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National Revelation Concept National Revelation Concept

03-13-2009 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
1) People were sick of the gruesomeness of the OT god and needed a change.
Earlier in the thread, you and madnak spoke about marketing (how it's easier to sell personal revelations). Point #1 above should be of particular interest to you.
National Revelation Concept Quote
03-13-2009 , 12:31 PM
1. Probably the most important of daily Jewish prayers is the following phrase "Hear, O Israel, I am the Lord your God, the Lord who is ONE." Feel free to Google this, research it look at the original Hebrew, etc. There is no alternate interpretation for echad. It unequivocally means "one."
I think that it is important that you understand that Christianity does believe in one God. And that the trinity is supported in both the NT and the OT. So this is not a new concept here.

Here is a very quick read supporting what I am saying here. CLICK HERE
National Revelation Concept Quote
03-13-2009 , 12:43 PM
Michael Heiser is an ancient languages scholar and he touches on the edges of the Trinity concept.

Heiser talks about a term used by the Hebrews: The Memra
National Revelation Concept Quote
03-13-2009 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by ezmogee
Which begs the question. If there are approximately 15,000 known, recorded religions in the world (and correct me if this number is wrong), why have 14,998.5 (Christianity believes that thousands saw Jesus' miracles) been rooted in personal revelation.

This is a fundamental argument that I find logically compelling about Judaism.
I would say it makes Judaism more plausible. But it is one detail among many.

You wrote that religion won't hold up to logical scrutiny. I'm asking you to work with me to scrutinize Judaism and see if we can break it. Christianity is a different animal.
Well, what exactly is it that you believe? The Bible is like a Rorschach test, and the same goes for the Tanakh (which I'm honestly not that familiar with except as the Old Testament).

If you believe the Pentateuch is a literally true recounting of events, then we could certainly start there. I've been leaning so hard on the problem of evil it might do me good to switch to a God who doesn't even claim to be benevolent.
National Revelation Concept Quote
03-13-2009 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Thank you for posting the National Revelation concept again OP because it just gave me a wonderful spirit filled picture.

The National Revelation is God forming the roots of his tree of salvation. It grows into the trunk of Jesus Christ passes through the branches of the Apostles and out to the tinier branches and leaves that represent the whole world.

Anthropomorphic yes but why not? God is everywhere in nature.

Now you can choose to be a part of the Tree of Life or the Tree of Knowledge. (Though that's really a con game choice though because the Tree of Life contains Knowledge while the Tree of Knowledge contains Death).

The world even went so far as to hang Christ on a symbol of death: the cross which is a dead tree.

Btw the roots are not cutoff or replaced the Christians are grafted in and nourished by the root. God Bless the Jews. See Genesis 12 for God's blessing upon them.

Also if you doubt all the above then why are the Jews so persecuted throughout the world? Its just the God of this World trying to tear up the tree of life by its roots. That's about it.

Pick your tree wisely.
I knew Christ was in the trunk. God really does have a sense of Scroll down to picture:
National Revelation Concept Quote
03-16-2009 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Genesis 12 (New International Version - UK)

Genesis 12
The Call of Abram
1 The LORD had said to Abram, Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you.

2I will make you into a great nation

and I will bless you;

I will make your name great,

and you will be a blessing.

3 I will bless those who bless you,

and whoever curses you I will curse;

and all peoples on earth

will be blessed through you.
See here's another divine mystery OP that played out right in front of the world if they only take the time to look. Right here in this forum. God blessed all the people in the poker world through the Jews through David Sklansky and his books. In particular his "Theory of Poker". God blessed the whole poker world when DS wrote that book. There must be hundreds of thousands of people who he affected and he's probably indirectly fed tens of thousands of poker players and their families by improving their EV potential.

All that's left is for DS to step up and claim his own blessing from God. God is always waiting on us to turn acknowledge him and bestow his blessing.
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