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Noah's Ark Thread Noah's Ark Thread

03-05-2009 , 01:22 PM
seems like an insect is an animal so i guess moses had to stick a few ants on his boat too.
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-05-2009 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
If you are capable of believing in such obvious bull****, you need to reevaluate everything you believe, seriously.
I think it's worse than this. Knowing that the human brain is versatile enough to believe something as ridiculous as the Noah story freaks me the **** out. It makes me want to reevaluate everything I believe!

I think Jib and most others who believe the Noah Ark story are major victims of child abuse. (I'm sure most of us sympathize with these people even though their inane arguments piss us off so much) What worries me is the fact that Jib and others will likely never recognize how mentally abused they once were, which means that our brains can be screwed with to such a point that not only will it believe in super crazy bat **** but it will also believe it was never screwed with.

I think this makes it a lock that I'm severely deluded in some huge way that I'll never see. The fact that I'm less deluded than someone who believes in the Noah story isn't very comforting. I'm fine with the brain having a few glitches, but THIS? Not THIS!
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-05-2009 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by JMa
seems like an insect is an animal so i guess moses had to stick a few ants on his boat too.
hope he was wise enough to grab the ones that can reproduce
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-05-2009 , 05:18 PM
I think Jib and most others who believe the Noah Ark story are major victims of child abuse. (I'm sure most of us sympathize with these people even though their inane arguments piss us off so much) What worries me is the fact that Jib and others will likely never recognize how mentally abused they once were, which means that our brains can be screwed with to such a point that not only will it believe in super crazy bat **** but it will also believe it was never screwed with.

I think this makes it a lock that I'm severely deluded in some huge way that I'll never see. The fact that I'm less deluded than someone who believes in the Noah story isn't very comforting. I'm fine with the brain having a few glitches, but THIS? Not THIS!
I really could care less about the story and it gives me no comfort. Just because you are mildly ******ed and cannot come up with a legit argument does not give you the right to say there is something wrong with me. Please keep you dime store psycho bable to yourself. ty.
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-05-2009 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I really could care less about the story and it gives me no comfort. Just because you are mildly ******ed and cannot come up with a legit argument does not give you the right to say there is something wrong with me. Please keep you dime store psycho bable to yourself. ty.
lol, legit argument? Step around the amateur psychoanalysis (which, if you were an atheist, you'd be treated to via Splendour every day or so). How about the fact that just about every aspect of the Ark story is so obviously false that believing it makes you basically appear incapable of any quantitative reasoning at all? You believe there are metaphors in the Bible, I assume, and the Ark story is completely outlandish and ridiculous, so why not just take the position that it's a metaphor?
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-05-2009 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I really could care less about the story and it gives me no comfort. Just because you are mildly ******ed and cannot come up with a legit argument does not give you the right to say there is something wrong with me. Please keep you dime store psycho bable to yourself. ty.
Jib do you believe the measurements of the Ark stated here?

Genesis 6:15 "And this [is the fashion] which thou shalt make it [of]: The length of the ark [shall be] three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. 16 A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; [with] lower, second, and third [stories] shalt thou make it." [KJV]

"Noah's Ark was taller than a 3-story building and had a deck area the size of 36 lawn tennis courts. Its length was 300 cubits (450 feet, or 135 meters); its width was 50 cubits (75 feet, or 22.5 meters); it had three stories and its height was 30 cubits (45 feet, or 13.5 meters)."
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-05-2009 , 05:54 PM
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-05-2009 , 05:57 PM
I ask again for you to read through this from an earlier thread. I will preface it with the following- I started to do calculations for weight and mass for just keeping a few animals fed and some notes on byproducts (er-- poop). In the part below I was being generous saying that there was only 200 animals. The sites you listed suggest there were 16K animals. Also, my figures were based on 40 days and nights... when in reality it was supposed to be for 150 days to a year. So any figures below can be multiplied by 4.

for the sake of argument lets pretend that there were only 200 different animals... thinking about what they're going to eat is entirely relevent.

Let's look at an african elephant. These animals typically ingest an average of 225 kg of vegetal matter daily. (that's approx 500 pounds) And each elephant requires 50 gallons of fresh water daily. Multiply that by 2 elephants over 40 days and 40 nights and you get... 40,000 pounds of vegetal matter and 4000 gallons of fresh water.

That's just for the African elephants.

We still have 199 species to go.

How about the anteater? The anteater's primary diet is termites. Do you suppose noah stocked up on enough termites in his wooden boat to feed a pair of anteaters for 40 days?

A pair of lions? They'll require approximately 26 pounds of meat a day. 26x40=1040 pounds of meat? Do you think Noah kept a meatlocker or did he have to keep herds of live animals to feed the carnivores? (which in turn would have to be taken care of until they were ready to eat?)

Just 197 more species to go...

How about a pair of giraffes? A giraffe can eat 140 pounds of leaves and twigs a day. Hey that's another 11,000 pounds of vegetation for ol' Noah to find room for on board. More fresh water.

Just 196 more species to go..

How about just poop? Do you have any idea the amount of poop generated by animals? The elephant can eat nearly 500 pounds a day and loses MOST of it as feces. If Noah's family did nothing but shovel animal fecal matter off the decks of the ship, it would probably keep them busy all day.

Without resorting to the asinine "it was just magic"... please explain to us why it isn't perfectly reasonable to question how the animals would be fed. We've only discussed 4 possible species and we already have 50,000 pounds of vegetation, 1000 pounds of meet, over 4000 gallons of fresh water, termites.... and we've only discussed 2% of the animals (and that's with us pretending there are only 200 different land animals)
By the way, the article you posted mentions the poop and says that the poop could be filtered to the bottom of the boat and then Noah's family would just throw it overboard. We are talking about literally TONS of feces deposited every day. The rebuttal dismisses it as manageable that 8 people would feed 16K animals and shovel multiple tons of poop every day. You really think that sounds realistic?

As the last paragraph explains... for 4 animal pairs listed, they would have to acquire and store 50,000 pounds of vegetation and 1000 pounds of meat and have access to 4000 gallons of fresh water. That doesn't address the needs of the additional 15,992 animals on board or that of the crew.

This doesn't sound ridiculous to you when you think about the details?
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-05-2009 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I really could care less about the story and it gives me no comfort. Just because you are mildly ******ed and cannot come up with a legit argument does not give you the right to say there is something wrong with me. Please keep you dime store psycho bable to yourself. ty.
What I'm trying to say is there's something drastically wrong with the human brain. The very fact that you think I need to come up with a legit argument to sway your position tells me this.

Now someone else may say, "No, this just means Jib is ignorant when it comes to logic. He doesn't understand a very basic principle that a claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

But I think the fact that we even have to learn logic, and so many humans struggle with logic tells me our brains are in dire need of an upgrade.

Also, I don't need to come up with a legit argument. Have you read through this thread. There are many outstanding arguments that show the Noah story could never happen.

You have no problem with understanding that Mother Goose never happened yet the Noah Story convinces you. That's how I know you're a major victim of mental child abuse.
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-05-2009 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
What I'm trying to say is there's something drastically wrong with the human brain. The very fact that you think I need to come up with a legit argument to sway your position tells me this.

Now someone else may say, "No, this just means Jib is ignorant when it comes to logic. He doesn't understand a very basic principle that a claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

But I think the fact that we even have to learn logic, and so many humans struggle with logic tells me our brains are in dire need of an upgrade.

Also, I don't need to come up with a legit argument. Have you read through this thread. There are many outstanding arguments that show the Noah story could never happen.

You have no problem with understanding that Mother Goose never happened yet the Noah Story convinces you. That's how I know you're a major victim of mental child abuse.
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-05-2009 , 07:18 PM
Though I'd like to think the arguments already provided would easily sway you, I thought I would post some notes from wikipedia on Noah's Ark.

The story has been subject to extensive elaborations in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, ranging from hypothetical solutions to practical problems (e.g. waste disposal and the problem of lighting the interior), through to theological interpretations (e.g. the Ark as the precursor of the Church in offering salvation to mankind).[3] By the 19th century, the discoveries of geologists, archaeologists and biblical scholars had led most scientists[4][5][6] and many Christians[7] to abandon a literal interpretation of the Ark story, but Biblical literalists today continue to take the Ark as test-case for their understanding of the Bible, and explore the region of the mountains of Ararat, where Genesis says Noah's Ark came to rest.
The article goes on to explain how even early Christians considered the story allegorical and wrote about the meanings of the story.

Biblical scholars were beginning to examine the origins of the Bible itself. The Noah's Ark story played a central role in the new theories, largely because it seemed to contain two stories, closely intertwined. It states twice over, for example, that God was angered with His creation, but the reasons given in each telling are slightly different; we are told that there was a single pair of each animal aboard, but also that there were seven pairs of the clean animals; that the source of the water was rain, but also that it came from the "windows of Heaven" and the "fountains of the Deep"; that the rains lasted forty days, but that the waters rose for 150. Using the newly developed tools of biblical criticism, scholars discovered in the Ark narrative two complete, coherent, parallel stories. This, they decided, was how the entire Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible) had been written: the work of many authors over many centuries, combining separate sources into a single whole.[28]

See also: Deluge (mythology)
The 19th century also saw the growth of Middle Eastern archaeology. One of the most remarkable of their discoveries was a Mesopotamian story which paralleled the story of Noah's Ark in great detail. The story came in several versions, but the closest to Genesis 6-9 was found in a 7th century BC Babylonian copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh: the hero Gilgamesh meets the immortal man Utnapishtim, who tells how the god Ea warned him to build a vessel in which to save his family, his friends, and his wealth and cattle from a great flood which the gods planned to use to destroy all life on earth.[29]
I checked the footnotes in the article to see what the reference was that said many christians did not believe. They referenced this quote from Thomas Huxley in 1890 re Noah's Ark. Over 100 years ago, it would appear that educated Christians weren't taking the story to be literal...

^ a b 'Notwithstanding diligent search, I have been unable to discover that the universality of the Deluge has any defender left, at least among those who have so far mastered the rudiments of natural knowledge as to be able to appreciate the weight of evidence against it. For example, when I turned to the "Speaker's Bible," published under the sanction of high Anglican authority, I [218] found the following judicial and judicious deliverance, the skilful wording of which may adorn, but does not hide, the completeness of the surrender of the old teaching', Thomas Huxley, 'The Lights of the Church and the Light of Science', Collected Essays, volume 4, pages 217-218 (1890)
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-05-2009 , 07:31 PM
If it was a world wide flood caused by rain and upwelling of water from the depths of the earth like the myth says. It would of diluted the oceans and created brackish conditions killing all salt water and fresh water creatures. They must of had some kick ass fish tanks on that boat to fit blue whales.

Last edited by batair; 03-05-2009 at 07:50 PM. Reason: noticed through my bad grammar that sal****er is censored
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-05-2009 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by batair
If it was a world wide flood caused by rain and upwelling of water from the depths of the earth like the myth says. It would of diluted the oceans and created brackish conditions killing all salt water and fresh water creatures. They must of had some kick ass fish tanks on that boat to fit blue whales.
If the whole Earth were to flood you would need 5 times the water that is currently available on Earth. The Bible says that the result of the flood was rain for 40 days and nights.... If it rained for 40 days and 40 nights an amount of 5 times the water that is present on Earth today... the pressure of that much precipitation in the air would crush your lungs.
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-05-2009 , 09:42 PM
Evidence against Noah's Ark story - see the posts in this thread.
Evidence for Noah's Ark story - the Bible said so.

Hmmmm. Here's a situation where 80 someodd posts in a random internet thread on a random forum COMPLETELY ANNIHILATE the inerrancy of the Bible.

It's ok though, you can still play the metaphorical card (because it's the only way out of the corner and into protecting the Bible's inerrant status).
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-05-2009 , 09:55 PM
I think we lost Jib in this thread... btw where is Erf?
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-05-2009 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by nittyit
If the whole Earth were to flood you would need 5 times the water that is currently available on Earth. The Bible says that the result of the flood was rain for 40 days and nights.... If it rained for 40 days and 40 nights an amount of 5 times the water that is present on Earth today... the pressure of that much precipitation in the air would crush your lungs.
The Bible says that the fountains of the depths were partly responsible, not just rain. Supposedly God had stores of caped water in the depths of the earth that he unleashed.

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

But yea even if you round up every drop of water flooding the earth would be impossible.

Last edited by batair; 03-05-2009 at 10:47 PM.
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-05-2009 , 11:06 PM
It's 2009 and a debate on the potential for the Noah's Ark story to be true is 7+ pages long. How depressing is that.

EDIT: Blue Whales FTW
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-05-2009 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by PerpetualCzech
It's 2009 and a debate on the potential for the Noah's Ark story to be true is 7+ pages long. How depressing is that.

EDIT: Blue Whales FTW
The theists have left the premises so the thread may die soon.
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-06-2009 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by nittyit
The theists have left the premises so the thread may die soon.
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-06-2009 , 02:02 AM
Jib eating a nice McPwnd right now
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-06-2009 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by nittyit
I think we lost Jib in this thread... btw where is Erf?
Maybe if you guys weren't such a-holes he wouldn't have left. (Not you specifically, but there's been a very abrasive and insulting tone from atheists in this thread.)
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-06-2009 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Jib eating a nice McPwnd right now
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-06-2009 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Justin A
Nevermind wiki is all over this stuff. Here's the specific claim I was talking about:

Toba catastrophe theory

This part is interesting: "These estimates do not contradict the consensus estimates that Y-chromosomal Adam lived some 60,000 years ago..."

Y-chromosomal Adam is the most recent common ancestor for all descended y-chromosomes in the human population. According to the Bible Noah's Y-chromosome would have been passed to every male on the planet, and so you'd need Noah to have lived around 60,000 years ago.

General population bottleneck page: Population bottleneck
I have been looking into this more. I have not found a timeline that people like Dr. Hugh Ross put the flood in. It seems apparent that they are not putting it anywhere near what YEC's do. Ross talks about farming and such showing up as far as 15,000 years ago in various parts of the world. So he does not believe that the flood happened after that. He also talks about the bottleneck and how is supports the biblical view of creation. So right now I do not have answer as to timeline.

This is not a strong area for me yet. Really until I came to SMP I would have been classified as a YEC. Of course I had not put any real thought into it at all and never once investigated it at all. It was not until I started posting in SMP did I do research and find out how wrong I was both biblically and scientifically. So I am still working though things.

Once I have a better answer I will let you know.

As far as the rest of the arguments, not really worth responding to any longer. You guys can even go on a YEC website to get your answers. That is how ridiculous your questions are.

I am now done with this thread.
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-06-2009 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
As far as the rest of the arguments, not really worth responding to any longer. You guys can even go on a YEC website to get your answers. That is how ridiculous your questions are.
lol, so its the questions that are ridiculous and not the YEC answers. Christian arrogance ftw.
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
03-06-2009 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
One theory I heard is that the holy-crap-that's-old ages are actually months. Meaning Noah would have lived to be around 80. Dunno how credible it is.

The problem is that the same sections in the bible that say ____ lived 950 years also say ____ begat _____ at an age of 20-30 years.

Kind of kills the "month" theory for me.
Noah's Ark Thread Quote
