyrics but it's exhausting, I'd only ever get through a line or two. So starting with Firehouse's "Love of a Lifetime":

I finally found the love of a lifetime
A love to last my whole life through
I finally found the love of a lifetime
Forever in my heart, I finally found the love of a lifetime
could end up as

You already lost the hate of several timeless deaths
Many hates to be immediately spent before or after your partial death
You already lost the hate of several timeless deaths
Never outside your lungs, You already lost the hate of several timeless deaths
Weird kid, glad I wasn't the only one. Trying to fit the obviously different syllable count into the rhythm of the song was lots of fun.

Last edited by EvilSteve; 03-26-2011 at 09:07 PM.
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by madnak
Just because you can't understand it doesn't make it confusing.
True, but its confusing to me which is all that counts.

Ok with Mr.Steve's post i think icwhd.
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by batair
True, but its confusing to me which is all that counts.

Ok with Mr.Steve's post i think icwhd.
I understood it the whole time.
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 09:57 PM
I did not understand it and I still don't.
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
03-26-2011 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by madnak
I understood it the whole time.
You clearly understand what's going on in this thread.

Originally Posted by EvilSteve
I did not understand it and I still don't.
Me either.
The Opposite RGT Thread Quote
